Chapter 23

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This chapter will get lemony. Either that, or it's the next chapter. Just sayin'.


This pattern continued for some time - Len would go to her house and help her with her work, and Miku would listen as his smooth voice lectured on whatever their teacher had taught them that day.

Initially, she had been nervous, wondering whether a repeat of that time would occur, each time he went to her house. But he never made any move, and eventually Miku came to trust that Len really was sorry about it.

Len was supposed to go to her house again, tonight. They had become good friends, she supposed - though she did wish, sometimes, that they could be something more. She never gave voice to that wish, though, and he never mentioned anything related to that.

To tell the truth, Miku had forgiven Len for what he had done. He had shown her nothing but simple, friendly kindness, and she thought that his remorse was genuine. They never talked about that incident, so Miku found it easy to forget that it had ever happened.

And she still liked him, despite everything that had happened. Maybe it was because she was just stupid. But she couldn't get over him. A six year crush wasn't considered very long, not really, but it wasn't easy to forget either.

Len hadn't insisted on moving up to her room, even after she had gotten more comfortable around his presence. That, admittedly, surprised her a little.

Though maybe it was due to the fact Mikuo hung around the living room too, like the protective elder brother she knew. Mikuo could be rather intimidating at times, especially when it came to matters concerning her.

Tonight, though, would be different. Mikuo wouldn't be around - he was staying over at Akaito's house tonight, to complete yet another school project. Mikuo was notorious in school for never being able to finish his homework on time. It made her wonder what her brother did in his free time. Besides sleep.

I haven't told Len that Mikuo won't be around tonight...should I?

She didn't see any reason to. It wasn't that important, anyway. So long as Len's teaching wasn't affected, then there wasn't any reason to bother him with something so unimportant, was there?


''Where's Mikuo?'' Len asked, stepping into the house, glancing around. The green-haired boy was nowhere to be seen. It was weird.

But it also came as a relief to Len, because Mikuo Hatsune was fond of hovering around his sister and generally annoying the hell out of Len. It's not like I plan on eating her or anything like that. He's being way too over-protective of Miku.

''He's at Akaito Shion's house. Something about a project he needs to finish off by tomorrow,'' Miku shrugged her slim shoulders, already out of her school uniform. Len blinked.

She had changed into a small nightdress, and try as he might he couldn't take his eyes off her. Miku apparently didn't care about his presence, given the skimpiness of the pyjamas she wore, but Len...Len thought if she noticed him staring any longer she might gouge his eyes out.

Or he might claw them out himself. He coughed and turned away, doing his best to ignore the bared creamy white flesh her white, satin nightdress failed to cover up. ''Night time already, Miku? It's a little early to be wearing that, don't you think?''

She blushed, her pale cheeks becoming a faint shade of rose. ''Well...since I'm not going out or anything, I might as well change into my pyjamas, right? It's not like there's anyone else to see me in this, other than you.''

He couldn't argue with that kind of logic. Sighing, he averted his gaze and walked past her, taking his usual seat on the nearby couch.

He wanted her then - he wanted her like he always did. The previous times he had gone to her house, he had wanted her, but with Mikuo there he hadn't dared to do anything.

If Mikuo wasn't going to be here tonight...Len's lips tilted up into a smile. Things would definitely become more interesting.

Would she be willing to accept him again though? She seemed willing to accept him as a friend, but he couldn't be sure for anything more. Would she forgive him for what he had done? It had been two weeks, after all.

As Miku went to sit next to him on the couch, crossing her long, shapely legs, he began to think. There might be a way for him to regain her trust, her affections...if she still had any left for him. Something that he, Len Kagamine, would never do. It wasn't in his nature to allow himself to be treated that way.

But, if it allowed him to have another chance with Miku Hatsune, then why not? Up till now, he still wasn't sure whether he genuinely liked her, or whether he just lusted after her. What he knew, though, was that he didn't want to lose her. He wanted her in a way he shouldn't want a mere friend.

In school, over the past two weeks, she still stayed with Gakupo, but she didn't talk to Gakupo the way she talked to him. And that gave him the tiniest glimmer of hope, a faint thread which he desperately clung on to.

''So, what do you have in mind today?'' her melodious voice broke into his thoughts, and he glanced up to stare at her. Her green eyes looked inquisitively back at him, and he became more determined to carry out what he had planned.

''What I have in mind?'' he smiled. ''A lot, Miku. I have plenty in store for you today.''


Miku was half-asleep after listening to Len talk, on and on, about sub-atomic particles and how they were linked to the conduction of electricity by aqueous and molten substances. Len's voice was rich and seductive, almost hypnotic, and when he droned about such a boring topic she couldn't help having to struggle to keep her eyes open.

He had moved on from just helping her in maths - he helped her in science now, too, one of the subjects she also was rather weak at. Just not as weak as algebra.

''You're not listening to me, Miku,'' Len sighed and stretched, his shirt lifting a little to show off the barest hint of flat, toned stomach. Miku's eyes fixed on that patch of pale skin, then realised she was staring and tore her eyes away. Len didn't seem to notice her staring.

''I need to use the toilet,'' he added, rising from the couch. Miku blinked. It was the first time he had needed to go to the toilet, in her house.

There were two toilets in her house - one in her room, the other in Mikuo's. She decided that he should go to hers, since Mikuo didn't like people entering his room. ''Up the stairs, the room on the right.''

He nodded, going to the stairs and disappearing. Miku settled comfortably into the couch and waited for him to return.

When he wasn't back fifteen minutes later, Miku, who was growing impatient, went up the stairs to search for him. Did he lock himself inside the toilet or something?

''Len!'' she called out, walking inside her room. If he really was stuck inside her toilet, she didn't know what she would do. Laugh, probably. ''Are you okay?''

Her eyes fell on her bed. Len was reclining there, looking bored. He had tied what appeared to be two of her winter scarves to her bedposts, and now those cerulean blue eyes regarded her with something almost like anticipation. ''You took your time.''

''Aren't you using the toilet?'' she had meant her tone to be accusatory, but it came out confused. He smirked, his blonde hair falling alluringly over one of those mesmerising blue eyes.

''You didn't really believe that, do you?'' he drawled. Then he yawned, still looking bored. ''It's so much more comfortable here, why don't we study here instead?''

''Len...'' Miku honestly had no idea what to say. ''What do you want, really?''

''Do me a favour, Miku,'' he whispered, the bored expression disappearing as he leant towards her. She couldn't help becoming intrigued by the earnestness in his voice.

''What favour, Len?'' she mumbled, still wondering what he wanted from her.

''Tie my wrists to your bed.''

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