July 5th

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     We had to be up at 7:00am sharp, prepared to be on set by 7.30am. It's not a problem for me because I've been getting up for school and college my whole life. Ethan's clock said 6:04am when I opened my eyes. Still, I got up and strolled downstairs for breakfast. Every time I have breakfast now or hear someone mention it, I think of Ethan. I wish he could join me out here. He'd love to stand and watch everything from behind the scenes. He loves all that kind of stuff.
     Wayne was sitting and reading a newspaper at a breakfast table as I entered the lounge. He flattened it and looked up, "Good morning Miss Bishop, you're up early." I gave him a wave and walked to the buffet area. I was starving. As I sat down Wayne handed me the newspaper. "Take a look at the headline." I budged over my plate, and grabbed the newspaper.
     Who is Eleanor's new mystery man?
     "What about Eleanor?" I asked. "The one underneath, silly." He replied.
     Humble British girl announced to be leading role in upcoming Hollywood movie
     I looked back up at Wayne, "Hey, that's me!" I couldn't believe it. I'm in the papers now. In America! I wonder if it had been published over in England. I took a photo and sent it to everyone at home. I have so many messages to respond to, but I barely get any time on my phone. I quickly sent everyone a text saying all was well, but I don't get any time on my phone and the service is rubbish. I called Ethan before we left to see what he needed to talk about yesterday.
     "Hello, Ethan here."
     "Hello Ethan, it's August."
     "Your bestfriend."
     "Sorry, I don't know anyone called August. Wait, does she smell quite bad?"
     "Very funny, so what did you need to speak to me about?"
     "Ummm, it can wait, nothing important."
     "Are you sure?"
     "Yes, I'm sure. Are you ok my dear?"
     "I'm very well, thank you. Did you get the photo I sent you?"
     "The humble British girl article?"
     "That's the one."
     "Adorable dwarf would've been better."
     "They can hardly print that can they? It's not going to sell me well at all."
     "It'd work for me."
     "Maybe so, but thousands of people would find it weird."
     "I might send them an email and ask them to change it."
     "You're such a idiot. Anyway I've got to go now. I..."
     "I almost said I love you... I panicked and kept silent, hoping he hadn't noticed.
     "August? You there?"
     "Yeah, sorry. I'll speak to you soon."
     I hung up before he could say goodbye. I placed my phone over my mouth and stared forward. Did I mean what I nearly just said? I stared forward for a moment. Reassuring myself that it was a mistake. Then I admitted something I never thought I would. Yes. Yes I do. I love him, and no longer in the best friend way. In the, I want to be with you way. Oh my God, I love him. I miss his long hugs, and him kissing the top of my head. Being away from him has put everything into perspective. Does he share my feelings? How can I tell my best friend I love him?
     "Miss Bishop, it's time to go." Wayne said, opening the car door for me.
     I toddled over to the open door, collapsing into my seat and placing my head in my hands. If I tell Ethan, it'll either end in us being together or destroying our friendship. I don't want to lose him.
     "Everything ok?" Wayne said as he got into the driver's seat.
     I returned to a normal upright position. "Yeah, I'm fine."
     At this moment in time I can't allow my newfound feelings for Ethan get in the way of my job. I have to push them aside and focus on the movie. I made a deal with myself, that I'd tell him once it's finished.

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