August 16th

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     Today is my nineteenth birthday. It's upsetting I can't spend it with my family. They always spoil me on my birthday. Instead, I was thousands of miles away sat feeling sorry for myself in my hotel room, staring at Ethan's clock. I'm living the dream, doing what I love. But I can't help feeling empty and alone. Mum woke me at 5:00am, calling me to sing happy birthday. As you can imagine, I wasn't too impressed with her. I growled at her down the phone.
     "Oh stop being a grumpy bum."
     "It's 5:00am Mum. I think you can allow my grumpiness."
     Then there was a knock at my hotel door. "Mum someone is at my door, I'll speak to you later ok?" She then said three thousand things at once. Why do Mum's randomly shout all these things to you at the end of phone calls?
     "Ok sweetie happy birthday, call me later, promise I'll come visit soon, I love you, I hope everything is going well, say hello to everyone for me, don't forget to take plenty of photos for me. Bye, bye, bye, bye."
     It was too early to be dealing with phone calls and people at my door on my birthday. I rolled off my bed and kept the covers wrapped around me as I stumbled downstairs and dawdled to the door. I begged it not to be everyone waiting on the other side ready to shout surprise! I looked hideous and just wanted to sleep. I pawed at the door with my eyes closed in search of the handle. I swung the door open to find Eleanor stood with a huge grin on her face and a bouquet of flowers in her arms.
     "Good morning birthday girl, rise and shine."
     I wanted to slam the door on her and return to bed to tell you the truth, and almost did. I squinted at her. My eyes were still half asleep.
     "Can we talk? I was hoping we could get Breakfast together. Sorry it's so early, I couldn't sleep." She said with a puppy dog expression on her face.
     "Sure, let me get ready." I replied, waving my hand at her to come in. She shuffled past me and placed the bouquet on the table. Then planted her behind on the edge of the sofa with a grin on her face. "Let me have a shower first and then we can go down." I mumbled. "Ok!"
     "Since you found out about me and Ethan, I feel like we've been drifting apart. We always clicked before. We were like sisters. I don't want you to think I will affect your friendship with Ethan." Eleanor said as I poured my tea.
     I appreciated her saying this because it was true, every word.
     "Ethan's never had a girlfriend before, and I don't know how to react to it and I didn't speak to Ethan at all when he was here."
Eleanor smiled and grabbed my hands. "He adores you, August. We both do. Nothing will change! You and I will see more of each other, that's all."
     I accepted everything she said like a grown up best friend who wasn't in love with her boyfriend would.
     "August, can I ask you something?" Eleanor asked with a serious stare.
     I thought this was it. The moment she asked if I love him. What am I supposed to say? I can't lie to her. "Sure." My bottom lip started to tremble.
     "When you last saw Ethan was he having nightmares?"
     I immediately relaxed, but was concerned about the question she had asked me. "A week before I left we fell asleep watching a movie and during the night he jolted me up with his arm. He said he had a nightmare and he didn't want to talk about it." I stared down at my teaspoon.
     This means that Ethan has been having the same reoccurring nightmare for two months. That's a worrying amount of time. Maybe we needed to get him help.
     "He did the same with me. Woke me up during the night, but he refused to talk about it, too. Do you think we should get him a psychiatrist?"
     It was an odd conversation to be having with Eleanor, but it was nice to finally talk to her about Ethan. There isn't anyone else I can think of (other than me) that I would rather see Ethan with.
     We sat and ate breakfast together. If her and Ethan weren't together, this would've been the perfect start to my birthday. We both agreed that if his nightmares continue after we finish the movie, then we would get him a psychiatrist. As I entered my trailer that morning, there was a small white card on my side. I slid the card off the edge of the table.
     Happy birthday my dearest dwarf. Look outside x
     It doesn't take a genius to figure out that it was from Ethan. I frowned at the card. I returned to my trailer door and peaked out of it. Nothing caught my eye. I opened the door fully, still nothing. I shrugged and shut the door. The card definitely instructed to look outside. I shuffled around, still analysing the card. And there he was, sat in my chair.
     "How are things?" Ethan asked, holding a bottle of foundation, looking upon it with mystery.
     I rolled my eyes at him. "Can you never use a door?"
     I walked over and hugged him around his neck. He was wearing one of his tartan ties. I bought him this one for our seventh Christmas together.
     "You know me. I never like to do anything simple."
     "What's wrong?" I asked.
     "Nothing. Your presents are over there." He pointed at a two bags and a box lying on the sofa.
     "Thank you." I said, kissing his cheek and patting his shoulders.
     His eyes met mine in the mirror for a second. I was hoping my eyes read I love you, pick me so I wouldn't have to say it myself.
     "Right, open them before you have to go." He stood and picked up the bags, placing them on the floor and sitting on the sofa. "This one first." He passed me a small bag as I sat beside him. I squeezed it before looking inside it felt soft and squishy, an item of clothing. It was a pair of socks.
     "You always need a boring gift on your birthday don't you. They have a letter A on them though. I chose wisely."
     "You're so clever." I joked.
     Ethan passed me a package. It was a book. They're easy to identify. It was a brochure of an apartment called The August Sky. I flicked through the pages to view the most breathtaking property I had ever seen. It was like something you would see a villain use in a spy movie. Everything was so bright and modern and pretty. "I don't understand. What's this?"
     "This, my dear, is our new apartment in New York. I bought it the same day I met Eleanor. I named it after you."
     I nodded calmly, "Cool." I dropped the book onto the floor and scratched my nose. Then flung myself at him and hugged him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, this is the best gift ever! Its so pretty and beautiful!"
I was tempted to ask him how much it cost. I thought it'd be best not to ask that question yet.
     "August you're choking me." He said wheezing through my grasp. I let go. And he passed me my final gift. This box was only small. I emptied its contents into my hand. It was a key. It appeared to be a key to a car.
     "Your final gift is outside, but before we go we need to uphold our tradition." Ethan pulled a Polaroid camera upon a tripod out from behind the sofa. He unfolded the legs and adjusted the height. Then shuffled closer beside me and puffed my cheeks together with his hand, whilst kissing one side. I crossed my eyes and focused on my nose, since smiling wasn't an option. The camera flashed, followed by the photo slowly printing out. I snatched at it and wafted it as the image faded onto the paper. We looked so cute and happy. Well he did, I just looked like a girl with crossed eyes and a guy kissing her puffy cheeks. I popped the photo onto the table and walked to the door.
     "Come on, I want to see this final gift!"
     He covered my eyes with his hands as we stepped outside. "No peaking until we get there." He whispered as we awkwardly dawdled forward.
     "August we need you on set in two!" Someone shouted.
     "Okay, I'll be there!" I shouted in reply.
     I couldn't stop laughing because I kept stepping on Ethan's feet. He removed his hands after a minute or so. I blinked a few times as my eyes readjusted to the light. Before me, parked on the road outside the station, was an identical car to the one I saw Ethan driving, but in white. I turned to Ethan speechless. He dangled the keys in front of me like he was taunting a child. I snatched them off him and skipped towards the car screaming. I unlocked it and slid inside. It was so pretty and the leather interior smelt and felt so good. It was so beautiful and it was mine! I screamed with excitement and stamped my feet. Ethan joined me in the passenger seat. The car only has two seats, but I don't think I'll need anymore if it's only going to be Ethan and me living together.
     "We're not going to drive it since you have to go on set now and the last time we were in a vehicle together it didn't end too well. I will allow you to start it though."
     I grinned wildly and started the ignition, and the car roared into life.
     "This is really loud." I said to Ethan.
     "Yeah it is!" He replied.
     I turned the ignition off and the car calmly quitened.
     "In the boot are a few pairs of running shoes and running bottoms. I know you don't run, but I know you like to wear them because they're comfortable." He said as we got out of the car. He opened his arms and waited for me to enter them. I walked over to him and hugged him tightly.
     "Thank you, Ethan." I said against his chest.
     "The address for the apartment is in the brochure. Once you finish up here, you can drive to it and I'll be there, waiting for you. The car is all registered, so you don't need to worry about that. It's ready to go when you are. Oh, I've sorted all our visa's and permits and things! Your Mum and Dad were very helpful with those, I didn't have a clue what to do!"
     He rested his chin on top of my head. Our embrace parted, and we smiled at one another. I turned and began to walk back towards the station without another word being said. Nothing else needed to be said. I glanced over my shoulder to check on him. He'd vanished of course. I smiled and picked up my walk to a jog. Stanley was waiting at the bottom of the stairs to the station with his arms folded.
     "You two make me sick." He said in a sarcastic tone.
     I raised my eyebrows at him. He held the station door open for me as I jogged up the stairs. "Is that a hint of jealousy I am receiving from you, Stanley?"
     Stanley shook his head and whispered, "Of course not. Who would wish for their best friend, who they're in love with, to spoil them with cars and apartments? Terrible gifts, just terrible I say. Happy birthday by the way."
     I laughed and thanked him as he closed the door behind us.

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