Chapter 9

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A week later....
Mary Kay P.O.V.

Me and Trevor haven't talked since the argument

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Me and Trevor haven't talked since the argument. I really don't care because me and Jax have been hanging a lot more since Trevor's been gone. I was in one of my psychology classes. I felt a tap and looked up to the front of the class where the person was pointing. Trevor and my teacher were looking at me. "Excuse me Ms. Adams, he has a pass for you to go to the Dean." My professor told me. I was confused getting up and walking out. "Why does The Dean want me?" I asked. "The Dean doesn't want you I just used it as a pass for you to come out of class we need to talk." He said before leading me into the empty humongous gym.

"Alright make it quick." I told him. "Im sorry about what happen back then just I didn't expect you to move on. I thought we'd be together again once you came. And now Valorie's out the picture. Kinda thought we'd give us a shot but I see different." He explained. "Alright well it isn't working like that and me and Jax aren't even official yet." I told him he nodded. "Don't stop our friendship over something so small." He told me. "I never said our friendship was over." I told him. He smiled. "Alright back to class kid." He threw his arm around me and walked me to class.

Iyauna P.O.V.

"So when you are breaking up with him?" Michael asked

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"So when you are breaking up with him?" Michael asked. I rolled my eyes. "When are you gonna divorce your wife? Listen here Professor Davis, you know that what we have going on is an affair and unless you want Lisa, your wife to know you will change my grade to an B at least." I squinted my eyes at him. He signed and palmed himself. "Okay Iyauna but this can't happen anymore your 23 and I'm 34. You have a boyfriend and I have a wife so let this been done. I want no more contact." He told me. I laughed hysterically. "You and me both know I can do that but you can't sooner or later your gonna want something young and tasty and youll call me." I blushed. "But this discussion is over." I said before getting up taking a shower and taking some clothes out of his wife's closet to wear and leaving out.

Alex P.O.V.

I laughed

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I laughed. I was in the beaming sun. I had just came from a art lecture and went over to watch Shawn practice cause he had asked me to come see him on the field. It was almost over the Coaches were speaking to them and then someone brought out boxes and all the players huddled up. Shawn came to with a football jersey and T-shirt. "Ill be right back I gotta go shower." He said before speeding off. I scrolled on my phone for a while and then he popped back up in a red tee and some black linen shorts, with Nike socks & slides. We began walking to the dorms.

"So remember when I asked what size you where. Well every year when we get our new football jerseys coach buys support shirts basically for family, girlfriends and all. Well I got a shirt for you and I was wondering if you'd wear it and be my girlfriend?" He asked. I couldn't help the smile. "Of course thank you let me see." He opened it up it was a purple t-shirt with LSU in the front in white, and purple and gold and on the back had #43's girlfriend in white glitter. "Oh my gosh. Whens your next game?" I asked. "Next week." He answered. I smiled. "I can't wait." I said.

We made it to my dorm. I went into Catherine's room to make sure she was okay cause earlier when I left she was sleeping I suppose. I opened the door. "What the fuck." I said a little above whisper. Riley and Cathy were knocked out naked in the bed. Damn it was that good you don't wake up till the next morning. "Cathy!" I yelled at her. "What Alex." She woke up yawning. "I told you don't fuck with him no more he got a whole girlfriend. Now when Iyauna comes for your ass don't say ian tell you." I sighed.

"Riley?!" Shawn walked in. "Man what!" He woke up and sat up. "Damn oh shit oh shit oh shit. I missed practice, and classes. I'm fucking dead." He jumped up exposing more then any of us wanted to see. "Riley! Cover up." Cathy threw one of the loose sheets at him. "What the hell Riley." Shawn sighed. He ran out so fast. "He didn't take his clothes." Cathy gasped. Guess the hallways gonna see some ass today.

A week later......
MaryKay P.O.V.

Today was Jax's and Trevor's game

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Today was Jax's and Trevor's game. I happily was going to wear Trevor's shirt and Jax's letterman jacket. It was hot out so I had on white shorts and a gray shirt for now. When I went outside the sun attacked on my body quickly. I ran across to the Quad where Cathy, Alex, Shawn, Iyauna, Riley, & Trevor sat eating. "Aww you guys got food without me." I pouted. "Uh Jax got us this there he is." Catherine pointed. I smiled at the Chic-fil-a bag in his hand. "Thank you." I hugged him tightly. "Your welcome." He pecked me cheek. We sat. "So us guys gotta get to the game early so after this we gotta go." They told us. I pouted and so did Alex. "Well we'll see you at the game." I told them. After eating they left and us girls starting talking.

Well everyone except Iyauna she acted stuck up. A car pulled up and she got in I caught a glimpse of who it was. It was the Law Professor. She got in and kissed him. "Wow." Alex took the words out of my mouth. I shook my head couldn't believe it.

Valorie P.O.V.

I know its a long time no see but here I am

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I know its a long time no see but here I am. I haven't heard from Trevor in a minute but I'm going to do a surprise pop up soon. He can't just leave me like that I mean at first it was like whatever I don't care but now I noticed i was crazy in love with him and I need him back with me.

After The game.....
Trevor P.O.V.
After the game everyone went home. To get ready for the party and all but me I had business to handle. After going and showering and putting on fresh clothes I went straight to Mary Kay's dorm. I knocked fast. She opened. "Tr-" I cut her off with a kiss. "I'm sorry I can't be without you. Seeing you and Jax around only made me realize that I am still in love with you and Valorie was only a distraction to keep me from crawling back to you." I felt tears crawl around my eyes. She didn't say anything. I grabbed her and took her to her room. I laid her down. I lifted her shirt and kissed on her chest before in doing her bra and going down to her breast. I trailed kisses down to her belly button and licked it before going and removing her pants. I looked up at her and she looked at me with lust. I continued.

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