Chapter 9

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''I give up,'' Miku groaned, throwing her pen down on the notebook. Len suppressed a smile. A smile would've been sadistic, under such circumstances.

''It's not that hard,'' he said encouragingly. ''See, you managed to find what's x, right? Now you just have to substitute that value into the equation, and then you can solve it.''

She stared at the question. ''You're right,'' she said slowly. She bent her head over the piece of paper, her tongue sticking out as she scribbled over the worksheet. He took the chance to stare at her.

She was really so pretty. He must've been blind, to never have noticed it before.

Or maybe you did notice it before, you just never admitted it because your mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Rin.

He cut off that line of thought.

''Done!'' Miku announced. She held the worksheet up so he could see it. ''Am I correct, Len?'' she smiled triumphantly.

''I'm surprised. You actually managed to solve the question,'' Len said teasingly. ''Now, you have nine more left to do.''

Miku groaned. ''Oh, please no. I can't stand it. I've been doing this worksheet for hours -''

''Actually, only half an hour,'' Len interjected, but Miku ignored him, barrelling on.

''- and I can't take any more of this, I swear my brain's about to explode. It's torture. Algebra is mental torture. How do you do it?''

Len shrugged. ''It just comes naturally to me, I guess.'' He glanced at the clock. Six-fifty. Miku had been in his room for two hours already.

How much longer would she be allowed to stay, before her brother would want her to go home? ''If you're really so tired, take a break,'' he suggested.

''Yes, yes, yes!'' she exclaimed, sitting up. ''Thank you so much, Len. I know it's tough, trying to teach me algebra.'' She smiled a sweet smile at him, and Len felt...

Strange. He felt like he might actually like this girl. Which is impossible. I barely know her.

He had never noticed her before, not before that fateful day in school. Before that, she had been nothing but another schoolmate, cute, but not his type. She was too innocent, too child-like.

Now, that innocence reeled him in, like bait on a fishing hook. Unlike the fish, he knew that bait was a trap, and if he bit it he would be doomed.

Just like the fish, he went ahead and bit the bait anyway. I'm a moron. A total, complete, utter moron.

Len tilted her chin up and kissed her.

She was still, frozen as though in shock, but as his lips moved against hers she slowly opened up, wrapping her arms around his neck. Their tongues danced together as he leant into her, wanting more of that caramel taste.

It really was her. Her taste. Not some artificial sweet, but her, her caramel. And it tastes so damn good.

Miku couldn't think. Len Kagamine is kissing me. Again. He is kissing me. Me.

Cinnamon. Spicy, heady cinnamon filled her senses as his lips moved against hers. She never wanted this kiss to end, and she tightened her grip around his neck. He moaned a little as he felt her hold him tight, and with added ferocity he continued his assault on her mouth.

Len pried her arms free from around his neck, then his fingers wrapped around her wrists, trapping her as he pushed her down onto his bed, his weight settling comfortably on her.

She was crushing her maths worksheets, and she didn't care. The paper made crinkly sounds as he crushed her. In a good way.

Finally, Miku felt like she was going to suffocate, and gasping she pulled away from Len. His blue eyes were heavy-lidded, and they were just so sensual. They tempted her, to do what she didn't know - she just wanted to get closer to him. To Len.

He nuzzled her neck, his tongue running out slowly over her sensitive skin, and Miku shivered. It felt so good. His tongue went up from her collarbone to her jawline, tickling her, and she wanted him to continue.

He didn't. Instead, he trailed butterfly kisses over her jawline, over her cheeks. Miku felt her eyes close in pleasure, and she heard a velvet chuckle. Len's laugh.

''This is bad for you,'' he said softly, his fingers still gripping her wrists. ''Very bad. You know what I'm like, Miku.''

''I know,'' she whispered. ''But I can't do anything to stop it, Len. You're stronger than I am. If you want to trap me here, under you, then I'm your slave.''

''Do you want me to trap you here?'' he asked softly. Miku hesitated.

I'm not ready for this kind of thing. ''No.''

Len's blue eyes turned frosty, then he was off the bed, even faster than she could blink. ''Let's continue where we stopped then,'' he said coolly. ''You have nine more questions to do.''

Miku sat up, her mouth still slightly swollen from his fierce kiss, and stared. Was he going to act like nothing had happened?

''Well? The worksheets are a little crumpled, but they're still readable.''

Apparently so. Miku sighed, wondering whether this was worth the trouble of getting angry over. She decided not to waste her energy.

Instead, she just grabbed the worksheet and continued with her work.

Len was confused. What had just happened?

So he had kissed Miku Hatsune again. He had liked it, and for once it hadn't felt like an obligation. He had wanted to, had yearned for more than just a simple kiss.

But she had denied that more to him.

What was he lacking? What did he lack such that she wasn't willing to go further with him? Was she interested in another boy?

At that thought, Len went cold. No. She can't. She's mine.

Where had that thought come from? He didn't have any claim over her, Miku Hatsune was free to go and kiss anyone she fancied...

Fine. Len was jealous. And he didn't like it.

Why was he feeling jealous about Miku Hatsune? She was nothing but a pretty classmate to him. Pretty, but not Rin. His own confused emotions were infuriating him.

He didn't like Miku Hatsune, but the thought of her kissing another guy (like Gakupo) just pissed the hell out of him.

Maybe it's because I was the one who took her first kiss. That's why I feel so possessive. There's no way I'm interested in her, otherwise.


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