Chapter 8

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1 Month Later...
Catherine P.O.V.

I was just walking around in the mall today

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I was just walking around in the mall today. I stopped seeing that boy. Sorry but either break up with her or leave me alone. I've been through enough already don't need the girlfriend drama. Lately things have been good. I tried out for our dance team and made it in so that keeps me occupied with classes. My mom is doing good down in Virginia so no complaining here.

I made a turn to Saks. I loved the heels here but I always had to pace myself I'd buy 3 pairs at a time. My mother was hard working for her money and always reloaded more money on my card but I didn't want to take her for granted. I eyed a couple pairs and then saw the perfect heels. I gasped they screamed me. My favorite color was red my favorite heels were pumps, and I love any heels open toed, and I loved lace heels just its hard getting everything you want in one heel.

So I feasted my eyes on the perfect red, lace, open toed, pump I'd ever seen. I walked fastly to the shoe seeing that no one had thought of getting them was surprising. Just before I was able to reach out and grab it a girls hands had took them. "These will be perfect." She smiled. She had blonde hair and the one and only Riley was by her. I sighed. Out of everywhere. I pouted. I would die for those shoes. "Excuse me, Diana." I called over to one of the shoe sell women I knew. "Oh Catherine so nice to see you." She smiled. "Do you have anymore of those?" I asked. She looked over and made a sad face.

"I'm so sorry but that is a newly Dolce and Gabbana shoe, only released 50 pairs to 50 different popular shoe places. So all the stores only have one pair. We were lucky to get a bite I'm sorry but we don't have anymore." She told me. I sighed. "Well if its one of a kind I must have it. Riley baby will you buy this for me?" She asked. "I guess." He looked annoyed. He turned his face forward me and smiled. I turned my head. I went and just settled for some white leather pumps. I went over to get it rung up I was behind Riley and his girl. "$874.89." The lady said without hesitation.

Geez glad I didn't get them my mother would freak if I spent nearly a thousand dollars on shoes. I guess I'd just have to wait till the brand releases the rest. "Um i didn't bring that much money on me. You told me you wanted to chill so I brought out 2 hundred dollars not my whole bank account I thought we'd just order pizza or go to the movies like regular couples instead you tricked me into going shopping." He said. She scoffed. "I'll pay but damn when are you gonna do something better then play football do you even get paid?" She asked swiping her card.

"Excuse me but yes I get paid every winning game this is college football and I work a job I'm not broke I just don't spend reckless like you. Im starting to think you don't see my as your boyfriend instead you see me as less for chauffer, object, and damn money tree." He sighed. "I'm not about to argue with you." She said walking off taking her bag with her heels clacking. Before he followed behind he turned to her. "Guess I gotta get back to that but you look good and I had a great time that night." He smirked before jogging.

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