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Chapter Eleven


   I looked over and caught Asher's gaze. I sighed and allowed him to come in. Once he did, he pulled me into a hug and my hands stay at my side. Finally, I completely broke. It is 2:45 in the morning, I am sobbing my eyes out, and I have no one, while this boy hugging me wants to comfort me. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry into his white t-shirt. 

   "What happened, Elle? Is it something with Al-" he was saying, holding me by my shoulders. I sniffle and stop him from saying a name I don't want to hear right now. 

   "No Asher, it's-it's my dad," I say and fall to my knees on the floor. Asher falls with me and wraps his muscular arms around me and starts rocking me back and fourth. 

   "What about your dad?" he asked, his voice soft and calm. 

   "He, uhm, he cheated on my mom," I say, wiping my tears. Asher bury's his large head into the crook of my neck and stays like this. 

No, Elle. Stop this right now. 

You can't do this. 

You need to get off this floor right now and tell him to leave. 

   As much as I wanted to do that, my throat was closing and my legs couldn't move. His hairs tickled my neck and I shivered. I guess he felt it because he re-positioned his head. 

   "I am so sorry, Elle. I know the feeling of not having your dad and it utterly sucks. I am sorry," he says, not fazed by saying sorry like he usually is. A small smile creeps on my face as much as I don't want it to. He pulled away from me and stood up, putting his hand out for me to grab it. "C'mon, lets get off this floor and get you in bed. We still have school tomorrow." 

   I grabbed his hand and he hoisted me up. 

No Elle, stop this while you can...

   He helped me to my bed and tucked me in the covers. 

He's just going to hurt you...

   A smile flashed on his face, and he cupped my cheek with one hand. 

Push his hand away, don't let him win...

   I smiled back and grabbed his hand. 

This isn't right Elle, stop!

   He pulled his hand away so I didn't have to. 

Thank you Elle...

   My smile faded as he headed back to my window. He looked back at me and set me a warm smile before disappearing back into his room, leaving a little sooner than I wanted him to. 

No Elle, he isn't right for you, forget it...

   I looked down and I let myself drift into a slow and scary sleep. Tomorrow will be rough. 


   When I got up, the sun was shining in my eyes, blinding me. I groaned and shoved a pillow on my face. I removed the pillow and grabbed my phone, looking at the time. 7:30, oh shoot, I am gonna be late. 

   I shot out of bed and ran to my closet. I hurried and looked for an outfit-settling on black tights, an oversize burgundy sweatshirt, and a pair of white converse. Without thinking, I throw my long brown hair in a messy bun. I grab my back pack and phone and hurry downstairs. I sigh when I see everyone has already left. 

   I hurry out the door and start speed walking to school. I hear a car behind me start slowing down and I pick up the pace. The car comes to my side and rolls the window down. I look over and see Asher. I roll my eyes. 

   "Awe are you unhappy to see me princess?" he asks, like it isn't the most obvious thing in the world. 

Shut him out, Elle. Don't let him win. 

   "Yes, very," I mutter, loud enough for him to hear. I hear him laugh at my response. 

   "Get in," he adds. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion. 

   "Ha, you're funny if you think that I am getting into a car with you," I say, continuing to walk. 

   "Get in or you'll be late," he says, and I look over; he rolls his eyes. 

   "I would much rather be late. Thank you," I add with an annoyed smirk. 

   "Do you want detention?" 


   "Do you want to have detention?"

   "Of course not." 

   "Then get in," he says. I groan and he comes to a stop. I walk over and trow the door open. I set my bag in and fall onto the seat. He smiles. 

   "Don't make your ego blow up, this isn't because of you," I say, looking out the window. He chuckles. 

   "Of course princess," he adds, patting the bun on the top of my head. 


   When we get to school, I leave Asher and hurry off to my class that has already started. When I walk in, all eyes are on me...great. 

   "Would you like to explain why you are late, Miss Anders?" Mr. Mendez asks. I shake my head and head to my seat. Asher is quick to come in after and sits next to me, not a question asked. Stupid Asher. 

   "You not happy to see me princess," he says when he sits next to me. 

   "Unhappy would be an understatement," I say with a smirk. He rolls his eyes and doesn't bother me the rest of class period. 

   When the bell rings, all the students rush out of the class and I soon follow behind; Asher hot on my heels. I finally turned around and look at him, arms crossed over my chest. 

   "What do you want?" I ask. 

   "Aw, poor princess thinks I am following her. Way to build up my ego, but I am going to my friends," he says and points behind me. I turn on my heels and face the last people on earth I wish I didn't see. Oh dear lord this can't be happening. 

   "Those are my friends and that is my brother," I say when I turn back. He shrugs. 

   "Guess we'll be hanging out a lot then," he says with a smirk and walks off. 

   "Ughhhhh," I groan. I just want to strangle him. 



   So how was chapter eleven. I think it was pretty good, not being conceded. Give me your feed back I love it. How about the characters? I promise they will start getting more involved in the next chapter. But I am terrible at writing these author notes now, haha. I love you forever and ever and ever, okay?

Don't forget to share, comment, and vote, 

Much love, 


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