Chapter 3

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Len was sitting in the library, finally able to get away from the hordes of girls who usually swarmed him after school.

He didn't hate them. Really. But they could get annoying, especially when he just wanted to be alone for awhile.

''Len?'' Len wanted to curse. Slowly, he looked up from the book he was reading. Which happened to be Romeo and Juliet. Highly fascinating book. He did appreciate Shakespeare's tragedies.

''Yes, Rin?'' he smiled tightly. His twin sister smiled at him, her arm wrapped around Kaito's waist. He stared jealously at that arm.

''I'm going out with Kaito tonight. I made dinner this morning, it's in the fridge. Just warm it up, okay? Mom and Dad are still overseas, and I can't let my younger brother starve,'' she smiled again.

''Okay. Fine. Go have fun, Rin,'' he turned back to the book, pushing his spectacles further up his nose. He heard the tapping of footsteps as the pair walked away.

It seemed scarcely a moment later that someone was whispering his name, and he looked up, annoyed. His glare softened when he saw who it was.

Shy, sweet Teto. ''Teto,'' he rose from his chair, setting the book down on the nearby table. She blushed, her red ringlets hanging loose around her face. ''I'm sorry. I forgot.''

''It's okay,'' she whispered. ''I don't mind.''

He led her to one of the aisles, in the far side of the library which no one ever went to. ''Next time I'll make it up to you,'' he murmured, sitting her on his lap. She nodded, breathless.

His fingers swept her hair away from her temples, threading through the thick locks, then his lips covered hers, their teeth banging and scraping as their tongues entwined. One hand still in her hair, the other crept down to her shirt hem, past her blouse to trail over her warm stomach.

Teto moaned against his lips. Len smiled. He liked bringing pleasure, and he liked receiving it too. It helped him to forget everything.

They liked his taste, his spice, and he would give it to them since they liked it so much. Just once, just for one sweet time, his spice and flavour would be theirs.

He didn't understand why women liked the way he tasted. He thought he'd be bitter. Bitter due to his pent-up disappointment and frustration. Like the bitter taste of too much sweet syrup.

Teto pulled away from him, panting, and he nuzzled her neck, wanting to have her here, right now, right then. He would have, except that Teto was painfully shy and would never consent to it unless it was in a totally private space. Like...her room.

He heard a gasp, and like he had received an electric shock, he glanced up. Miku Hatsune had walked into the aisle, and at the sight of he and Teto entwined together so intimately she had dropped all the books she was carrying.

Blushing furiously, she knelt down and began gathering her books up, holding them close to her chest. ''I'm sorry!'' she squeaked. ''Just...just continue.'' And she scurried off.

Teto blinked. ''Len,'' she said hesitantly, ''I'm not in the mood anymore.'' He understood what she meant - after being stumbled upon like that, he had lost his drive too. He nodded, and slowly Teto got off him, walking away.

That was...embarrassing. For the first time, Len felt embarrassed that he had been caught doing something intimate with a girl he felt nothing for. Why? He had never cared before.

Maybe it was because he had been caught by the most innocent girl in their whole school - Miku Hatsune. She probably thought he was trying to eat Teto now.

Len actually felt frustrated that he had probably given Miku a bad impression of him. He wasn't a man-whore...maybe he was. He considered.

Rephrase. He was a man-whore, but he didn't take any available girl when he wanted. He had standards.

Like firstly, the girl had to be attractive. Secondly, she had to have nice eyes. Thirdly, she had to interest and amuse him.

Someone like Miku Hatsune.

He scowled, shaking his head. He had already told Gakupo that he wasn't going to target Miku Hatsune. She was too naive for these kind of things. But his traitorous mind was already betraying him!

He should just go home and eat his dinner. Then take a cold shower. I really need to stop thinking about Miku Hatsune. His new-found attraction to someone as innocent as her was making him feel like a paedophile, though she was the same age as he was. Eighteen.

''I'm a paedophile,'' he repeated aloud. ''A terrible paedophile.'' He walked out of the aisle.

Miku Hatsune had come out of the aisle next to his, and upon seeing him she froze. Clutching her books close to her chest, she backed away slightly and stared at him like he was a flesh-eating (but still attractive) zombie.

It was irritating, but strangely adorable. He decided to talk to her - funny thing was, he had known her since middle school, but they had never talked. Not once.

To be honest he had never even noticed her until today. ''Hey.''

''Hi,'' she bit her lip. ''You're Len Kagamine.''

''I know that,'' he raised an eyebrow. ''And you're Miku Hatsune.'' She glanced down at the floor and nodded.

In a barely audible whisper, she asked, ''Is Teto okay? She's my friend, and...I hope she's okay. Please don't eat her. If you're hungry, I have some leeks in my bag.''

Len had to press his lips together to keep from laughing. ''I wasn't trying to eat her.''

She blinked, her green eyes filled with so much innocence it made him hurt. ''Then what were you doing to her?''

''I..'' he hesitated. He, Len Kagamine, was not going to explain physical intimacy to this girl in the school library. ''Go ask Teto. I'm sure she'll be more than willing to answer your questions about what we were doing.''

She nodded, relaxing a little as she stared at him. He cocked his head, wondering what he should say. ''Well...goodbye,'' he said awkwardly.

''Bye,'' she said softly, backing away from him to hide inside the aisle she had just left. Len frowned.

She was an extremely intriguing puzzle. A puzzle he definitely wouldn't mind solving.

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