September 19th

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Ethan had another nightmare in the early hours of this morning. I was downstairs raiding the fridge when I heard him shout my name. I dropped my milkshake and sprinted upstairs to his room. I burst in to find him sat upright with his head in his hands.
"Are you ok?" I asked, flustered and out of breath.
"This nightmare is driving me insane!"
I closed the door and turned on his bedside lamp. I snuggled alongside him in bed and put my arm around him.
"Ethan, what's going on? What aren't you telling me? You know what happened last time you kept things from me." I said, rubbing his shoulder with my thumb.
He kept his head in his hands and sighed. "I'm back in Max's truck. I'm sat in the passenger seat. The 4x4 is heading straight for me and smashes into the car. And then I wake up."
As I gazed into his eyes they appeared possessed. He was so shaken by it, and he was covered in sweat.
I rested my head on his shoulder. "I'm here."
We laid back and he rested his head on my stomach. I ran my fingers through his hair until he fell asleep.
Since I was trapped underneath Ethan, I stayed with him. I didn't want to disrupt his sleep. It was a slight shock to be woken up by Eleanor. Her eyes beaming down upon me with rage, maybe because were we sharing a bed and he was still asleep on me. I slid out from underneath him and stood up.
"Morning." I whispered to her.
"What were you doing?" She whispered back.
"He had a nightmare during the night, so I stayed with him."
She nodded suspiciously and then sat alongside him in bed, nudging him awake. "Baby, wake up, baby." She said.
I felt like screaming, Just call him Ethan, you idiot! Does she really need to call him baby? Really?
I left them be and walked out of the room. Eleanor had popped over to help Ethan pack since he's leaving tomorrow. Normally that would be my job, but I guess she's beaten me to it since she's now a higher authority in Ethan's life.

Dear Miss Bishop,
My agent, Mary, forwarded your email onto me. Forgive me. It's been a while since anyone has contacted me for business. So this friend of yours, Ethan, switched seats with you in a car crash? And he's been a magician for the majority of his life? This sounds like an interesting act given the time he had to complete it, but I'm always up for a challenge. Since my Granddaughter is a latest fan of yours from all the magazines she reads, I'll do it for free if you send her an autograph or something nice. It would really put a smile on her face. Send me all the details you can about locations and times. I have friends who will track down the CCTV footage. It won't be easy, but I won't know until I have seen the footage.
Best Regards, Leonard.

     It was weird receiving that email from Leonard. I watched his show growing up, and now we're going to be doing business together. Even though I was never a huge fan of his it was still cool to receive an email from him! All I need now is a letter from Scooby-Doo and my list would be complete. I sent Leonard an email regarding all the details I knew about the crash. I wasn't much help, but he said he'd make do with it. Max has planned to arrive on the twenty-first. Ethan agreed Max could stay for a month or two. I'm glad he's coming. I'm sure he would be more than happy to help me keep Eleanor entertained due to the fact he adores her. I'm sure he envies Ethan sincerely.

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