December 25th

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     "Merry Christmas." Ethan said, nudging me awake.
     I flung my hand at him and wafted him away.
     "Sleeping." I muttered.
     Ethan then thought it would be a good idea to jump on top of me to get my attention. His head rested next to mine. "Wake up." He moaned. Blowing into my ear. My eyes took a moment or two to come alive. I feebly rolled over underneath him. His cheesy grin hovered over me. He was wearing the Santa Claus tie I got him for our second Christmas together. He's worn it every Christmas Day since.
     "Morning." I groaned.
     "You feel asleep in the car so I carried you up ya little sleepy head." Ethan said, tickling my feet.
     I jolted upright and lightly punched his shoulder. "Why didn't you carry me to bed?" I asked, stretching out along the sofa.
     "Oh I'm sorry, I'll make a note of your complaint and be sure to do so next time." He sarcastically answered.
     I winced at him, then I realised I wasn't wearing my dress. I was wearing one of his T-shirts and his jogging bottoms.
     "Why am I wearing your clothes?"
     His face lit up, "Are you being serious? This is what I found in your wardroabe, my clothes you have clearly stolen!"
     "Borrowed." I corrected.
     He gave me a disinterested look, "Whatever. Your entire wardrobe is filled with my clothes. Don't ask how you got into them, I'm a magician ok."
     I grinned at him while biting the sleeve of his jumper. I love stealing his clothes. "Where's my necklace? The one from Stanley!" I asked, gripping my neck.
     Ethan flicked his hand towards the direction of the table. "I had to take it off while changing you because it would've caught on something and broke knowing me."
     I sighed in relief and slumped back into the sofa.
     "Now hurry and take a shower so we can open our presents. We need to be at Max and Eleanor's soon for dinner. You know how grumpy he can be when we're late!" He said, dragging me to my feet.
     "Carry me please, I'm too tired." I whined, clutching his neck and wrapping my legs around his waist.
     "You're always tired." He muttered, walking towards the stairs.
     "Why do you have to be so cute?" He mumbled.
     I hummed into his neck as we climbed the staircase. I was still clutching to him when he turned the shower on for me.
     "August, stop being childish and get in the shower, please!"
     I dropped my legs down and sulked at him as he grabbed me a towel.
     "No sulking." He said, throwing the towel over me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, kissing him firmly. "I'll be down in a minute." I said afterwards as we grinned at each other.
     "Come on, you know I'm impatient to open my presents!" Ethan shouted as I took my time walking downstairs.
     I fluffed his hair as I walked past him, and then kissed him. I love how I can stick my tongue down his throat whenever I wish. It's fun.
     The tree had a pile of presents stacked next to it.
     "Alternative gift swapping?" I asked.
     Ethan stared at the presents.
     "Ethan," I whispered, nudging him.
     "I'm trying to figure out which one to give you first." He wandered over to the pile of presents, and fetched them over to the coffee table. Scattering them around, his presents to me remained on his side, my presents to him remained on my side. The first present I opened had To, August/Ethan From, Ethan/August written on the label. Confused, I ripped open the paper to find a mens tracksuit inside. "Let's hear your explanation then." I joked.
     He laughed. "Since you're always stealing my clothes, I figured that this is really a present for me to wear for a day and then you can steal it... like every other item of clothing of mine."
     I smirked, "Very clever. I was hoping for something designer, but you know, this is perfect."
     "Well before you're too conclusive... why don't you open your next gift from me?" He passed me a small long box.
     "Ethan if this is a pair of socks I will punch you!"
     "Just open it!"
     I rolled my eyes at him and opened the box. It contained and Eiffel Tower pencil sharperner. I flicked my eyes up to him, awaiting his explanation.
     "We're going to Paris, so you can go shopping for all your designer clothes and you can purchase whatever you like. I'll be your personal shopping assistant who will watch you try on all your clothes and carry your bags, and then we can explore the city."
     "Yeah, I figured that's what the pencil sharpener indicated." I replied, raising a sarcastic eyebrow.
     "I wanted to spoil you, you know. If I decided to buy you clothes instead of taking you to Paris and letting you select your own, then the apartment would be overflowing with bags and wrappings and labels. I mean, your happiness is pricesless to me, August, and I will buy you as many dresses and clothes as you like until you're satisfied. But even then I know you'll still steal my clothes."
     "God, I love you." I put my arms around him and gave him a big, hearty hug. What more can I say? He's perfect, he's honestly so perfect. I wouldn't change even the tiniest detail about him, and I question why I am so lucky to have him.
     I got the satchel I wanted as well! It's a natural brown leather colour, and it has AUGUST etched into it in white and the buckles are golden. It's the most wonderful bag ever. It smells great, too. Much better than the one I used for college. I love it!
     He also got me a magic set for beginners which should be fun...
     Ethan adored his new tie and his cards, especially the one with my face on, and our holiday to the Maldives.
     He placed his arm around me and kissed my forehead. "You always get me the most thoughtful gifts, August."
     We paused for a moment as we scanned over our gifts.
     "Right, webetter go now, we don't want to be late!" He patted my thigh, then wandered over to the mantelpiece, grabbing his clock.
     "This still works?" He asked, surprised.
     I nodded. "It hasn't stopped since the day you gave it me. I'm surprised you haven't noticed it before?"
     "The excellent craftsmanship made me think it was a high quality clock!" He smirked and placed it onto the coffee table. "I'll go and get changed, be back in two." He kissed my forehead one more time before rushing upstairs.
     I placed my head in my hands and smiled, just smiled. I've never been so happy, and my life has never been so perfect.
     I went to twiddle the necklace around my neck, forgetting it was on the coffee table. As I leant forward to pick it up, something clicked in my mind. I changed my sight to the clock. "No, it can't be." I said under my breath.
     I turned around to check if Ethan was there. He wasn't. I shuffled forward, unfolding my legs and grabbing my necklace and my clock. Rotating the clock in my hands, I searched for the keyhole. I peered behind me again to check if Ethan was there. He wasn't. I ran my finger over the key slot in the clock and carefully placed the key from my necklace into it. It fit, perfectly. I smiled, because for once, I was a step ahead of Ethan. The key was a lot harder to turn than expected and took a few attempts to turn the tiny key in the tiny lock on the tiny clock. The back popped up, startling me. I stuck my fingernail in, forcing the back off. Inside was a small black velvet box. Almost like one you would contain a ring in. I tilted the clock backwards, allowing the black velvet box to fall onto my lap. I looked over my shoulder one final time to see if Ethan was there. He wasn't. I gently placed the clock and it's back onto the table. My heart started to race. I tried to open the velvet box, but failed since I was opening it at the wrong end. I giggled at my stupidity and then opened it from the other side. Inside was a diamond ring, an exceptional diamond ring. A gloriously huge shining diamond ring. So many questions flowed through my mind, but there was no time to consider them. I removed the ring from its box and inspected it. It sparkled as the light from the balcony shined upon it. The silver ring had a small bracket connected to it to hold the might fine square diamond. I closed the ring in the palm of my hand and shut my eyes, appreciating its beauty. A hand placed itself on top of mine. I opened my eyes, and there he was. Knelt down in front of me, wearing a tie with the words Will You Marry Me? running down it.
     "So what was the deal with Natasha?" I asked.
     "She was helping me shop for your satchel, you moron."
     He took a deep breath. "August, on April the sixteenth, twelve and a bit years ago. I met the prettiest girl I had ever seen in my entire life. She was so shy and sweet, her eyes captivated me and her smile, her smile was perfect. She was perfect, even when she spat blackcurrant juice all over me. And every day since, I contemplated. Do I tell her? How do I tell her? That I'm so madly in love with her. To ask her to be mine. When I was in hospital and I found out you were seeing somebody else, it broke my heart because I thought I was too late. Too late to tell you that you're the first thing I think about in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night, and all the spaces in between. You were always meant to be with me, always were, always will. I'll never want to be with anyone else, never ever, ever. Before I ask my next question can I ask you something?"
I tried to compose myself, I tried, but tears kept flooding out of my eyes.
"Hey, hey, come here." He shuffled me forward and wiped my eyes.
"Can you remember when I gave you that clock?"
I flicked my eyes over to it. "My thirteenth birthday."
"Can you remember when exactly?" He asked.
I frowned, what did this have to do with him proposing?
"Well you gave it me like a month late, so September?"
He nodded, "Correct, do you know how long ago that was?"
My frowned increased. "Six years. Ethan, is this relevant right now? Can't I just say yes?" My tears stopped momentarily as I changed focus to his irrelevance.
"Last question, don't worry. How many months ago was that?"
I rolled my eyes at him and wiped my eyes while genuinely thinking of the answer. "Seventy three... or seventy four months ago?" As soon as I answered my eyes lit up. "No!" I shouted at him, placing my hands over my mouth and restarting my tears.
"Check your shoe." He replied smugly.
"No." I blubbered, wafting my hands over my eyes.
He rolled his eyes at me and slipped off my shoe, since I wasn't capable of doing so myself, and pulled out a card.
And there it was. The seventy-three of hearts. Well, the seven of hearts with his pathetic number three drawn beside the seven, signed by my six-year-old self with the smiley face. It still had the smudge from my chocolatey fingers. I could barely see the card through my flowing eyes.
"You kept it?" I asked, carefully taking it from him.
"Of course I kept it!... There it is, August. There's the best magic trick you will ever see. No buildings being collapsed on top of anybody, and no switching seats in cars. To complete my magic trick, I need to ask you one final question."
Why couldn't I be stronger emotionally? Ethan constantly has me crying, it's not natural. I exhaled, "Ok."
He signalled down at his tie and wafted it. "August Victoria Bishop. Will you marry me?"
I've never cried and laughed and smiled and sulked and winced in such a short time. All these emotions were combining and I couldn't help but cry. I can't believe he kept that card. I can't.
I wiped my eyes, and smiled, nodding my head, "Yes."
He quickly leant forward and kissed me. He had the biggest grin on his face. I'd never seen him so happy as he placed the ring onto my finger.
"It was my Mum's. My Dad bought it as soon as he won his first big payout. Growing up my Dad didn't give me much advice. But one day he crouched down in front of me and handed me the ring, telling me to give it to you when we were old enough. He said my Mum would want me to have it."
I held his head next to mine and caressed the back of his neck. I held my hand up over his shoulder and admired the ring I possessed on my finger.
When he mentioned his Mum though it made me think of the letter, maybe now I should give it to him, now is the right time. Leaving it any longer could only make things worse.
"Ethan I need to show you something."
"Ok." He replied.
I rose from the sofa, seating him on it, and walked over to the cabinet I had kept it hidden in. I regret keeping it from him for as long as I had. Still, I passed the box to him. The moment I gave it to him I think he knew who it was from. I sat quietly, allowing him to examine it in peace. Ethan removed the envelope containing the letter from his box and began to read it. I watched his eyes as they flicked along each line. Tears spilled down his cheeks as he folded the letter into the envelope and returned it to its box. I shuffled behind him and put my arms around his waist, resting my head against his back.
"I just wish she was still here, you know. To see how well I'm doing. To see you. It's not fair."
"I know it's not." I replied. "She'll be watching over you, and I'm sure she is so proud of you, Ethan."
We sat silently as he wiped his eyes.
"I'm such a baby! I don't cry my entire life and I've cried twice this year!"
We both giggled. I kissed the back of his neck and gave him a squeeze.
"Will you be ok?"
"I'll be fine Mrs. August Bishop-Knight." He replied.
"Did you notice we kinda sound like the beginning of a chess set?" I asked with my cheek squished against him.
"Oh yeah." He replied with amusement.

A HOUSE! A BLOODY HOUSE! IS HE MAD? August, if you don't marry that boy I have failed as a Mother! Tell him thank you, honestly thank you so much. Thank you for my shoes and the Tv, too. Madeline is running around like a lunatic and she went crazy over her presents. Your Father cried, but he won't admit it. He also asked me to remind you to keep your tongue out of Ethan's mouth while on live television, lol! God, I need a lie down, it's too much to take in! All my love to you couple of goofballs, we love you so so so so much. Merry Christmas my angel! Xx

I'm sure you can imagine my Mum's overwhelmed reaction when I replied to her text with a photo of me and Ethan kissing as I flashed my engagement ring. Believe it or not Ethan had already spoken to my Dad about proposing to me. I didn't see that coming. When we arrived at Max and Eleanor's, Ethan introduced me as his fiancée. It was the strangest most wonderful feeling, and I thought I was going to burst with excitement. Max and Eleanor were thrilled as I held up the huge rock on the end of my finger. My fiancée, wow it's even more wonderful to say it, was creating our surprise dinner with Max while Eleanor and I enjoyed a glass of wine. Whatever it was they were making it smelt great. The reason it smelt great was because when we sat down we had four pizza's waiting for us at our table. Eleanor and I were laughing for a good minute or two. Ethan and Max didn't find it too amusing because they had spent a long time preparing them for us. Pizza is hardly a traditional Christmas meal, but I'm glad we didn't have anything else. We sat and ate our pizzas prepared for us by our partners. Then I snuggled up into Ethan's arms on the sofa and we had a nap while Max and Eleanor did the same. I shuffled my head back and pouted my lips, in an attempt to show that I wanted a kiss. I had to nudge him with my head before his hands grasped my cheeks and kiss my pouted lips. We didn't stay much longer because Ethan was still a bit shaken by his Mum's letter from earlier. I secretly made Max and Eleanor aware of it and they completely understood.
My fiancée had one more surprise for me as we reentered our apartment. He took my coat off me as I obliviously wandered straight past the gift he had hanging on the wall.
"August, you missed something, dear." He said, pointing to the wall.
I slumped my arms, as to say How on Earth did I walk past that without noticing it?
I strolled over to him and gazed upon his final gift. It was a framed black and white photo of the moment he surprised me at my premiere. It was so pretty. He looked so smart and dashing in his suit, and I had the largest surprised smile on my face. And the flashing cameras were in the background. It would make the perfect movie poster!
He kissed the top of my head and put his arm around my shoulder as I admired the frame. "Do you like it?" He asked, resting his chin on the top of my head.
"I love it!" I don't know what happened, but as I said that a burp sneaked its way up and surprised us both. Ethan burst into one of his uncontrollable laughters, and I hid under my shirt in embarassment.
"You're so adorable." He said, pulling my shirt from over my head. We laughed at each other again.
"I love you." He said, tucking my hair behind my ears, then bringing a small section forward, "My little elf."
I sulked at him. "I love you, too."
Ethan placed his arm around me as we turned and faced the beautiful photo of us, newly hung on the wall. Nothing else was said, because, nothing else needed to be said.

October 31st
There's a solution, a simple one, to how we will resolve this matter. And that is no one will ever find out how it was done, not even me. Because I don't remember how I did it. There it is, the truth. However, the footage taken from the side of the vehicle where you would see how it was done, is in my possession, or was, who knows. I had the tape in my hand, just like the footage I took from my college surveillance cameras when I broke a guys jaw for hurting the girl I love. That's why August's parents didn't see the footage. This is irrelevant to you, but I wanted you to know why you couldn't get ahold of the footage. No one needs to know the truth, Leonard. I thought maybe I did, so I placed the footage from the crash into the player. But then I removed it. Because I realised, maybe this should remain a secret from everyone. Even from the one who performed the act, and that's how it shall remain. I think we both know how I did it, Leonard, but I think we both don't believe it because, it is as they say, impossible.
Ethan Knight.

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