Chapter 24 Fairy Tail's Descision

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Kelly's POV

"There you are!" Jennifer shouted.

I turned to see Stephanie and Lauren running toward us. But it didn't seem like they and a peaceful trip.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Gray. He's back." Stephanie replied, panting out of breath.

"My head almost got sliced off!" Lauren exclaimed.

"You were lucky I was there!" Stephanie shouted.

"Calm down! Let's just heal those wounds." I mumbled.

"What? These scratches? Please, we'll be fine." Stephanie laughed.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "So did you find out who was controlling Gray?"

Stephanie smile faltered. "Brain." she whispered.

"The leader of the Oración Seis?!"

Stephanie nodded. I frowned and started to write another letter.

"Kid?" Lauren asked.

"No, Lucy and the others. I have to tell them instead."

Once I finished, I tossed the piece of paper into the air.

Lucy's POV

I sat there next to Erza, and Natsu. I was so worried about Gray. What happened? That's when a piece of paper appeared and landed on my lap.

"What is it?" Happy asked.

"A letter from Kelly's team." I replied. "Read it!"

I nodded and began to read.


We encountered Gray at Nirvana. It turns out Brain is controlling him. What should we do? And what do we do if we encounter him again?


"They found Gray?!" Natsu exclaimed.

"We must join them at once! They may be severely hurt!" Erza commanded.

"No. If they were injured they would've been sent to Wendy and Maka." I said.

I begin writing a letter back to Kelly's team and then a report to Death the Kid.

"Lucy, I still think we should go out there." Natsu said. I sighed and nodded. "Okay."

Lauren's POV

We just sat there waiting for a reply. Once the piece of paper appeared, we all tackled each other to grab it.

"I got it!" Edith shouted with glee.

"Then read it!"

Edith nodded and began to read.

Kelly's Team

It's good you found Gray. But if you find Gray again, don't hesitate to defeat him.


"Just attack Gray?!" Jennifer exclaimed. Just then another piece of paper appeared. "It's a report."

"The second corrupted has been found. Brain is the one controlling him. Please keep an eye out, but remain at your current posts. Death The Kid."

"Well, it's time to move on I guess." Kelly shrugged. Everyone nodded and we ran off.

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