Chapter 21 Infiltrate Nirvana

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Kelly's POV

"How is this possible?!"

"Isn't she supposed to be dead?"

"Where is she anyway?"

All of us were confused. We kept asking questions to what none of us knew the answers to.

"We should contact Kid about this." I said before grabbing a piece of paper and writing a letter. I tossed the paper into the air as it slowly disappeared.

"I hope he got it." I mumbled.

The others nodded.

"Let's move to another area. This isn't a good spot to stay at." Lauren suggested.

Noah pulled out the sword that Soul flung at us out of the tree. We all stared at him.

"What? This could be useful." Noah shrugged.

Kid's POV

I sat on a chair in the Death room right next to Liz, Patty, and my father. That's when a piece of paper appeared and landed on my lap.

"What is it?" Liz asked.

"Read it!" Patty giggled.

I nodded as I read the note out loud.

(A/N: All private notes will be written in italics. Only the reports will be written with quotes.),

Dear Kid,

We've just encountered Soul and we found out who is controlling him. It is Medusa. We don't know how she is alive. We also don't know if she is the only person who is controlling the ones who are corrupted. What is our next move and what will we do if another person is corrupted and we encounter them?


I frowned at the first sentence. They encountered Soul. Were they harmed? Who was ok? Obviously Kelly was because she wrote it. But what about the others? I quickly wrote a reply and sent it to their group. I wrote another report and sent it to everyone.

"Kid. What're we going to do?" Liz asked. I stood up.

"Liz, Patty, come with me." I said, walking away. "Kay!" Patty cheered.

"Where're you going?" my father asked.

"I'm going out to the battlefield." I answered before leaving.

Kelly's POV

"Ouch! That hurt!" Vylan whined.

"Oh, shut up. It's just a small cut." I said, dabbing alcohol on her injury. "Besides, it's your fault for touching that thorn in the first place."

That's when two pieces of paper landed on Vylan's head.

"Why is there paper on my head?" Vylan asked. I placed a bandage on the palm of her hand then took the paper off her head.

"What does it say?" Stephanie asked.

"Um. One's for us. The other is a report." I said.

"Report first."

I nodded as I read.

"The first corrupted has been encountered. We have so far found one of the people who're controlling them. That is Medusa. So far there have been no other reports of her or anyone corrupted. Continue your duties yet be more wary about your surroundings. Death the Kid."

"Ok. Now our personal letter." Edith said.

I nodded as I read it.

Infiltrate Nirvana. Report back once you are safely onboard.


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