Chapter 19 On the Move

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Stephanie's POV

"Slow down!"

"No! Unless you want to get caught!"

"Not my fault Noah screams like a little girl!"

"Hey! Watch your mouth, bud!"

We continued to run. We wouldn't be running right now if it wasn't for Noah. We were walking until Noah tripped and screamed, like a girl, loudly.

Apparently, there were shadow monsters all over the area. So thanks to Noah, we may end up dead in the next five minutes!

"Think we lost them?!" I shouted.

"No! They're still chasing us!" Edith shouted.

"Let's try attacking them!" Milli shouted, in her weapon form.

"Okay, if you say so!" Jennifer shouted.

"Alright! Let's fight!"

Kelly, Jennifer, Edith, and Nick charged at the shadow monsters with their weapons, Milli, Paige, Emily and Victor.

"Lightning strike!" Noah shouted, lightning shooting from his hand towards the shadows.

"Water slicer!" Lauren shouted, a giant wave, slicing many of the monsters all at once.

"Ice-make lance!" I shouted, freezing some of the monsters.

Vylan smirked as she snapped her fingers, causing fire to erupt everywhere and burning the monsters.

About twenty minutes later, all of the shadow monsters were defeated.

"That was tiring." I mumbled.

"I think I used up too much energy fighting." Edith groaned.

"Well, we have to hurry and get going before even more monsters show up!" Kelly commanded.

"But we're tired!" Lauren pouted.

"This is war. Be can't just sit around and pout about that. Now let's get going!"

Everyone then looked at each other then back to Kelly. Was it just me, or was Kelly acting a bit different?

We shrugged it off and followed Kelly.


"How much longer?" I groaned.

"I don't know. The last report we received was when we just started the war." Kelly replied, holding the sheet of paper in her hand.

"I want action."

"I want to rest!"

"I want Hetalia!"

We all stared at Edith.

"What? I can't help myself!" Edith countered.

We all rolled our eyes at her and continued walking.

After a few minutes of waiting, a random piece of paper appeared out of nowhere.

"Is it a report?" I asked.

"Let me check." Kelly replied, unfolding the paper.

"Every group so far has encountered shadow monsters. Some were injured and have been taken to Wendy and Maka for treatment. There has not been any sight of the corrupted yet. Be careful about your whereabouts. If you ever need supplies or help from suppliers, write on a piece of paper from the backpack then toss it in the air. It should be transferred to the suppliers. Death the Kid."

"So that's what that paper was for." Noah mumbled, carrying one of the backpacks.

"Yeah. Hey, toss me an apple." Jennifer said. Noah nodded and tossed her the fruit. Jennifer caught the apple and bit into it.

"For some reason, I feel like some of the food will be poisonous." Lauren grumbled as she crossed her arms. Jennifer shrugged and continued to eat.

I sighed as we continued to trudge on. I'd expect more action. And I want to find out what happened to Gray and the others. One minute we were all happy and laughing at Gray mishaps of stripping at dinner then the next he tries to kill us. I just don't get how he could be corrupted so quickly. Was it a disease? Was someone controlling him?

I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize that someone was calling my name.

"Huh? Oh, sorry." I apologized.

"Stephanie, you've been really lost in thought lately. Is something wrong?" Vylan asked.

"No. Everything's fine." I said, trying to put on a smile. Vylan nodded, obviously not convinced. She was right. I have been lost in thought lately. I've just been worried.

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