Chapter 12

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A month later.....
Mary Kay P.O.V.

You dont know the feeling

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You dont know the feeling. Hearing the one love of your life, the first love of your life, your first time, your best friend is gone. Their never coming back. I cried. I won't lie I cried so much I couldn't keep the tears from pouring out. The funeral was next week his parents waited so long because they were "busy". I sighed as Catherine came back in with a tray of food. "I'm not hungry." I told her for the fourth time today. Her and Alex had been staying with me. Valorie was dead and I really didnt fault him for killing the bitch. "No! No more of you telling me what your gonna do, eat! Now! You haven't eaten all day and unless you want me to call your dad and my mom then I suggest you eat." She told me.

I sighed. Tears threaten to fall. She sighed and whimpered before I saw her place the tray by my bed side and come next to me and rub my back. "Its okay, its gonna get better.....your gonna be fine I swear." She promised. "Its just, I dont know. We had a awesome time the day before. why? What happened in the couple hours he left from my dorm?" I sobbed. "Baby this isn't your fault, and you know he was battling this maybe he just decided to throw the towel in. Its over now. I dont want anymore crying. Get dress your coming out tonight." She told me.

"Bu-" "Nope you snuck out of eating now your going there's a pool party at 3 its 1:43 so I suggest you start getting dressed I'm right in the living room if you need me." She told me. "Cathy." I called. "Yes?" She turned towards me. "I love you and thanks for this." I told her. She smiled. "No problem sis." She said before leaving out.

Shawn P.O.V.

After a quiet day of running plays we all sat on field about to leave

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After a quiet day of running plays we all sat on field about to leave. All of us were like brothers. No matter who all played we still spent time together at practice, on the field, partying, and we all lived in the same dorm housing. Many of us grew a strong no gay stuff love for Trevor. For just anyone on the team to be gone it was gone take a toll on us. So for it be Trevor who played a big role and part with this team, Trevor was like outspoken he really was like awesome on the field, he had love for anyone and even Valorie before she gave him aids he still had love for her, he was a leader, he never started any problems and was a cool guy.

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