June 14th

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     "How do I look?" Mum asked, walking into the living room, wearing a rather revealing summer dress.
     "Mum!" I shouted, covering Ethan's eyes as we sat on the sofa.
     "Too much?" She asked, hunching over and fiddling with her boobs.
I placed an extra hand over Ethan's. "Go and change, please!"
     "But Stanley is coming! I want him to know you have a hot Mum!"
     "Why can't I see your Mum's cleavage?" Ethan asked.
     "Be quiet you." I whispered.
     Dad appeared from the kitchen. "Victoria, it isn't my birthday until February." Ethan laughed. I frowned. Mum took it as a compliment.
     "Is this really what we're talking about? This is the biggest moment of my life and we're talking about Mum's boobs!" I protested, dropping my hands from Ethan's eyes.
     "Woah!" Ethan shouted.
     I placed my hands straight back over his eyes.
     "In my opinion you look very hot, Mrs. Bishop," Ethan added.
     "Thank you, Ethan, I'm keeping the dress on anyway."
     Madeline appeared from upstairs. "Do you like my dress, Madeline?"
     Madeline didn't reply. She stood with her mouth ajar. Then vanished back upstairs. Mum gave us all one quick look. "Ok, I'll get changed."
     I waited until she had gone upstairs to give Ethan his sight back.
     "Not bad." Ethan said, producing a slight smirk.
     Madeline reappeared from the staircase and spread herself across our laps as we continued to watch Patrick Miller's show.
     "I'll go see if your Mum needs a hand with anything." Dad said, venturing off upstairs. I placed my head in my hands and laughed. My family is so weird. When I reemerged from my hands Ethan was being a little too adventurous with his eyes at a certain department of mine that my Mum may have mentioned.
     "Really?" I said with a scowl.
     He raised his eyebrows and returned his sight to the television.
     A knock came at the door five minutes later. I glanced around at everyone.
     "Please don't scare them away!" I instructed.
I took a deep breath before opening the door.
     "There's my superstar!" Stanley stated, and then hugged me.
     "Hi," I said, from over his shoulder. He was wearing a black bowler hat, and a long "black scarf and coat. A very fashionable attire to come to my house for tea. I stood aside and allowed them to come in. Ms. Andrews and I share a smiled as she entered and made her way into the living room. Stanley and Ms. Andrews were already hugging and kissing everyone as I locked the front door.
     "It's a pleasure to meet you. You have a lovely home, it's so welcoming."
     "I was in charge of choosing the TV, everything else Victoria was in charge of." Dad replied.
     Stanley and Ms. Andrews found him amusing and laughed more than I expected. Mum, Dad, Stanley, Ms. Andrews and I sat at the kitchen table to discuss me. Ethan was keeping Madeline entertained in the living room.
     As Mum poured Stanley a cup of tea he began to explain the movie.
     "We're shooting the film in Philadelphia, USA. You're a new girl in town, you've come over from the UK to study at their university or college, whatever they call it. You become friends with your roommate. Who you'll meet over there, she's lovely, I'm sure you two will get along. So let me explain this as quick as I can. Your first night there as you're walking home, you witness a murder, you run to the police station because it isn't far away. The interrogation room scene we did at your audition is our next step, you're being questioned by a police officer. Your roommate from college comes to support you. Then a load of bad guys pull up outside because a cop on the inside informs them that they've been caught. So all hell breaks loose, everyone is getting shot or killed. You and your friend are hiding in the room, and to escape, you can't be afraid to get your hands dirty. You get a gun, shoot a few people, have a few fights, get thrown through some glass, but in the end, you and your friend are the last two left and walk off into the sunset."
     Stanley took a sip of his tea. "It will be a lot better than how I just explained it, trust me." We laughed at his comment and "everyone looked at me.
     "Sounds great," I said with a grin.
     "Perfect," Stanley replied.
     "Normally this movie would take about a year before it is released. But, I intend to have it ready for the middle of November. The hopeful plan is to have you in Philadelphia by next weekend, spend a couple of weeks doing script reads, dress rehearsals, stunt practices, little things so we're ready for the first day of filming. Following so far?" He asked, pausing for a moment. We all nodded, allowing him to continue.
     "The movie will take around two months to film, maybe a little less. This is because most of the film is going to be shot in the same building, and we don't have that many changes to make. I've also arranged to have the editors on set with me, so at the end of each day, the filming we have done that day can be given to them to be working on. If everything goes to plan the film should be ready well in advance. But like I said, we're aiming to have the premiere for the middle of November. It's costing us a fortune so it better."
Madeline appeared from the living room as Stanley finished.
     "Mum, can I have some ice cream?"
     I smirked at her because she knew this was a situation where Mum couldn't say no. Mum scowled at her realising this.
     "Of course sweetie, help yourself."
     Stanley and Ms. Andrews found her adorable. "Would you like some ice cream?" Madeline said, looking up at Stanley.
     Stanley frowned. "What flavours do you have?"
     "We have bubblegum or chocolate."
     Stanley frowned again. "I've never had bubblegum flavoured ice cream before. Have you, Jasmine?"
     Ms. Andrews shook her head. "No, I don't think I have."
     Madeline watched them unamused.
     "We'll have two bubblegum ice creams if you don't mind little one."
     Dad stood, and grabbed her the ice cream from the freezer. As she prepared their ice cream Stanley pulled some paperwork out of his bag.
     "This is your contract. We've made it as simple as possible to avoid complications and save time. It basically says you agree to be in the film and play this character. And you'll be well looked after and how much you will be paid, and what is required of you and when."
     He passed it over to me. I laid it out infront of my parents, so we could read it together. Madeline placed two bowls of ice cream in front of Stanley and Jasmine and disappeared into the living room once again. They ate their ice cream as we read through the contract. The only thing that caught my eye was how much I would be paid. Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I nearly fell off my chair. Dad's eyes nearly popped out more than when he saw Mum in her dress.
     "I'll get a pen." Mum said, rushing over to her bag.
     "This isn't bad you know," Stanley said, referring to the ice cream.
     "Not bad at all."
     "Are you happy with everything?" Dad asked.
     I nodded. Mum passed me the pen. I glanced down at the contract for a moment before signing it and returning it to Stanley.
     "You're going to break a lot of hearts, August." He said with a grin.
     They didn't stay much longer as they had to attend to other business.
     Mum wouldn't let go of Stanley when he gave her a hug. "Thank you so much." She said, squeezing him.
     "We'll be in touch about flight details." Ms. Andrews said as we waited for Mum to release her grasp.
     After I closed the door I rushed over to my parents and hugged them. "Thank you." I said. They had dedicated their lives to me for the past nineteen years and it has finally paid off.
     "We're so proud of you, August," Mum "said, bursting into tears.
     "I want a new TV," Dad said.
     Mum nudged him and then went upstairs to stop her crying. Dad followed her. I slumped onto the sofa beside Ethan, resting my head on his shoulder. "Congratulations." He said, kissing the top of my head.
     "I'm going to be famous," I laughed. "Who would have thought it?"
     "I did," Ethan answered. "I always have."

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