Chapter 13 In the Dark, There's Light

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Kelly's POV

I sat in one of the rooms of the girl's dorm at the DWMA. Stephanie, Jennifer, Lauren, Edith, and Vylan were also in the room. It was absolutely quiet. There was no sound.

"What are we gonna do?" Stephanie asked, breaking the silence.

"The leaders are discussing the plan now." I said.

"But we should do something in the mean time! Something bad could be happening!" Vylan shouted, standing up.

"VYLAN, SIT!" Lauren commanded.

Vylan stared, confused, at Lauren, as she slowly sat back down. Lauren never commands anything. She rarely ever shouted.

Silence again.

I soon started tapping my feet to a random rhythm. Stephanie started humming and Jennifer started snapping her fingers. Vylan, Edith, and Lauren all smiled and started humming as well. I smiled and soon started singing.

[A/N: "__" - Kelly

Bold - Stephanie

Italics - Lauren

Both - Jennifer

"Bold" - Edith

"Italics" - Vylan

"All" - Everyone ]

"Fairy, where're you going?"

I'm going to, gather up all the light.

And illuminate your tomorrow!

"Oh yeah!"

Can you hear my voice?

"Oh yeah!"

"Even if I go hoarse, I'll keep shouting."

"Oh yeah!"

"Until your heart can hear it."

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah!"

"The moon and the sun high-five."

You haven't forgotten anything, have you?

It's strange, without you.

"I can't even find something to want."

"Snowing, I was able."

"To open up and give a smile."

"Because we have time to."

Snuggle up and be together.

Fairy, where're you going?

"I'm going to"

"gather up all the light."

"And illuminate your tomorrow!"

"Don't say goodbye!"

We smiled as we finished the song.

"Snow Fairy. I really love that song." I smiled.

"I agree. That was fun." Vylan smiled.

"I know another to do!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"Which one?" Edith asked.

Jennifer smiled and started humming the rhythm.

"Yay!" We all shouted.

"Ready, go!" ("Yeah!")

"Take me away, somewhere!"

Just the two of us riding, a tin horse.

"Go! Go! Let's go! Romance!"

My beloved dolls can't talk back.

"So it can get painfully lonely."

"Go! Go! Let's go! Romance!"

"I'm a crybaby. And get tears in my eyes."

"Every time, I think of you..."

And at night when ("and at night when")

The moon is out ("the moon is out")

"I'm always!" ("I'm always!")

"Looking for the rabbit in the moon!"

"I'm so at a lost for words." ("Hey! Hey! Hey!")

"That it's like a spell's been cast on me!"

I can't wake from this dream.

This love is a soliloquy!

"I'm so at a loss for words." (Hey! Hey! Hey!)

"Because I really, really love you."

"What magic words can I chant"

To let you know that?

I'm at a complete loss for words. ("Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!")

"I'm at a loss of words because of everything." ("Hey! Hey! Hey!")

"Because I love you like crazy."


I wanna

Make you say

"I'm at a loss for words!"

"Back to me!"

"I'm at an utter loss for words!"

At the end, we laughed and fell on top of each other.

"Who knew?" Edith smiled.

"Who knew what?" Stephanie asked.

"Who knew that in this dark cloud of blackness, there'd be light?" Edith explained.

We all smiled and continued laughing.


"Something was spotted?!" I exclaimed.

"Let's hurry!" Lauren said.

We all nodded and rushed out the door.

Ok... So I just love the songs from FT so I had to add us singing them. Idk why, but I did xD

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