Chapter 33

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Selena's POV
Gemma and Zach have been home two months now and I'm so happy. Charlotte is doing very good in school from what I know of, Trent is also doing great, Daphne is dating Jason still and they like each other, Nathan has a sort of girlfriend, Jules, Scarlett has so many friends, Reese is doing amazing with sports. Everything is great. Zedd is retiring in a year or two and I'm still running the company here, Taylor in New York and Demi close by. I sort of feel bad we haven't seen each other in years. We used to be best friends. Very close but now we're like the opposite. It's weird. I thought we'd always be together. I guess not.
Daphne's POV
I was pressed up against a wall. I smiled into the kiss. Jason and I were making out in some mini alley in the playground or whatever. Sure, it was fourth period but I ditched, what's one absent on my record going to do? I pressed the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. I loved doing this with Jason. It's so hot and dangerous. Well, he's hot. We've been dating a year now and I'm so happy. I know we'll last forever. We have so much in common. It's weird. And we've known each other since the third grade. And we're going to the same high school. I know then, everything will be normal and good.

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