Chapter 19

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''Gakupo!'' Gakupo turned around, startled, to see who had called him, and caught sight of Rin Kagamine making her way over to him.

Strange. Whatever could she want from him?

''Yes, Rin?'' he asked when she finally reached him. She looked up at him, and he was reminded of Len - they looked that similar, the two twins.

''I heard that you and Miku are together...?'' she asked curiously. Laughing a little, Gakupo shook his head, and her blue eyes widened. ''But I heard from Len...''

''Len thinks that because I was helping Miku make him jealous, so that he would make a move.'' He frowned. ''And I decided to continue putting on this show because they're being total idiots and denying their attraction to each other.''

''Oh,'' Rin blinked. ''I see. I was wondering why Len looked so unhappy in class,'' she mumbled. ''They're perfect for each other, why can't they see that?''

''Because Miku is sweet, but too naive, and Len is a PMS-ing bastard,'' Gakupo glanced at Rin. ''No offence, Rin.''

''None taken,'' she laughed. ''But how would making Len jealous bring them together?''

Gakupo shrugged, hoisting his bag further up his shoulder. ''You're his sister, know what Len can be like when he sets his sights on something he wants. Especially if he's pushed beyond his tolerance limits.''

She nodded. ''I know, but...'' she frowned. ''If you're hoping for Len to lose control and do something desperate, I worry for Miku.''

Gakupo frowned too. He didn't think of that. ''Ah, well, Miku will be fine,'' he said nonchalantly. ''After all, what's the worst thing Len can possibly do to her?''


Once again, Miku felt his eyes staring at her back. She whirled around, trying to catch him staring at her, but he was already looking elsewhere. She sighed, strangely disappointed.

Why are you so eager anyway? You're supposed to be getting over Len Kagamine, not hoping that he's sneaking glances at you.

She had been unconsciously staring at Len the whole day, only looking away when he caught her looking. He had been surrounded by girls, as usual, and it made Miku feel...envious. And a little sad.

It seemed as though Len never had any real feelings for her. That was why he could move on so fast, wasn't it?

But she could swear that she felt eyes boring into her back whenever she talked to Gakupo. Again, she glanced at the blonde, who was talking to Teto and Neru.

Neru had even set aside her beloved phone so she could talk to Len, which just showed exactly how much he was welcomed by girls. He could haveany girl he wanted, so why would he want someone like Miku?

Gakupo laughed, dragging her back into the discussion they were having with Rin, Kaito and Piko about their favourite foods. Miku forced a smile and joined in, saying that leeks were the best food on Earth, while Kaito pointed out the merits of ice-cream.

Again, she felt eyes on her back. This time, she didn't bother turning around to look - she'd never catch him staring at her, anyway.

How could she even be sure that the eyes she could feel on her back belonged to Len Kagamine? He had better things to look at.

''Hello? Earth to Miku Hatsune,'' Rin snapped her fingers in front of Miku's face, and she blinked, startled. ''I've been trying to get your attention for five whole minutes!''

''Sorry, Rin,'' Miku mumbled. ''You were talking about oranges?''

Rin sighed. ''It's about something else.'' She regarded Miku with her blue eyes, those blue eyes which looked exactly like Len's. She looked so much like her twin brother it made Miku's heart ache.

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