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2 years later....
Alex & Shawn's House

Alex & Shawn's House

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Alex P.O.V.

I walked out of the hotel just to be surrounded by millions of paparazzi

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I walked out of the hotel just to be surrounded by millions of paparazzi. I cringed for the shit like this in Shawn's career. "Alex are you and Shawn Dylan having problems?!" One of the press yelled loudly. These people scream whatever the fuck came on top of their mind to get a good damn story. I got into my car and drove off. Once I got to the house I went in and saw a angry Shawn on the couch looking distraught. "You ready to tell the truth?" I asked him sternly. "First what's this?" He showed his phone that had a tabloid of me walking out of the Hotel with the words "Girlfriend leaves star running back of the Detroit Lion?" I sighed.

"I didnt think they would've done this shit already. Its always them in our business." I stomped. "Its gone be okay. I can get guards for you. But about last night. No I have not been cheating on you." He said. Lately he ain't been around much and I'm starting to wonder. "See-" "No listen to me Alex. Lately I've been with wedding planners, jewelers, and trying to get some bit of your family to fly out cause I was going to propose." He explained. "Oh my god in so sorry." I hugged and squeezed him. "I love you Alex I would never hurt you like that and I never have." He explained. "Well maybe I can make it up to you." I stood grabbing his hand and slowly taking off my coat. He quickly got up and followed me to the bedroom.

Shawn P.O.V.


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