Chapter 2

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Trevor P.O.V.
I hadn't forgotten about her. And I know it was wrong to move on but I had to get accustomed to the college life. Everything was good its just a missing place in my heart where I know she fits and should be. I just been waiting for her to get to this point so we could be together. I'm going to do whatever I can to get her to come and be with me again. "Do you know her baby?" Valorie asked. If only I could be gently and not hurt Valorie in the process. "That's my ex." I told her. There was no point in lying. "Wow small world. I hope she didn't think she could just pop up here to ruin our relationship." She said with a southern accent.

Valorie was a preppy rich ass brat. She is a cheerleader and also a sorority leader. In that sorority it ain't about sisterhood its who has the most money and since Valorie does then Valorie is the leader and she treats everyone else like her peasant. She thinks me and her are different species from other people. I believe she is only with me for her image. Since I'm a football player and a little popular I guess. But she still treats me as if I'm a rag doll.

I shook my head. "She probably forgot about me until now." I sighed. "And she better or I'll have my daddy kick her out and off her ass so fa-" she stopped herself cause she sounded different and mean and just her little accent was gone and sound like a new yorker. She fixed her self. "Excuse me how un lady like of me. I'll talk to you later muffin." She put her accent back and walked away.

MaryKay P.O.V.
"So do you guys like parties?" Shawn asked. He had followed Alex around like a lost puppy. "You keep asking about us what about you?" Alex asked. "I think I'm in love." He gasped. We all laughed. "Well I'm 65% white and 35% Puerto Rican. My eyes are grayish brown most of the time but they change colors sometimes. I came here with a 30 thousand dollar scholarship my parents paid the rest. I'm a Sophomore. My dad is a Doctor and my mom is an Banker. I have a little sister name Lily who is 6. That's about it and oh I'm from Memphis, Tennessee." He shrugged. "What about you I bet you have a more interesting background then me." He shrugged looking over Alex.

"Well I'm from Oakland, California. I'm mixed with African American, Caucasian, Native American, Spanish, and Filipino. I'm a Freshman. I won a contest for a art gallery and a sponsor was there and paid for me to go to any college I choose and I wanted to go somewhere calm cause your lucky if you make it out of Oakland. I chose here and here I am. When I was 16 I started working as a tattoo artist. My dad used to have me there when he worked when I was younger, he died when I was 13, and my mom was drug addict and died of overdose when I was 3. So I'm just trying to make it in life. I have a younger sister Ashley who is 16 I practically raised her we lived with our grandma and she died when I turned 17 but I got to keep Ashley now I just save up all my money. The sponsor really had hopes in me he said when I get to my second year to come to him and be in his company. He is even paying for my sisters boarding school." She said looking like she was in deep thought.

After talking we went and drunk a couple drinks. "Do they have any bathrooms?" I asked. Shawn pointed to a small building across from me. I went over in the inside it just had vending machines and a large door. I went in and it was filled with about 7 bathrooms and mirrors across with sinks. You can say it looked like how churches are. I squatted did my business and got out and washed my hands. I saw Valorie walk up from behind me. She stood behind me looking in the mirror. "If you think your gonna come and ruin my reputation or my boyfriends or even take him away your wrong. I'm rich I have power so I can remove you like a dirty stain." She mugged me. "Listen I'm not here for you or him." I said before walking out. Who the hell does she think she is. Don't take my kindness as a weakness darling.

Once we got back to the campus I went straight to my dorm room feeling tired. I saw a game day flyer on the door it was in the next two days. Maybe I'll go maybe not. I went inside changed and showered. I went and laid in my comfortable bed and drowned into sleep.

Valorie P.O.V
"Yes Trevor!" I moaned. I rode onto him. "Fuck Kay." He groaned with his eyes closed. I hopped off of him. "Who the hell is Kay?" I asked. "I'm sorry." He apologize. "Its her isn't it." I scoffed thinking of my roommate. "I just been thinking about her lately." He sighed. "I dont know why she isn't anymore than a average looking stick." I lied. I felt intimidated by her she was a nice person and when I first met her I wanted to be her friend she had that affect and she was very pretty. But no one was going to knock me down from the top. I am the queen of Louisiana State. I looked over at MY boyfriend and smirked. "I know how to make you forget about her." I got down and kissed his tip before going to work. Moments later I could feel him about to cum. I stopped. "Fuck man." He said. "Whose is this?" I asked. "Yours." He said I went back and finished and let him cum in my mouth. If only I could trap Trevor with a baby but with Louisiana's high Aids rate he would never take a condom off so I'd have to catch one of his condoms.

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