Chapter 10 Black Ice

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Stephanie's POV

"Alright everyone! Grab your important belongings and head out to the open field!" Lucy shouted.

Lauren and I dashed to the girl's tent with the others and started grabbing our important items. For some it was their magic items, while for others, they were their pictures of home.

"Stephanie, what do you think's going on?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know. But it may have to do with Gray's disappearance." I replied.

I finished packing my things, as well as Lauren. We rushed out and ran to the open field where the plane would be. We all waited, but then, an ice geyser erupted and we all, luckily, moved out of the way.

"What the?!" I yelled. I turned around to see Gray.

"What're you doing?!" I shouted.

Gray smirked and he put his two hands together.

"Ice-make hammer!" he shouted, a giant hammer forming. He threw down the hammer, everyone, once again, luckily, dodging the ice attack.

"Quit it, Gray!" I shouted, my wings appearing. "Ice-make sword!"

I flew towards Gray, slashing at him with the sword.

"Water slicer!" Lauren shouted as giant wave, sliced at Gray.

I glared at Gray to see him smirking. His eyes were pure black.

"He wasn't affected!" Lauren shouted, surprised.

"Ice-make lance!" Gray shouted.

"Ice-make shield!" I shouted, blocking Gray's attack.

"Bubble shot!" Lauren shouted. Gray smirked as he froze the bubbles.

"My magic won't work on him!" Lauren whined.


I turn to see Natsu run up to us and use his magic against Gray.

"What the hell, man?! You disappear then you attack the others?!" Natsu yelled.

His eyes widened as he saw Gray's pitch black ones.

"Later, losers." Gray said, disappearing.

"Dammit!" Natsu yelled.

I flew back over to Lauren and my wings disappeared.

"What was that?" Lauren asked.

"He was corrupted." I explained.

"No way." Lauren exclaimed.

I nodded my head. "Now that means, the war is finally starting."

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