Chapter 1

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2 years later.....
MaryKay P.O.V.
"That's it?" My aunt asked. We both nodded. Me and my cousin Catherine were leaving for college. Her and her mom was over our house for dinner and tomorrow me and Cathy would be driving to Lsu tonight well tomorrow cause it would be 2am and I couldn't wait it was my dream college. Cathy was my Bestfriend and cousin. Her mom is my mom's sister. We connect because she lost her dad young and I lost my mom young so my dad is like a father figure for her and her mom is a mother figure for me. We had packed everything and put it in the car so we wouldn't have to worry about it in the morning. We got in and Aunt Karen made had lasagna and a apple pie for dessert.

"Alright Carter say grace." She told my dad. "God in thy name we thank you for letting us make it here. I pray you guide these young children as they leave and see the world on their own. Please help them when they are lost and protect them like we know only you can. Thank you for blessing us in many ways we try but can't thank you enough. Amen." He said before we all dug in. "So I want you girls to stick together and don't act like me and Karen aint teach y'all nothing. Dont be fast y'all know boys gone tell y'all anything to get y'all prized possessions. Alright now." He gave us this speech. I rolled my eyes. "We know dad." I told him. "Carter leave them girls alone they know what to do." Auntie told him. After dinner we went in the room to rest before our big drive.

Sex with me so amazing all this all work no vacation-

I stopped my alarm before hopping up. I slowly woke up Cathy. "C'mon we gotta get dress if we wanna make it there by 6pm." I told her. She nodded before getting up. I went and showered upstairs and changed pulling my hair in a bun. I slipped on some sweats. We went and told them we were leaving. My aunt came out the guest bedroom quick. My dad had fell asleep on the couch working. This was a routine with him being a lawyer. I woke him. "We're about to head out." I took him. He got up and they said goodbye. We hugged them and they ran down long distance rules. "Alright don't over work yourself pops." I hugged him tight before we got in the car and drove off.

Hours Later....
We made it there before six and couldn't wait the campus looked so great from afar and better up close. We parked in the student parking lot and went straight to get into our dorms. She was across from me and her roommate's name was Alex. She had planned for this and had been talking to her roommate for about a month now and said Alex was an artist and a cool down to earth girl. Her room was 375 and mine was 367 both on the third floor on the north dorms.

We hurried and I let her get settled in then I went over into my dorm and opened it. The room had modern pretty black white and red furniture. "I hope you didn't mind. I kind of did some of my own decorating." A pretty mocha girl came out. "No problem." I smiled back. "I'm Valorie you must be Mary Kay you have gorgeous hair what ethnicity are you?" She asked. "White, Black, Dominican, and Hawaiian." I told her.



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