December 22nd

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Max messaged this morning saying there was an interesting article in the newspaper about Ethan. So I bought a newspaper, expecting to see a photo of him with Natasha, kissing and holding hands along the beach.

My work is built around phone calls. Phoning up the latest celebrities and interview them because everyone wants to know what he or she are doing. This month's hot topic for me was Ethan Knight, the magician everyone is talking about. Strangely on this occasion, a phone call wouldn't help me. Ethan Knight was unreachable, maybe because he's a magician, or maybe he doesn't like to be disturbed. Either way, this required me to find him and speak to him in person. Verging me on the cliff of becoming more like a paparazzi than a writer. Nevertheless, I set off in pursuit of him after hearing he was in Miami. He wasn't hard to find. I encountered him helping an elderly woman carry her shopping home. A sincere gesture of good will, regardless of his stature. I walked beside him and introduced myself, he knew who I was and we walked and talked about his upcoming appearance on Patrick Miller's chat show, and his successful TV Series. The elderly woman's name was Jean, a very polite and lovely lady. After five minutes, Ethan stopped, and placed down the shopping in his hands. He asked me how much I made a year and if I had a family. Surprised, I answered his query and asked why he wanted to know. He reached his into jacket pocket and wrote me a check for two years wages. "Go and be with your family, take a break, go on holiday. Before you know it, you'll be paying for their tuitions, and they'll be gone. Spending time with your family is far more important than walking beside me helping this lady carry her shopping home. I'd give anything to spend Christmas with my family." He said. He slipped the check into my pocket and continued on his way with Jean, and her shopping. This kid is nineteen years old, nineteen, and wrote me a check for two years wages. Bearing in mind he has never met me before. But he couldn't have been more right, family is the most important thing in the world. And as I click send on the email with this file attached, I'm currently sipping a glass of wine with my wife as I watch my children run around on the beach in Portugal. I guess what I'm trying to say is, Ethan Knight, Thank you.

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