Chapter 13

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MaryKay P.O.V.

I had just flown from Louisiana to Virginia yesterday

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I had just flown from Louisiana to Virginia yesterday. I stayed over with my dad and Cathy had stayed with her mom. Shawn and Alex came down too and a lot of people from LSU. Today was the time we had to face the music. "Are you okay." My dad said coming in. I sighed. "I'm fine about now I just have to go through this. Im doing it one step at a time." I smiled at him. "Okay lets hurry there it should be starting soon." He told me as we exited out of the house and to the church that was 5 minutes away. We grew around this church we had been baptized here and used to come nearly every Sunday whether it was just to get out of the house because we were grounded or to really listen and get close with god.

As we walked on everyone was given a pamphlet. I sighed and took a deep breath. I sat in the front with his family. At the beginning his mother was like my second mother figure but when Trevor went to college and I didnt come that night she seemed to have a grudge towards me then his dad came back into their life and turned her to a bougie ass wannabe. She used to be such a soul-ful person. Guess those days are over. She looked over at me with her nose pointed up before turning back to the service. It was basically a lot of singing and preaching until every said their speeches. His parents went up there first.

"I know my baby wouldn't have wanted me to come up here and pretend like everything is okay cause its not. I'm missing my baby boy. My only child. I loved him so dearly. Trevor never had a need for anything he was so involve in every thing. He loved playing football and when he found out he had got many scholarships to play he jumped and took the chance. I can't tell you all of what happened on that campus because I dont know but I know my baby didnt wanna have to end like this. If MaryKay his childhood girlfriend would come say somethomgs I would be happy." She looked over at me. I quickly Stood walking slowly over to the podium.

"Well as most of you may know and like his mother said I was his childhood girlfriend. Trevor was the type of person who loved everyone. He had love for everyone no matter what. When we grew up as children he was the calm one who always observed before going and speaking out. Sometimes you would have to figure him out. I gladly broke that shell as we came up. When we got older in his senior year. We had everything planned out he always thought that we wouldn't ever be with other people. That was until he had to leave and he found it best we end our relationship. I was hurt. Took months until I had go out of my slump. So when I finally came back to LSU at first it was like coming face to face to your destruction. He knew every part of me he knew how to break and make me back up. When we finally got back friends it was like I finally got that piece of me back. His last day on Earth we went skating. Since I didnt know how and he always wanted to teach me (chuckles) Then we went to eat and danced when we got back to the dorm I thought everything was fine. Then I hear..... He's gone." I paused breaking down.

"Do you know what its like loosing your childhood friend. The love of your life. The person who has always been there for you beside 2 years. He was my first time......and its sad to say my child that is now growing in me will never know his father." I cried out. I was pregnant. "Stop lying bitch! You probably slept with half of Louisiana you just want the money in his will!" His mother yelled. I looked at her shook. "Not to be disrespectful but listen...I dont want his fucking money! May I mind you my father is a lawyer and hard working. I dont need your sons money. I only slept with Trevor once and that was about 2 months ago when I lost my virginity." I rolled my eyes at her. "Can't believe you would do or say some shit like that at your own sons funeral. You know what goodbye." I said storming out of there.

Jax P.O.V.

"Aye Kay wait up!" I yelled running across the street from the church

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"Aye Kay wait up!" I yelled running across the street from the church. What went down in there wasn't cool. I wanna make sure sure she straight. Yeah she may have shut me and her having something down but still we can just be friends and I'll have her back because she's going through something and seems like a genuine person. She paused and looked back at me. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded. "Damn well I know this may be hard and everything especially with you being pregnant." I sighed. Tears welded up in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brung that up but let's go get some food." I told her. "No it wasn't that just I dont know what I'll do about the baby but forget all that let's get some food pregnant women love to eat." She laughed.

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