November 23rd

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     "Ready to go?" Ethan asked, picking up our bags and holding the door open with his foot. I planted myself in the middle of our wonderful living room and rotated on the spot, scanning the apartment in one final search of anything we would need for our ten-day trip home to visit our family. I snatched at our passports on the side, placing them inside the handy pocket inside my bag.
     A new bag is what I am in need of. I hardly use bags, although when I do, my previous college bag isn't the most glamorous accessory for a rising star. I'm holding out until Christmas because no doubt Ethan will buy me a magnificent one made of a material man wasn't even aware existed. That's not what I want though. I want a satchel, a normal leather satchel. With my initials on it, and inside a cute message from Ethan telling me how much he loves me. If that turns out to be the only gift I got for Christmas, I would be the happiest girl. Anyway, I placed the passports in my bag and shut the door behind us.
     Ethan hired a private car to take us to the airport, where his private jet would wait for us. I glanced over at Ethan. He was wearing his second favourite tie today. He must have been considering today as a special occasion. This tie I bought him for his eleventh birthday. It was a white tie covered in a splattered paint design. Red, blue, yellow, green, and black squirted onto a blank white canvas. It's very artistic.
     He says when we return to New York he will take me around the site of the hotel . I don't want to go, but I will try and show my support. Ethan handed me a bottle of water as we sat in the plane.
     Too early for champagne. I thought to myself.
I fell asleep during take off. Ethan and I were listening to some classical music on his MP3 player and I dozed straight off. Somehow I remained in that slumber. We did wake up during the early hours of the morning so I suppose I hadn't gotten as much sleep as I would normally do. I do love my sleep.
     "Why didn't you wake me?" I asked Ethan as the captain called over the speaker that we were coming in to land.
     "You looked so cute and peaceful and I didn't want to wake you. I know how grumpy you can be when someone wakes you up. You were snoring, too."
     I scowled at him.
     We could be the cutest couple ever. I said to him telepathically.
     Ethan and I stood waiting outside Madeline's school. We wanted to surprise her by picking her up. I told Mum to let us pick her up so she could go straight home without having to rush over and collect her. Our surprise was almost ruined when crowds of people gathered around us for photos and autographs. We rushed through the crowds, most were Mum's sneaking a picture kissing Ethan on the cheek. My crowds were kids asking for autographs. A lot of them were so young, their parents shouldn't be letting them watch me shoot people at such a young age!
     Madeline appeared from school, scanning the yard for Mum, as she always picked her up. I grinned at her. It took her ten seconds or so to spot us. Her face lit up and she sprinted towards us. I held my arms open and crouched to embrace her. She ran straight past me and wrapped herself around Ethan. Squeezing her arms around him. Ethan picked her up and swept her around
     "What's happening Maddie, you miss me?" He placed her down.
     Madeline wobbled in her dizziness. "Where have you been?" She shouted, folding her arms and sulking.
     "I've been looking after August! What else would prevent me from seeing you!" He said, matching her sulk. He placed his hands on her shoulders and twizzled her around to face me.
     I raised my eyebrows, with my arms still spread. "Don't forget about me!"
     Madeline grinned and dawdled into my arms. How I've missed her ginger hair, and her cute freckled cheeks, and her bossy attitude.
     She's such a delicate little flower, I didn't want to let her go.
     "Did you get married yet?" Madeline whispered.
     "To who?" I giggled in her ear.
     She released her arms from around me, planting her hands on either side of my face. I stared into her adorable, serious eyes, awaiting her reply. She stared right back at me and then attempted to roll her eyes. She was clearly trying to indicate Ethan, she tilted her head in a further attempt to imply him.
     I laughed again. "No, no, why would we get married, Madeline?" I asked with curiosity, holding up my hand to reveal I wasn't wearing a ring.
     She squinted at me and raised her head. "I'm just checking cus I'm supposed to be the bridesmaid."
     I bit my lip and peeked up at Ethan, he was smiling down at her as if he were her parent. I imagined that's how he would look at our kids if we ever had any. Madeline was still wearing the bracelet I bought her, along with her friendship bracelet from Ethan. They slid down her arm as she raised it to grab a hold of Ethan's hand. They started to walk out of the school gates and towards the car. She squeezed her right hand as they walked away, implying for me to grab hold of it. I lunged forward and linked my hand with hers. She jumped into the air, lifting her feet off the floor, swinging forwards and backwards on our arms, nearly pulling me over. I'm too small and weak to sustain a good frame for swinging. Within the first five seconds of clambering into the saloon car chauffeuring us around, Madeline has pressed every button possible in the car. The electric windows jolted up and down repeatedly to her amusement. She loved when the TV screen unfolded down from the roof. Patrick Miller's show was on. I'd seen it already, but we watched it on our trip home anyway.
     My Dad was sitting at the kitchen table as we entered through the front door. I crept on my tiptoes as far as I could before sprinting behind him and covering his eyes with my hands.
     "August, I saw your reflection in the mirror as soon as you walked in."
     I cuddled his neck and kissed his cheek. "Did ya miss me?" I asked, squeezing him.
     "August you're choking me, love. Of course I missed you." He coughed and rose from his chair and hugged me. "I'm tired of seeing you on the bloody television and in all the newspapers, though! Can't catch my breath without seeing you!"
     He avoided hugging Ethan. Instead they shook hands in a manly ordeal. "Loving the TV show, Victoria and I are hooked! That model you had on was smoking, wasn't she?"
I was unsure as to whether Dad knew of my love for Ethan or not, perhaps Mum hadn't told him. Either way, his comment made me roll my eyes.
     "Natasha is very nice, and funny too." Ethan replied.
     Suddenly my Mum came bolting downstairs, sliding on the wooden flooring in her fluffy socks and swooped Ethan and I into a group hug.
     "Did everything go ok collecting Madeline?" She asked.
     "Everything went well, no need to worry Mrs. Bishop. Parents and children swarmed us as we first set foot on site, but they soon disappeared. Madeline looked so adorable when she recognised us and sprinted over to us." Ethan replied, patting Mum on the back.
     "Oh I've missed you both so much. Since your faces are everywhere it reminds me you're all grown up and don't need me anymore. Now I have to pretend I like talking to your father."
     Madeline raced over and huddled into the middle of our hug.
     "August that dress you wore for your premiere, my word it was beautiful! You nearly looked as hot as your Mum! Where did you get it? He can sell the car and buy me one for our anniversary or Christmas, a dress for both occasions perhaps." Mum asked with bulging eyes.
     "Stanley, the director of the movie has a friend who creates masterpieces. We'll sort you one out, don't worry." I replied.
     "Who's this model chick you're seeing then Ethan?" She suddenly turned and asked with a blank face.
     Ethan's eyes lit up. "Natasha? Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, we're only friends Mrs. Bishop." He stuttered back to her.
     "Smooth." I said, nudging him with my elbow.
     Mum winced her eyes at him, "Ok, sweetie."

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