Chapter 7

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Len was feeling terribly frustrated. And what was worse was that he had no idea why.

So Miku Hatsune hadn't seemed thrilled at the prospect of studying with him. So? It wasn't any big deal. He wouldn't like to study with someone else, either - it could get distracting.

But still. He was Len Kagamine. The boy that girls fell totally head-over-heels for. Every single girl he had ever met had, at some point, indicated interest in him. Even Miku had.

So why wasn't she more excited at the fact that he was going to spend more time with her? One-to-one? Had her opinion of him changed so quickly? So suddenly? And if so...why?

Len sighed. Why was he puzzling over this anyway? It doesn't matter. He was her tutor, and that was it. He wasn't interested in her that way.

Images of skin pressed against skin, lips pressed against lips, contradicted his thoughts, and he scowled. No. He had already promised both himself and Gakupo that he wasn't interested in Miku Hatsune that way.

He wondered if the only reason he was so taken in by her was because of her aloofness, how she was the only girl to seem so disinterested in him, and because of her child-like innocence. Because he couldn't think of any other reason why he lusted after her so much.

Lust, not love. Not like, he reminded himself. Maybe infatuation, maybe desire, but not actual like. What he felt for Miku couldn't be compared with what he felt for Rin.

Lounging in his bed, he continued staring at his bedroom ceiling, still wondering why he was so attracted to, of all people, sweet, innocent Miku Hatsune. Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

Lazily, he reached over to his bedside table, picking it up. He had received a text, and he wondered who it was from. Meiko? Luka? Teto? Girls whose names he couldn't even remember anymore?

An unknown number. He frowned, wondering who on earth it could be from, and opened the message.

Hi Len. Miku here. My brother's okay with the idea. So...I'll go to your house tomorrow, after school?

Miku. Len's eyes widened, and eagerly, swiftly, he tapped out his reply.

Sure. Meet me outside the school library, immediately after last period. Don't be late.

He sent his reply, and barely thirty seconds later he received another text from her.

Okay. See you.

Len smiled. He had half a mind to continue the conversation, but in the end he decided against it. Miku didn't sound very enthusiastic, and he didn't know whether or not she would reply to his messages.

Best to wait until tomorrow. A little thrill went through him at the thought of talking to her, seeing her again.

Maybe he would do other things, things that didn't involve the teaching of maths...Len blinked. What was he thinking? He ought not to be distracted from the impossible job at hand - to teach Miku Hatsune algebra.

Len sighed. ''I should never have agreed to this,'' he muttered mutinously.

Oh, wait. He didn't agree to this. The teacher had just walked to him and told him to do it. Great. Len didn't know he was such a push-over. It was wonderful, finding out new character traits he never thought he had.

At least he didn't have anything on tonight, other than attempt to get some sleep.

For some reason, Len knew that his dreams tonight would be tormented by a pair of innocent, vivid forest-green eyes. Eyes that belonged to a girl that he hungered for, but shouldn't, couldn't, touch.

Miku held her phone close to her chest. Len Kagamine had just texted her. Her! Miku Hatsune!

How could she still be so calm? Inside, she felt like she was on the verge of hyperventilating.

Don't be dumb. He's just helping you with algebra, there's nothing more to it. Despite her negative thoughts, Miku couldn't help feeling excited about going to his house tomorrow.

She was such an hopeless, infatuated moron. What was she expecting to happen? That Len would kiss her again or something?

With a start, Miku realised that was exactly what she was hoping would happen. Frantically, she started to shake her head.

''Miku, don't be silly. Be happy that you have a reason to go to his house. Don't expect anything more,'' she chided herself. ''He won't ever like you that way.''

Suddenly depressed, Miku slumped over her desk, her long green hair pooling around her. Why couldn't she just get over Len Kagamine already? He was always in her thoughts - didn't he ever get tired of constantly running through her mind?

His blue eyes haunted her, even in her dreams. Len Kagamine showed up everywhere she looked, and even in her sleep she couldn't avoid him. It was so frustrating!

''Len,'' she whispered, resting her forehead on her arm. ''Do you have any idea how much I like you? How much I...want you?''

Obviously not.

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