Chapter 46

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Charlotte's POV
I can't believe what I just saw, what I'm touching.  I smashed the bong on his desk and threw the needles out of the window. I held the pot in shock and confusion. What am I supposed to do with this? Suddenly, the door opened and Trent came running in. "What the fuck Char?" Trent demanded. "Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?" I said back. "Look, there's no need to throw my needles on the lawn! I could get arrested for possession!" Trent exclaimed. "Of what? Herion?" I demanded. "Yes Char, is that what you want to hear? I shoot up. I drink. I smoke. I vape. Are we done here?" Trent demanded and pushed me towards the door. "TRENT! Stop this! You're only nineteen! You can't do this dumb shit now! Plus you're an uncle and a brother. Do want to set a shitty example for them?" I yelled. "Quiet down Char, I don't think the dean heard you!" Trent snapped, rolling his eyes. "I'm telling Mom." I said. It was silent. "What, so you want me to be disowned? Do care that little of me?" He asked. "Shut up Trent. You obviously need help and a lot of it. You're doing everything you can get your hands on drugs. You know what can happen if this keeps happening. You'll be destroyed, we'll be destroyed." I sobbed. "Geez Char, I'm not that into it." Trent rolled his eyes. "You must be the stupidest person in the world. You won't be able to quit so easily, I know that much," I said, tears streaming down my face. "What about Bianca?"
"What about Bianca? She's the one who gave me my first needle. Then she dumped me. And for her dealer none the less. Now all she does is walk around campus, shooting up and having sex where ever possible." Trent explained. "You're coming home. And telling Mom and Dad." I ordered. Trent looked down at his lap. "No fucking way. Not now.  I have exams coming up. I'll come home in three months, tops." I sighed, getting up. "Fine," I started to the door and looked back. "But if anything happens, call me. Whenever." He nodded and looked down at his phone as I left the room.

During the drive home I thought hard about Trent's situation. I know when mom finds out she's going to go crazy. She's also had a thing about drugs. As in she hates them. Maybe I shouldn't have just left him. Maybe I should've taken his stuff or made him come home with me. Ugh. Even if I took his stuff he probably would've gone out and bought more. I'll just call him everyday, to make sure he's ok.

Selena's POV
I'm so tired. All I do is worry about my kids. And sleep. God I really need to relax a little more. I don't know why I even stress as much as I do about Charlotte, Trent, Daphne, and Nathan. I mean they're almost fully grown. I mean Charlotte has four kids! I just can't help but feel like something's wrong. That could just be my overprotectiveness kicking in, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it's up to them now to make important decisions, I can't keep babying them. Plus I need to focus on my littles. The ones who still need me to decide for them. Who need me to look out for them.

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