August 27th

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     It's the final day. This movie has changed my life forever and it will always be in my heart. I've had so much fun! My first movie ever... I hope it isn't my last. It's not been a bad first film, to say Stanley Tennant was the director and Eleanor Walden was my co-star. I can't wait for it to be released now! Stanley gathered everyone around on set to make an announcement before our final takes.
    "It has been an unforgettable time with you all. I may be grumpy sometimes, but that doesn't mean I don't love you guys." He paused while everyone laughed. "So, lets get this over and done with so we can all go home early." The crowd cheered and clapped before dispersing back to their stations.
     Today, Eleanor and I filmed the last couple of scenes of us stumbling out of the station. Eleanor's character twists her ankle, so she has to limp and place her arm around my shoulder. The first take we did we made it down the stairs, then our feet got tangled up and we fell over in a heap. We couldn't do another take for a while because we were too busy laughing at one another. We're the only two left alive after the eventful evening. Then we continue limping off into the distance. Once we'd finished laughing, of course. That's when I'd assume the end credits would feature. Eleanor hugged me firmly after the final take.
     "I'm so happy I met you." Her voice squeaked.
     My bottom lip started to tremble as everyone started to hug. Was it like this at the end of every movie? I hope not. I'll be a mess every few months. I flicked my eyes over to Jasmine and Stanley, they were kissing. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy, I just smiled at them. Now I wanted to grab my things and meet Ethan at our new apartment. I've been dying to see it. I want to drive my new car, too. I haven't driven it since Wayne still chauffeurs me everywhere. I was desperate to hop in it and speed away. I didn't want to hang around much longer as I'd become an emotional wreckage. Before I did anything else, I had to say goodbye to Jasmine and Stanley. The three of us embraced as I walked over.
     "I'm going to miss you guys." I said to them.
     We separated away from each other swiftly and shook hands before we all started weeping.
     The car roared into life as I turned on the ignition. The car hadn't moved an inch, and I was already in love with it. Eleanor shuffled herself onto the passenger seat as I entered the address into the navigation system.
"Ready to go?" I asked Eleanor.
     She nodded with a bright face. Then I remembered Ethan saying there was something else in the boot for me. I slid out of the car and clicked it open. Laid amongst the boot were several pairs of Nike running shoes and bottoms. "He knows me too well," I said to myself. I returned to the driver's seat.
     "Ethan said to be careful." Eleanor said, peering down at her phone.
     I'm sure Ethan was saying something super cute like I love you baby girl, see you soon. I wanted to snatch her phone off her and throw it out of the car window. I beeped the horn as we departed from alongside the station. As weird as it may sound, I will miss that place. I'd spent so much time that it had started to feel like home. We popped back to the hotel to collect our things before rushing back to the car. I was in that much of a rush I almost forgot Ethan's clock. I had to sprint back inside and collect it.
     As Eleanor and I cruised along in my wonderful new car, I thought to myself, what should I spend my earnings on? Jewellery? Clothes? Invest it? I don't want anything. Maybe get a house in England, but Ethan has that taken care of, too. I'm not sure what inspired him to purchase an apartment in New York, but I'm glad he did. I've always wanted to visit New York, now I'm going to live there! It'll be a test for me to survive without my family. I've managed three months so far and survived. I really want to see them, though. They said they'd visit during the holidays when Madeline finished school. I miss Madeline so much. I want to squeeze her and plat her hair.
     As I gazed out of the window, a suggestion popped into my mind. Why don't I hire, Leonard Phillips, the magician Ethan grew up watching. He could help me solve how Ethan switched seats with me in the car. Leonard Phillips wasn't a magician on a kid's television show who'd pull a rabbit from his hat. He performed ridiculous stunts. Like burying himself underground in a coffin or hanging himself upside down from a rope over a tank of sharks and then setting the rope on fire. I know this because Ethan use to make me watch Leonard's shows all the time. Every Saturday at eight o'clock. We never missed one. We were only eleven or twelve. Leonard was the only magician who made Ethan really think about how he did his tricks. He figured them out after a day or two. We'd watch the show Saturday and by Monday afternoon, when he walked me home, he'd explain how they were done. I always found it fascinating listening to his explanations. Leonard must have given his wife a heart attack every time he performed. Her blood pressure must have been off the scales. I'm sure after a discussion, he'd be able to help me. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to ask. I grabbed my phone and text Stanley while we waited amongst the queue of cars. I figured he would know someone who knew Leonard.

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