Chapter 3

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1 month later....
MaryKay P.O.V.
Lately I've been avoiding Trevor and we barely see each other because I'm always over Catherine and Alex's I catch him sometimes over in our dorm with Valorie but I ignore him. I woke up and showered and got dressed so I could go to my classes. Valorie was a morning person. She always got up early and went for a morning run. After changing into my underwear. I looked around for my shirt and saw Madison, which is Valorie's demon dog. She had my shirt in her mouth and ran off. I walked over into Valorie's room where she was. I paused for a minute seeing the all purple giving me migraines. It was a pretty room but so much color.


Valorie's Room

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Valorie's Room

Madison came in front of me with a paper in her mouth

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Madison came in front of me with a paper in her mouth. I took it out and it was STD test results. She was positive for aids. I frowned. How can a girl this mean go through this and not change for the better. I thought to myself. Just then Valorie stomped in and snatched the paper out my hand. "Why are you going through my stuff!?" She yelled. I stood up. "Madison ran in with my shirt and I-" "Dont blame you snooping on my dog...If you tell anyone about this!" She threatened. "I won't tell anyone its not my business." I mumbled getting out. I looked at Trevor who looked confused coming into the room and looked back at Valorie who hid the test results. I shook my head and went back to changing my clothes.

 I shook my head and went back to changing my clothes

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"Aye Kay?" I heard someone say as I grabbed my books. I turned and met the face of Trevor. I held a confused frown. "Yes?" I asked. "I'm sorry how Valorie acts....she know about us having a past and that probably set fuel to her fire so she's got a lot of hatred for you." He scratched the back of his head. I rolled my eyes. "She thinks I came here for you." I told him. "And you didn't?" He asked. The cockiness in him hasnt changed. I thought. "No. you knew when you accepted LSU this was where I planned to go so stay out of my way and let me do me just like you did when you left." I shrugged leaving out. I didn't come here for him, his girl or their bullshit.

Trevor P.O.V.
"Listen Valorie she's your roommate don't you think you should be a little nicer towards her." I said sitting across from her in a booth at a cafe. I felt guilty for the way Valorie was treating Mary Kay. I mean me calling Kay's name during sex just set her off. "No, soon I'll be in the sorority house and not bothered by her." She scoffed. When I walked in after talking to one of my football brothers I caught the end of their argument. "Hey babe what did you mean if she tells any one? Tell anyone about what?" I asked her. She gave an uneasy look. "Uh, oh, nothing." She smiled. "You sure cause it didn't seem that way?" I asked again. She sucked her teeth. "Babe just forget about it." She rolled her eyes. I nodded. "Well you wanna swing over to my dorm?" I asked. "Um, I've been feeling under the weather lately. I also am deciding to go celibate. I want to be closer to god you know and if you really love me you'll wait." She smiled strongly. I wonder what changed her mind all of a sudden because not to be rude but Valorie was a sex fiend.

Valorie P.O.V.
I wasn't that evil to give Trevor a fucking untreatable fatal disease. Plus that would ruin my reputation. He would get so mad he would tell everyone. After lunch with Trevor I went back to my dorm and checked out the place to make sure that bitch wasn't here. I called my daddy. "Daddy there's really no way we can make this better, or something?" I asked. "I'm sorry sweetheart but the best we can do is go to the doctor and see how long you have...... Do you know who gave you this?" He asked. "No." I told him. He sighed. "I'll check in with you later on your mother is calling." He told me before hanging up. Not even an I Love You. I was used to it now he just cared about the image not our daddy-daughter relationship. I laid on the bed crying out.  Im going to die.

MaryKay P.O.V
"Damn so the Ms Débutante is dying?" Alex took in. I nodded. "Yea. Who would've ever figured?" I said. "Trevor could possibly have it then." Caitlyn brung up. "Its not my business so what can I do or say. Ill just keep them in prayers I guess." I shrugged. "Wow a week of college and someone already has an STD. Who do you guys think she got it from?" Alex asked. "Well Trevor has OCD and before when we were talking about having sex he explained how he always wore a condom until he knew everything was fine." I simply said. "Well if that's the case Miss thing is cheating and Trevor is safe." Alex said. I really didn't care i wouldn't be doing anything near him anyway.

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