Chapter 11

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A week later......
Alex P.O.V

"You leaving already?" Shawn asked

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"You leaving already?" Shawn asked. I shook my head no. "Last night?" He brought up. I felt butterflies in my stomach. I cheesed. "It was amazing you were.....amazing." I said recalling. Shawn had ate me out. It was my first time ever. "Well remember what we talked about?" He mention. I thought then made a O face. "I'm meeting your parents." I told him. He nodded. "At 3 and its 10." He said. "Oh I have art class at 10:30 I'll be out at 12 bye." I hurried out after kissing his cheek.

Trevor P.O.V.
I cried, I threw up, I felt disgusted with myself, prayed, called my family, told everyone who meant the most I loved them on social media, I just still couldn't grasp what to do with myself. I have Aids. I'm gonna fucking die in a matter of months or years. I haven't been going to practices or classes. I've been in my room for forever. This feels like pure hell. Every time Kay tries to come over I make her leave. I don't want her seeing me like this and I want that bitch Valorie fucking dead. I sighed. My parents honestly don't give a fuck their too busy trying to get me to make a will sending everything I have which is what they have to them. I don't understand.

I heard my door unlock. I sighed. "Riley?!" I called. No answer. I grabbed the lamp by my desk. I stood and crept up to the living. In the kitchen stood Valorie. "Bitch! Get the fuck out what are you doing here!" I yelled at her. "Come on babe might as well accept me no one else is gonna want to be with anyone who has aids unless they also have it too. And your too nice to give it to anyone." She shrugged. "I'd rather be lonely then with a bitch who gave me this your a cruel ass fucking human. What sick minded individual would give a lethal life shortening disease to someone. Oh right you. I'm just over you Valorie. What I meant was I never was into you and now im about to change my locks." I said before walking out. "No! This wasn't supposed to happen! You were supposed to be with me!" She yelled as I walked out.

MaryKay P.O.V

I sat in the bed starring at the wall

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I sat in the bed starring at the wall. Why won't he let me see him. He should be trying to do all the things he wanted to in life. And Valorie oh she's so evil. She should be trying to get godly and saintafied because if not she's going to hell. I heard my door open and close and soon Trevor surprisingly came into sight. "Best friend." I stood quickly and went to hug him but he ran away. "No! Mary you could catch it." He told me. "I can't get it unless I have direct contact. Like sex, blood, fluids." I explained. He sighed.

"Just I wouldn't wish this on anyone so I want to make sure you good. Sorry I've been away so long I really have missed you. Just you don't under-" I cut him off. "Save it what we should be doing is making a list of things to do and doing them." I smiled at him. He laughed. "All my life I just wanted to be with you." He slid his hand across my arm. I smiled holding his hand and walking out with him.

"Remember when we were younger and you never taught me how to skate." I pouted. "Did you ever learn?" He asked. I made a face like 'really'. "No so you owe me." I told him before seeing a uber dropping somebody off and slid in. I gave directions and moments later we were at the skating rink. I went in and we paid and they gave us our skates. "Shit. Agh." I hissed as I fell. "Since when did you ever curse?" He laughed. "I can be bad." I laughed. I fell multiple times it wasn't even funny the point of coming here was pointless because I didn't learn. But he had a great time laughing.

We went to a popular pizza place. "Oouuuu this is awesome." I moaned. He looked at me horrified. "I had you like that once." He smirked. I blushed. "I'm just playing with you but it was so awesome but onto another note when I first came here I ate this it reminded me of your homade pizzas." He told me. I gasped. "You remember." He laughed. "Yea." just then a country song came on and we burst out laughing. "You talking about owing stuff you owe me a dance remember my prom you didn't dance because you wore those high ass heels and were afraid to fall over." He brought up I pushed him before standing and he followed and we began to two step.

Alex P.O.V

"Damn Shawn's really pulling you out of your hardcore thing

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"Damn Shawn's really pulling you out of your hardcore thing. Before you would've never dressed like this." Cathy laughed. "Just be quiet and finish doing my hair." I really wanted to impress Shawn's parents. They had high standards for their son and I guess you can say bougie. But this was a guy I had come to and may be with so I'll work it all out for him.

Trevor P.O.V

After the pizza place we went shopping and I walked Kay back to her dorm

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After the pizza place we went shopping and I walked Kay back to her dorm. I started thinking and my mind drifted. "Sup boy how you doing?" one of my football teammates dapped me up. "I'm here for now ain I." I sighed. I knew the aids thing had spread. "Heard you had the monkey just didnt think they were serious. Well I got high hopes and prays in you." He told me. I nodded. I walked off can't believe this shit I went over to my dorm and this bitch Valorie was still there anger took over me everything is her fault. I can't be with Mary Kay now either. I really wanted her. Today made me realize what could've been. Next thing I knew I raced toward her grabbed her by her neck and slamming her on the wall. I easily put all my strength pressing down on her neck and she gasped for air. Soon she relaxed and became stiff. her once pumping pulse was now non existent. I panicked only one thing to do I called my lawyer, write a note and prepared my self I grabbed a knife, I sighed. Tears escape my eyes "God Forgive me for what I'm about to do." I sighed before stabbing my self in the stomach. All is gone and forgiven all that once meant is now meaningless.

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