Chapter 3 Gathering the Others

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Kelly's POV

I walked to school with Jennifer and Edith. Today would be our last day at school until our "vacation." We told our parents that we're going on a vacation with one of our friends' aunt. Luckily, for some odd reason, she agreed to our plan, without needing us to go into full detail. So that means, if our parents call, we're safe.

Edith, Jennifer, and I walked over to our usual table with the others.

"I heard you were all going on a vacation together." Lauren, my other friend, said.

I nodded. "Yeah, we are."

"Are we invited?" Stephanie asked.

"Actually, we were going to invite you." Edith smiled.

"Seriously?!" everyone shouted.

"Yup!" Jennifer smiled.

"Well, I'm not going. I have classes I can't fail." Lorena said.

"What're you talking about? Wait, no. Let me guess, you're already failing most of them." I said with a bored tone.

"Exactly!" Lorena replied.

"I wanna come!" Lauren said.

"Me too!" Stephanie added.

"Meet us behind the school then. We'll discuss the information there." Edith said.

I felt bad for lying to them though. They didn't know what they were going to face. But I knew we couldn't face this with just us three. We needed more allies. The anime characters could easily become corrupted so we needed to increase our forces. But I have a bad feeling that everything won't turn out as planned.

Throughout the day, Edith, Jennifer, and I talked to some of our friends, asking if they wanted to stay over at our place. I really felt bad for lying though. When Edith, Jennifer, and I all came to the back of the school, about one hundred students were there, talking to each other. We also asked if our friends could invite their friends as well. Guess word spreads fast.

"Attention everyone!" I shouted, as everyone faced us. "Now, I have soon important news. We are not going on a vacation." I said. Immediately, all of them groaned and started to shuffle away.

"Wait! But we need your help!" Jennifer shouted. Everyone faced us again.

"Raise your hand if you're an otaku!" Edith commanded. Everyone raised their hands. "War is coming and some anime characters are here. I know it sounds crazy, but we need to help them! They'll become corrupted if we don't fight the war!"

"What can we do?!" Stephanie shouted, annoyed that she was tricked into coming.

"There'll be three groups. Each group will specialize in a certain fighting ability. The first group will be with the Fairy Tail gang. You will learn how to use magic." I explained.

"The second group will be with the Soul Eater gang. You will learn how to become a weapon if you are one and how to fight with a meister. The meister will also learn how to wield their weapons and both will learn about soul wavelengths and soul resonances." Edith explained.

"The third group will be with the Full metal Alchemist gang. You will learn alchemy when with them." Jennifer explained.

"We ask for your help. Please help us fight." I said. Everyone started mumbling. I sighed. No one believes us.

That's when someone raised their hand, creating the Fairy Tail sign. "I will fight!" I looked to see who it was. It was Nick, one of my friends. "I will as well!" his friend, Victor, shouted. "Me too!" one of my other friends, Vylan, shouted. Many others raised their hands, creating the Fairy Tail symbol, and shouting out that they'll help.

I smiled and I raised my hand, as well as Jennifer and Edith. "FOR ANIME!" Jennifer shouted. "FOR ANIME!" everyone shouted back.

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