Chapter 4

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Miku Hatsune found Teto Kasane shortly after she left the library. Her red-headed friend blushed upon seeing her and tried to scurry away.

''No, Teto, wait!'' Miku rushed over to her. Teto swallowed, turning slowly to face her.

''Yes, Miku?'' Teto asked innocently. Miku bit nervously on her lip.

''What were you and...Len Kagamine...doing in the library? Are you okay? He looked like he was trying to eat you, but he said otherwise.''

Teto blinked, then for some unknown reason she began to laugh. Miku blinked, unsure of what she had said wrong. ''Teto?''

''Oh, dear, sweet Miku,'' Teto gasped out amidst peals of laughter. ''Len wasn't trying to eat me, not in the literal sense of the word. Do you know what's kissing?''

Miku shook her head, eyes wide. Teto explained, and a minute later Miku was looking faintly nauseous. ''You're telling me that kissing is when two their lips together and stuff. Ugh. Why would anyone want to do that? It sounds disgusting. And unhygienic.''

''You haven't tried it before, Miku,'' Teto sighed. ''Why don't you ask Len to show you how? He wouldn't mind. And he's really good at it,'' Teto sighed dreamily.

Miku frowned. Teto didn't sound like...herself. ''Is there anything else I should know about acts of physical intimacy?''

Teto thought. ''I don't know, Miku...if you didn't know what's kissing, I don't think you'd know...'' her eyes lifted to meet hers. ''Do you know about sex?''

''Yes,'' she mumbled. ''It's an act that animals and human beings carry out in order to continue the species.''

Teto sighed. ''I didn't ask for the textbook definition, Miku. I meant, do you know what it is?'' To her surprise, Miku nodded.

''It's worse than kissing,'' she pronounced. ''I mean, at least kissing only involves the exchange of saliva. Sex involves the exchanging of other bodily fluids, such as -''

''Okay, Miku, I think that's quite enough,'' Teto interrupted. ''Yes, I can see that you know what's sex. I think you can hold your own now. See you later, I have work to do.'' Waving, Teto hurried off, leaving Miku behind, still confused.

''So Teto taught you everything?'' a familiar, velvet croon caressed her ear, and she whipped around, eyes widening. Len Kagamine.

Miku had watched him from afar ever since middle school. He had never noticed her. And now, all of a sudden, he was talking to her. She wondered what had changed.

Len Kagamine was one of the most popular boys in their school. Wherever he went, girls followed in their droves.

He was handsome in a way which should be illegal, with his lean, toned body, his silky blonde hair, tied up into a small ponytail, and those heart-melting cerulean blue eyes, framed with long, thick eyelashes.

Those kind of eyelashes were truly wasted on a boy. She blinked and shook her head. ''Len,'' she greeted him, feeling painfully shy.

He smiled, a gorgeous smile which made her knees feel weak. ''So you know I wasn't trying to eat Teto now, don't you?'' he teased.

She swallowed, unsure of how to react. ''I-I supposed so,'' she stammered, heart thudding in her chest. ''You were...kissing her, right?''

His eyes softened. ''I was,'' he admitted casually. ''Not that there's anything between Teto and I. She knows that, too.''

He approached her, and Miku instinctively backed away. He smirked faintly and followed, until he had her trapped against the wall.

Bracing his arms on either side of her head, he leant down, his breath smelling of cinnamon. She inhaled, getting dizzy from his spicy scent, and his eyelids lowered sensuously, eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. ''Len,'' she whispered. In protest? In encouragement?

His lips covered hers, and they both moaned. Len moaned at the taste of her, like sweet honey and warm caramel, addictive and delicious like nothing he had ever tasted.

Their kiss was cautious and gentle, but it gradually became more and more insistent. Hard and demanding. He took all she had to give and yet he still demanded more, yearned for more, wanted more of her and her sweet taste.

Miku wrenched her head away from him, gasping, and he watched her through heavy-lidded eyes. Did she enjoy that as much as he did?

''Was that...a kiss?'' she asked innocently, her soft, vivid green eyes dreamy-looking. He ran his fingers through her hair. It felt like a silk waterfall.

''Yes,'' he licked his lips. ''Did you like it?''

''Am I...not supposed to?'' she asked, breaths still coming out in short little gasps. He smirked.

''I'd be extremely disappointed if you liked it, Miku. When I kiss you, you're supposed to love it, nothing less.'' Her eyes widened as he ran his tongue against her lips, tasting more of that sweet caramel.

Miku pushed him away, her heart still beating rapidly. Len flicked his blonde hair away from his blue eyes. She had always been entranced by those eyes - they seemed so sad. ''I-I need to go. Bye, Len,'' she gulped, then ran off as fast as her legs could carry her.

So Len has just kissed her. She had lost her first kiss to him. Did she regret it? No, not at all. It had felt good, she had enjoyed it, and secretly she hoped that he might kiss her again. He tasted like his scent, like spicy, heady cinnamon. It made her want more of that taste.

Slowly, Miku raised one hand to her lips. She smiled. Her lips were still tingling from Len's kiss. But she dared not hope for more - after all, why would the perfect Len Kagamine be interested in someone as naive as her?

Len remained standing outside the library, wondering what had just happened.

Girls didn't push him away. He was the one who left afterwards while they lingered, not the other way round. He felt strangely insulted - was he not good enough for Miku?

No, that's not possible. He was good, and anyway he knew Miku didn't have anyone else to compare his kissing ability with.

Gakupo didn't count. She didn't know what was a kiss then.

Miku's innocence was...refreshing. Usually the girls he kissed, the girls he bedded, they all were experienced. Some, like Meiko, had even more experience than he did; nor was he ashamed to admit that fact.

Meiko was older than him, after all.

Miku, though, she didn't know anything about physical intimacy. He wondered how she had managed to remain so sheltered throughout the eighteen years of her life.

Len wanted to be the one to introduce her to the world of lust and sex. It would be fun, he knew. To teach her like that.

And kissing her was enjoyable. The taste of warm honey and caramel still lingered in his mouth. Selfishly, he wanted to keep all that to himself. It wasn't that he liked her, not that way. He couldn't - he loved Rin.

But her taste was unique, nothing he had ever tasted before. He wanted to try again, see whether that taste was really hers or if the caramel sweetness was maybe due to some candy she had been eating earlier.

Unbidden, a selfish desire came to mind - a desire he had no right to feel.

Miku Hatsune is mine.

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