Chapter 25

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So...this is the last chapter. It's short and sweet.


''I was never really Gakupo's girlfriend.''

Len stared at Miku, his eyes wide with disbelief. She glanced away from him, her cheeks becoming a faint shade of rose.

''You mean...the two of you were just pretending to be together?'' Len finally choked out. Miku shrugged a little and nodded, her large green eyes blinking up at him.

''Gakupo thought that if you saw me together with him, you'd lose control and do...something, anything, to separate me from him.''

''He's right,'' Len muttered under his breath. Slowly, his fingers trailed across her soft skin, his hand cupping her face. She leant her cheek into his palm, nuzzling against him. He exhaled, watching her hair flutter in the breath of air.

She was sitting in his lap, the two of them worn-out and dishevelled. She looked adorably rumpled, her green eyes heavy-lidded and sensuous. Len swallowed, his throat dry.

''It worked, didn't it? His idea?'' Miku asked, almost shyly. She evidently hadn't heard his words. Len sighed.

''It did,'' he admitted grudgingly. ''I couldn't get my mind off how you were always with him. It made me wonder in what way I was inferior to Gakupo, that you chose him over me.'' Len frowned. ''But...I thought...he really did have a crush on you, last I heard?''

''He did,'' Miku giggled, her arms looping around his neck. ''But he got over me easily. I told him that I-I liked you,'' she stuttered, her cheeks turning pink again. ''He took it well. I think I was just a momentary interest.'' She leant closer to Len, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. ''Personally, I think the girl he really likes is Luka.''

Len snorted. Gakupo liked Luka? He was going to regret ever noticing the pink-haired girl - Len should know. He wondered how he was going to tell her that he would no longer be offering his playboy services to her.

Or to anyone else, for that matter. He couldn't even think of being with anyone other than Miku. A smirk crossed his lips.

''Tell me you love me,'' he murmured into her ear. Again, her pale cheeks warmed, becoming a familiar shade of rose. It was so easy to make Miku blush.

''Why should I?'' she mumbled, her green eyes locked with his. His fingers ran through her thick locks of teal-green hair, and he let his lust for her cloud his blue eyes.

''Because I know I love you,'' he whispered, his smile widening. She froze, her eyes hesitant, filled with uncertainty, but her arms didn't unwind from around his neck. She didn't move away, and for a while they just stared at each other, neither one of them saying anything.

To Len, that short moment seemed like an eternity, as he waited with bated breath to hear what Miku would respond with.

She closed her eyes and, quickly, she reached up, her lips pressing against his. A brief kiss, short and sweet.

Then she pulled away, her mesmerising green eyes searching his. Her lush lips tilted up into a lovely smile, her features softening, looking almost dreamy.

''I love you too, Len,'' her voice a barely audible whisper. She glanced away from him, embarrassment in her gaze. ''I never thought that I would ever say those words to you,'' she admitted softly.

''Miku Hatsune.'' Len tilted her chin up so that she faced him. ''To be honest...I thought the exact same thing you did,'' he smiled faintly, his fingers tracing her jawline. ''But I love you. I think I have, for quite some time. Though I was confused about my feelings for you, in the past. You frustrated me, and I just liked you all the more for that,'' he cocked his head.

''I've never been confused about my feelings for you. I knew, from the start, that I liked you. Even though you never did notice me.'' Miku breathed, her fingers threading through his hair. He laughed softly.

''I noticed you since middle school. I had always thought you were pretty...that you had the loveliest eyes I had ever seen,'' he admitted. ''But I thought I liked someone else, so I didn't focus on you - but I kept wondering why I always thought about how pretty you were. How you were innocent and kind, even then.''

Miku wondered whether or not she should ask Len who was the girl he had thought he liked, but she decided not to - there was no point in raking up the past, after all.

''I's a happy ending,isn't it? Clichéd, but at least it's still a happy ending,'' she wrinkled her nose at him. Len kissed her forehead, a lazy grin on his face.

''How happy do you think we'll be? How long do you think it'll last?'' his question was light-hearted, but his cerulean blue eyes were filled with seriousness. Miku blinked.

''Why, forever, of course,'' she stuck her tongue out at him. ''That's the best answer, for a clichéd ending such as this, isn't it?''

Len hugged her close, his arms wrapping around her waist. ''You're so smart, aren't you?'' he teased. ''Forever, if that's what you want.''

''That's the only thing I've ever wanted.'' Miku averted her gaze from Len's blue eyes, and he chuckled, his laugh turning from rich and vibrant to husky and seductive.

''I want more, though,'' he murmured. ''If you want it, too?'' Miku smiled too - she couldn't help it. ''I'm wanted for my spice, after all.''

Before she could reply, his lips covered hers as he pressed her body beneath his, losing themselves in each other's touch.

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