Chapter 11

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I don't know what he's thinking. He doesn't have any right to dictate who I can, or can't, kiss. Who am I to him?

Who is he to me?

Miku was fuming as she let herself into her house. Mikuo looked up from the book he was reading as she slammed the front door shut.

''You're back earlier than I expected,'' her brother commented. ''Someone called you, by the way. Teto, I think?''

Miku felt her frustration recede as surprise took its place. ''Why didn't she call my phone?''

Mikuo shrugged. ''I asked her that too. She said she knew you were going to study with Len Kagamine, so she didn't want to call your phone just in case she...interrupted anything.''

Miku frowned. ''We were just studying. Teto could've called me if she wanted to.''

Her brother grinned, a silly grin which made her feel like punching him. ''Teto didn't seem to think that way.''

''Ugh. Leave me alone, Mikuo.'' She stomped up the stairs to her room, ignoring her brother's howls of laughter.

She locked her room door, flopping down on her bed, then whipped her phone out of her pocket. Calling Teto, she studied her fingernails as she waited for her to pick up. Teto picked up on the third ring.

''Hello, Miku?'' Teto sounded excited. ''I've just heard something seriously unexpected. Something I bet you'd totally love.''

''What did you hear about, Teto?'' Miku asked, half-sighing. Teto was her friend, but Miku didn't feel like dealing with anything now.

''Gakupo told Kaito, who told Rin, who told me, that he has a crush on you!''

Miku's eyes flew open. ''Gakupo has a crush on me?'' she croaked out, disbelief in her voice.

''Yep. Isn't that just awesome? He's so cool,'' Teto commented, obvious envy in her voice. ''Well, see you tomorrow, Miku, I need to do my homework.'' The line went dead.

Miku just stared at her phone. Gakupo Kamui, one of the coolest guys in their school, had a crush on her? Miku Hatsune? The naive girl everyone dismissed as too innocent to involve in anything?

The universe had to be playing some massive joke on her. That was the only explanation she could think of.

''Is Gakupo just bored or something?'' Miku wondered aloud. Holding out her phone, she scrolled down her contact list. Gakupo Kamui.

When had she gotten his number? A year ago, she thought. Shortly before he had tried to kiss her. Her lips tilted up, into a half-hearted smile.

She hadn't known what was kissing then. Len had been the one to first show her what kissing was like, how pleasurable it could be.

What would Gakupo teach her, then?

Somehow, she felt guilty. Like she was betraying Len, somehow, thinking of someone other than him. But why should she feel guilty? She wasn't anything to him.

I want someone who'll treat me as a priority, not as a second option.

Decisively, she pressed the call button, and he picked up straightaway. ''Hello?''

''Gakupo,'' Miku started hesitantly. ''I've heard a rumour recently. Can about that?''


''I'm not in the mood, Meiko,'' Len snapped. Meiko sounded like she was in a terrible mood.

''You're always in the mood! What happened to you, Len?'' she asked, no, demanded.

''Nothing,'' he sighed. ''I'm just tired. It's been a long day at school, really, and I just want to sleep now. Next time, Meiko.'' He hung up.

Len was feeling frustrated beyond belief. Second option? Second option? So Miku didn't want to be a second option?

There wasn't even any other option besides her in the first place. No one else interested him, and Rin was forever out of his grasp.

He realised that it did make Miku a second option, and instantly he felt guilty. Wait. Guilty? What for? He was Len Kagamine - he didn't feel guilty. Especially not because of a girl.

He stared at his phone screen. Miku Hatsune, her name stared right back at him. His fingers itched to press the call button, to call her, to demand an answer - was she interested in him or not?

And if she was, then why was she so...distant? She confused him. Sometimes, it seemed as though she couldn't get enough of him, then at other times it seemed as though she couldn't wait to get away from him.

His head jerked up as he heard the front door creak open. Rin was back. He rose from the couch to greet her. ''Rin.''

''Len,'' she responded absently. He frowned. Strange. He didn't seem to want her as much as he usually did.

I'm probably just tired.

''So how did your studying session go?'' she asked him cheerfully. He jerked out of his reverie.

''It went fine, I guess,'' he shrugged. ''Miku's not that hard to teach. I've seen worse.''

Rin turned to face him, her blue eyes becoming sly. ''Do you like her, Len?''

''What makes you think that?'' he replied coolly, eyebrow arching. Though he wondered whether his sister could tell he was interested in her.

He doubted it though, since she couldn't even sense that he, her very own brother, wanted her as more than just a sibling.

''You don't usually agree to teach people. And even when you have no choice but to agree, you complain bitterly about what terrible students they are.''

''There are always exceptions, and first-times,'' Len shrugged casually. ''I'm tired. Good night, Rin.''

''Good night, Len,'' she called back as he climbed up the stairs, to his room.

As he locked himself inside the room, he wondered what he should do next. Should he try to talk to Miku in school tomorrow? Or should he tempt and disappoint, like what she had done to him tonight?

He didn't know. And Len hated not knowing.

He sat on his bed, collapsing on his pillows, then froze. The sheets still carried a lingering hint of her sweet scent, the sweet smell of strawberry shampoo.

Len found himself inhaling deeply as the strawberry scent wafted into his nose. Damn, that smells good.

I could eat her up.

What was he thinking? Miku Hatsune didn't want to be involved with him that way. She had made that clear. There wasn't any point in wanting more - he didn't want this to become another Rin.

He sighed and rolled over, burying his face in his pillows, and unwillingly he let out a soft moan. I can still smell her strawberry shampoo on my pillows.

Skin on skin, lips against lips, fingers exploring hungrily, needily. Len's tongue flicked out against his lips, ravenous. For the first time ever, the only time he could recall, he wanted someone, lusted for someone, someone who wasn't Rin.

He wanted long, strawberry-scented green hair spilling over his bed, bare naked skin beneath his as he fully explored the owner of this scent. As he took all she had to give, and more.

I'm such a pervert, wanting things I can't have from someone as innocent and pure as she is.

He didn't care. He wanted her, even if she didn't want him, and if he had to do with her what he did with other women, if he had to give up everything for a slight taste...well, so be it.

Len Kagamine got what he wanted. Always.

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