July 1st

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     Today I'm rehearsing shooting people. Eleanor hasn't returned from New York yet, but she isn't required because she isn't going to be shooting that many people. My character grew up on a farm in England, where they did clay pigeon shooting and hunting, so I'm supposed to be rather good with a gun. I'm going to look so badass in this film.
     So, we're in the lounge. All the desks have been cleared now. The floor has been laid out like the police station. When I say laid out I mean some white X's have been marked on the floor for people to stand on and some canvas screens have been popped up to act as a wall to hide behind. So I'm hiding behind a wall, using my hand as a pretend gun. Eleanor's character is supposed to be stood beside me, but that's all she really needs to do so it won't be hard for her to catch up. Three bad guys are hiding. Two behind their own desks, one behind a wall. They're shooting at us and I wait for them to reload and then I step out and shoot them both in the head. I didn't know there is another guy behind the wall and quickly drop down behind a desk before popping up and shooting him too. If someone walked into the lounge by mistake they would have probably thought we were all loosing our minds. Having this pretend shootout with our hands. Later on in the film I get to punch a couple of guys, but we're not rehearsing that because they don't want me to accidentally punch him in the face or damage my wrist. Knowing me, I would have probably done both.

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