Chapter 29 A Battle of Corrupt

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Jennifer's POV

I glared at the three corrupted ones. They were all here, ready to attack.

"You guys ready?" Kelly asked. We all nodded and charged towards the three as they charged towards us. Kelly, Edith, Nick and I attacked them with our weapon partners, and Stephanie, Noah, and Lauren attacked them with ice, lightning, and water combo moves.

Soul slashed at us with his scythe arm, Gray shot at us with his ice magic, and Al used alchemy against us.

We continued fighting. Even though we had more people on our side, it seemed the corrupted ones were winning this fight. Where were the three who're controlling them? Why are all of them here at once?

Soul knocked Milli out of Kelly's hands as she fell to the ground. "KELLY!" Milli shouted. That's when a gunshot was heard as Soul flew towards the wall from the shot. We turned around to see Kid.

"Kid!" Kelly shouted with glee. She got up and picked Milli up. "You okay?" Kid asked. Kelly nodded. "So you decided to join us?" Kid nodded in reply.

"And I'm here to get Soul."

Just then, Maka walked out from behind a wall, a stern expression on her face. Soul smirked, "Good, more souls to eat." "No, just one, mine. I'm taking you on alone!" Maka shouted as she threw Soul down, the two of them ending up farther away from us. "Maka!" Kid and Kelly exclaimed.

We turned towards the others. "We can't worry about Maka now. We just need to fight the other corrupted ones for now." I said. "Right!"

Maka's POV

I tackled Soul as we rolled down a hill. "Let go of me, bitch!" Soul shouted. I didn't care if he called me bitch. This wasn't Soul at all. "I'm never letting go of you! Soul, wake up! Wake up from this nightmare!" I shouted.

"I only obey Lady Medusa's orders." Soul growled. "Well now you'll have to stop!" I shouted.

Soul slashed at me with his arm that transformed. I dodged the attack and all his other ones as well. I didn't know how I was going to approach Soul without being cut.

I tried running up to Soul to punch him in the face, but he blocked my fist, causing it to hurt a lot. I held my fist in my other hand, trying to endure the pain.

I then did something I never thought I'd ever do. I ran towards Soul, my body controlling itself and flung my body against Soul's, kissing him on the lips.


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