Chapter 17

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Charlotte's POV
I laid next to Joel. We were in his bed, his arms wrapped around my shoulders. We're not trying to induce labour, but it's not like I can get any more pregnant. Plus we haven't done it in almost eight months. My belly is now pretty big and my boobs are swollen and ginormous. I went from a C to a D in a couple of months. But Joel's not complaining. Anyway, I kissed his cheek and his eyes opened. "Hi babe." He smiled. I smiled at him and kissed him. "I'm going to go make breakfast." He said and got up. I smiled and laid back in bed. Joel soon brought me a plate of fluffy waffles with butter, syrup and cut up berries. And juice. I couldn't help but stare at his abs. "If like to eat your abs." I said. He smirked and kissed me. "I have to go to school." He said and left a few minutes later. For him it was the last day of school. For me it means I'm about to be nine months pregnant. That feels so weird. As I was getting changed, I felt weird sharp pains in my lower abdomen. Weird. As I was putting on my sweatpants, I felt a massive pain feeling wash over me. Then, a bunch of water splashed on the floor. Holy shit. My water just broke. I pulled out my cell, my hands shaking. I called my Mom. "Hello?" She said. "Mom! Mom! It's Char, I-I my water broke!" I yelled. It was silent. Grab you bag and wait outside I'll be driving up in a few minutes." Mom said and hung up. I shakily grabbed my overnight bag and waited on the curb. Mom pulled up and I hopped in the car. We drove to the hospital and Mom helped me to the front desk. "Hello, my daughter just went into labour." Mom said. The lady nodded and pressed a button. A nurse sped up to us. "I'm Minnie and I'll get you to your room." She said and led us to a bit room. I lay ok the bed. "You are eight centimeters dilated. Almost ready push." She said and walked away. "Call Joel. He's at school!" I said. Mom nodded and went into the hallway. I was in the most pain ever. "Ahhh!" I yelled in agony and I felt sweat start to bead on my forehead. Mom came back. "He said he'll be here as soon as he can." Mom said. I nodded and started pushing. "I need this baby out!" I yelled. Mom smiled and nodded. "Just be patient and don't push. It won't be helping anything." She advised and I stopped.
Forty-five minutes later I was nine centimeters and Dad was here. Then, the nurse came back in. "Ok Charlotte, you're ready to start pushing." She said. I shook my head furiously. "I can't. My boyfriend's still not here." I said. "Well, if you don't push, serious things can happen during labour that can majorly affect your baby's health." She said. I nodded and started pushing. Then, Joel shot through the door. He stood by my side. "I can't believe we're having a baby." He said. I nodded.
Five hours later, I was still pushing. "Holy shit! Why won't he come out?" I demanded. "Your contractions are fifty seconds apart, you need to push really really hard." The doctor said. "What do you think I'm doing?" I demanded. He chuckled. Joel still held onto my hand. "You can do this babe." He said. I nodded and started fiercely pushing. "He's crowning." The doctor announced. I pushed harder. "A few more pushes." He said. I pushed with all I had left and fell back in my bed. He held up a screaming gunk covered baby. It was definitely a boy. My eyes started tearing up and I clutched onto Joel's hand. "Look what we made." I whispered. They cleaned him off and put him in my arms. Tears streamed down my face. He continued to scream. Mom was crying into my Dad's neck. "I love him so much." I said. Joel didn't speak he just stared at him with complete fantasy in his eyes. "My boy." He whispered. I grinned.

After much consideration, we named the baby. Denny Ashton Horton. He's seven pounds and five ounces and has brown eyes.

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