Chapter 18

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Len's thoughts swirled around his head as he trudged, confused, to school. He still didn't know what to think about Miku - did he like her? Or did he not?

And even if he did, what could he do? Nothing. He sighed. It appeared that he would forever be fated to desire what did not belong to him. What was supposed to be forbidden to him. And that was starting to get irritating.

He didn't see Miku on the way to school, though he had hoped they might run into each other. After all, they were neighbours. However, the only person he saw on the way was Miku's brother, Mikuo Hatsune.

''Kagamine,'' Mikuo called out to him as Len walked past his house. Reluctantly, Len stopped in his tracks and swivelled around to face the green-haired nineteen-year-old.

He reminded Len of Miku. He could see the family resemblance, especially in the unique teal colouring of their hair. ''Yes?''

''What did you do to my sister?'' Mikuo's tone wasn't accusatory, simply curious, but Len still flinched. ''When she came back home she looked like she was about to cry.''

''I...I didn't do anything,'' Len muttered, sounding guilty to his own ears. ''She left my house without saying goodbye. I didn't know she was upset.''

''Strange,'' Mikuo frowned. ''Miku's usually upbeat and all, I can't imagine what must have happened for her to become upset like that.'' Green eyes met his blue ones, green eyes just like Miku's. ''You really didn't do anything?'' There was suspicion is his voice.

''I didn't,'' Len protested somewhat feebly. Was Miku upset that she had slept with him? He bit his lower lip, a habit he had evidently picked up from her. No.

''Fine. I believe you,'' Mikuo exhaled. ''It's just...she's my baby sister, you know? I don't want her to get hurt by anyone or anything.''

Len nodded. He understood how that would feel. ''By the way, she around?'' he asked hesitantly. Mikuo shook his head.

''She left with Gakupo,'' a ghost of a smile crossed Mikuo's face. ''It's weird, going to school without her. She usually waits for me.''

But Len had stopped listening past the first sentence. She left with Gakupo? So she still liked Gakupo, then. His heart fell.

''Why are you looking for her anyway?'' Mikuo asked curiously. ''Did she forget her phone or something? If she did, you can pass it to me.''

The way Mikuo said it made Len think that Miku forgot her phone a lot. ''No...'' Len muttered. ''I was just wondering if she made it home safely.'' It sounded stupid to him - Miku lived practically right next door.

Apparently, Mikuo thought so too. He shot Len a odd look and nodded slowly. ''Yeah, she did...'' He hoisted his bag further over his shoulder. ''See you, Len. You're going to be late for school if we continue chatting.'' With that, Mikuo locked the gates and set off in the opposite direction.

Len looked down at his shoes, feeling miserable. Why did he get the feeling that somehow, everything was going wrong?


Miku was trying hard to forget Len. Of course, she was thankful that she wasn't supposed to go to his house today for his tutoring. It would be rather...awkward.

It was better to be safe than sorry, she thought. She had done things with Len that she never had done with another person, and she couldn't deny that she had enjoyed it. But it was time to let go of what was impossible.

Len couldn't like her that way, he had admitted. So she wouldn't force him anymore. It's nothing more than a silly crush, she tried to convince herself. You'll forget him eventually.

''A penny for your thoughts?'' Gakupo asked, sitting beside her. She sighed.

''I'm going to get over Len Kagamine,'' she declared unenthusiastically. His eyebrows arched, a surprised look on his face.

''Why? I thought you liked him.''

''I did, but...''she hesitated. ''I just don't want to risk everything with him. I gave him everything else, you know. But he told me before he doesn't like me that way. There isn't any point in liking someone who won't feel the same way back. hurts.''

Gakupo's eyes widened as he caught the meaning of her words. ''Oh,'' was all he managed. Miku looked glumly back down at her lap.

''He didn't do anything I didn't ask him to,'' she said softly. ''And I can't deny I But maybe it would be healthier for me to stop having this impossible crush.''

Gakupo nodded in understanding. ''If you think so, Miku, then do so. I mean, what matters is that you don't regret anything, right?''

''No regrets,'' she echoed. ''Right.''


The first thing Len did when he entered the classroom was look for Miku. When he found her, he blinked, not sure whether he ought to be happy or sad.

She and Gakupo were sitting together, sharing a chair. They smiled and laughed, clearly happy together, and Len...he didn't know what he was supposed to feel.

Glad for them, perhaps? But he didn't. The only thing he could feel was jealousy. And a tiny bit of hurt. Didn't last night mean anything to Miku? At all?

Maybe it was what he deserved. He did the same thing, and worse, to many other women before. Slept with them, then walked away without a backwards glance.

Still, it didn't mean he had to like it. Scowling, Len looked away, trying hard to ignore Miku's peals of laughter as they floated across the classroom.


Later, after school, Len was making his way to the library. He didn't have to teach Miku today, and he was thankful for that...though a part of him was sadly disappointed. Usually, Len stayed in the library after school to study, if he happened to be free, and he was free today.

As he passed by the lockers, next to the water coolers, he froze at the sight of familiar teal hair. She had her back towards him as she hugged Gakupo, holding him tight. They clung to each other like drowning people lost out at sea, and scowling, Len cleared his throat.

They sprang apart, a light blush on Miku's cheeks. Gakupo seemed unaffected. He smiled. ''Len,'' he said cheerfully. ''Studying again?''

''Yes,'' he answered, voice clipped. He tried to lessen the hostility in his tone. ''How's life?''

''Good,'' Gakupo said, casually draping an arm around Miku's shoulders. She stiffened, but continued smiling sheepishly, avoiding his gaze. ''Yours, Len?''

''Okay, I guess.'' Irritated, Len turned and walked away, trying to forget the image he had just seen. He had to get used to that - they were a couple, after all. He couldn't do anything to change that.

Miku watched Len's back as he stalked away, his back rigid. ''What was that for?'' she asked Gakupo, confused. There wasn't any point in acting like they were together in front of Len anymore.

Gakupo's eyes glinted as he smiled. ''You might be trying to forget him. You don't want to risk getting hurt by the resident playboy. Now, we can't say the same for him.''

''What are you talking about?'' Miku just became even more confused. Gakupo shrugged, seemingly nonchalant.

''Trust me. Let's continue this little play.'' His eyes turned pensive. ''I wonder how Len is going to react?''

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