May 25th

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     "As you can guess, my date was a complete success. I'm joking. It was a total utter disaster. First, I turned up looking like a homeless person. Second, I had to explain why I looked like a homeless person. He was surprisingly understanding and reassuring. I don't think he even recognised me when I approached him, that's how bad I looked.
     "Have a little something to eat, it sounds like you could do with some food. Then you can go home and get some rest," he said as he passed me a menu.
     We both had a bowl of tomato soup "each while we waited for our mains. Mark had ravioli, and I had a kid's lasagne since I wasn't too hungry. We didn't discuss much, just college life and then we'd occasionally smile at one another. Mum was already waiting for me in car as we stepped outside. I rolled my eyes in front of Mark, but he didn't see. Mark kissed my cheek and wished me well. He waved to Mum before walking away. She seemed to scowl at him in an evil way. I don't know why.
     "Have you been sat outside waiting for me this whole time?" I asked as I opened the passenger door.
     "Maybe, I assumed you'd probably say something embarrassing and need to abort, so I kept the car running outside just in case," Mum replied.
     I stared at her for a few seconds, blank faced. "Wow, thanks Mum. If you could say those kind, reassuring words at my wedding I'd really appreciate it."
     She took my comment seriously. "Just don't marry that guy, I don't like him," she said. Mark was still visible but he'd become a tiny dot along the path in the distance now.
     "What's wrong with Mark?" I asked with glaring eyes.
     "He's not hot enough."
     I shook my head at her and laughed. But never mind. I've put that disastrous occasion behind me. I doubt Mark will want to see me again.
Since Max's truck is going to take around three weeks to fix, my parents gave us a lift to the hospital. I needed to be there when Ethan woke up. I didn't want him to be alone and confused, without a familiar face around to explain everything.
     I sat myself in the chair in the corner of the room. Max is getting snacks and drinks from the downstairs café with my parents. They think it would be a tad overwhelming for Ethan to wake up to everyone gathered around his bed, so they stayed downstairs. I stared at Ethan for a while, watching his chest rise and fall.
     "Good news, I found you a Hallway magazine downstairs. That's the girly gossip one isn't it? And I got you a bottle of water." Max said as he entered Ethan's room.
     "Thanks ... Did they not have any tea?" I asked.
     "Oh blast, I forgot." He quickly placed two bottles of water onto the small coffee table with the magazine and then rushed back out without another word. I reached over to the table grabbing the magazine. Another huge photo of Eleanor Walden printed on the cover. Inside was a special interview about her latest movie Hard Luck which is being released in the next month or two. That familiar feeling of jealousy started to build up inside me. Until I dominate Britain and then the globe, knocking her off her perch. My break big will come soon. I need it to. I have to fund my expensive taste somehow.
     I read until the final paragraph of the interview and Max still hadn't returned. I don't know what could be taking him so long. I folded up my magazine and dropped it on to the floor beside me. Then out of nowhere I heard, "So this is heaven." I glanced over at Ethan, his eyes were still shut but he had the tiniest smirk on his face. I couldn't help but grin, I knew exactly what he was doing. "Oh shut up! How long have you laid there waiting to say that?" I said, standing and pacing over to his bedside and knelt on my knees beside him.
     "Not that long actually. About three minutes if we're being precise."
     Even after all he's been through in the past seventy-two hours he still hadn't lost his sense of humour. "It's good to see you awake. I've missed you. How do you feel?" The question I least looked forward to asking him. His eyes opened, revealing his beautifully brown eyes. I've missed them.
     "Oh, I feel fantastic, dear. Can't feel a thing! Which is a complete lie I feel dreadful."
     I groaned and rested my head on his bed. He placed his hand on the top of it, brushing his fingers through my hair and laughed. My eyes welled up as I raised my "head. He pushed my cheeks together and sulked childishly.
"Why did you do it Ethan?" I mumbled through my compressed cheeks.
     It was the only thing on my mind from the second I found out. Ethan wiped a tear that strolled down my cheek, dropped his hand and looked away. He let out a sigh. "I..." he said before the door flung open. Max stepped inside with the happiest look on his face, holding two cups in his hands. Perfect timing, Max, I thought.
     "How are we feeling, bud?" Max asked as he popped the cups on the table and sat onto the end of Ethan's bed, grasping his ankle.
     "Better now that everyone is here, Maximus my man."
     I had zoned out daydreaming once those two reunited their bromance. I thought over what Ethan had just said, better now that everyone is here. Everyone. We're everyone to Ethan. He'd lost everything. Everyone. Other than his Dad, who's never around. Who doesn't even know Ethan is in hospital. Max and I were his only family. Madeline is pretty much his sister.
     "Ethan, I'm gonna come visit you every day ok?" I interrupted without noticing if the conversation had finished or not. He stopped mid conversation with Max. Rolled his head back towards me and said, "Ok August," and winked at me.

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