November 20th

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     Everywhere I look I see my face. I'm becoming tired of seeing myself; newspapers, magazines, news channels, gossip channels. The movie was released into cinemas the day after the premiere. Around twelve more movie parts have been sent my way. Over half of them are ones I wouldn't benefit from doing. After reading through the detail of the movies, only two tempted my interest. Max emailed them and both productions replied saying they would love me to audition. Meaning I have five auditions lined up. I hate that everything takes a while to sink in with me, I have five movie auditions and I'm casually sat eating a fruit salad like nothing has happened.
     Ethan and I are going to visit home before Christmas. Time has just flown by and it's taken a while for me to notice how long it has been since I left home. Mum and Madeline came to visit not long ago, but I haven't seen my Dad for six months. Ethan said he has booked us a private plane to take us home next week. Ethan's house had been left unattended for a while, too. We'll need to check on it. I'm not sure what he intends to do it with it. I doubt he'll want to sell it. It's his parent's house, so I'd assume he'd keep it, and then when we're in England we'd have somewhere to stay. The house means more to Ethan than he knows. It means a lot to me, too. I spent as much time in Ethan's house as I did my own.
     I've noticed I need to hurry with purchasing my Christmas presents. I have given little thought to what I will get everyone. For Max, I'm thinking of buying him tickets to a concert. Not sure which one, Eleanor will help me. Purchasing anything for Eleanor is going to be difficult. It's hard to think of anything she doesn't already own. I'll speak to Max or Ethan about that one. Maybe we could buy her something from us all. I always say we should do joint gifts so then the blame can't just be pinned on one person if it goes wrong. For my Mum and Dad I cannot explain how much I would love to give them a new house. The house they have is too small. Even with me not living there. It may have three bedrooms, but it is still very cramped. All their hard work has paid off and I want to thank them for it. Ethan is considering giving them the house of his. That would eliminate my gift. They won't want two houses. Maybe a holiday or a villa abroad is the only other idea I had. They deserve a holiday at least. I don't want to see them waste their lives away working. They still have Madeline to take care of so they can't disappear until she's old enough to be alone, I suppose. This is why I hate shopping, you never know what to get anyone. I'm tempted to insist Ethan and I send gifts from the two of us. It saves messing around with individual presents. Ethan will obviously need a few more ties. Money isn't an issue since being in the film, but I don't want to get him loads of expensive pointless ties. That isn't the tradition. So I'm on the hunt for some funny or patterned ties. I'm considering finding a tie production place and getting a photo of us put onto a tie. I hope they don't make me purchase a thousand of them. That would be such a hilarious present. One thousand ties all with the same photo on. At least they would last him a long time. Ties are a side gift. I want to get him something extra special for Christmas. The things he has done for me are beyond meaning, and I am so grateful for having him. I don't know what I'd do without him. So my main agenda this Christmas is to purchase Ethan the best, most brilliant, fantastic, amazing, awesome present in the entire world. Max suggested I bought myself some lingerie, to which I replied, "Go away," in a much more offensive way. After he left I secretly added it to my list. It is a most definite last resort.

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