Chara- two souled

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The room was plain. White walls and cream carpet. One of the two beds was yellow and the other was green. He walked over to the wooden closet, dresser combination. He opens the closet part it was all green shirts with four yellow stripes. He changed into one. He also changed into a pair of black sweats since his pants were also covered in blood. He smelt chicken cooking. He walked into the kitchen. Frisk heard him enter and turned her head as put a potato on the cutting board.
"Oh, you changed your pants too. I think those clothes suit you much better." She said then turned her head and chopped up the potato. "Can you go water the garden?" She asked.
"Yeah, sure." He knew the garden she was talking about. It was right out side the house. He walked outside and realized he didn't have a watering can. He saw one sitting a few yards from the garden. It was next to a water pump.
"Wow, this looks great!" Asriel had walked in while Frisk was setting the table.
"Thanks sit down." She said as she did so. He also ate seconds and thirds and fifths.
"Don't get me wrong that was great but did you kill a chicken for it?" He asked.
"Yes but it lived for five long years before hand." Frisk said honestly. She went on to explain how she places a tag around a chickens ankle with the date it hatched. She also explained that she used magic so it wasn't painful.
"You're so cute worrying about chickens." Frisk smiled sweetly at Asriel.
"Me, cute? Don't be ridiculous I'm normal." He flushed. "I'm going to get some fresh air." He said then ran outside. He went for a little walk. He was careful not to get lost.
"Why are you so nice to her?" He suddenly heard Chara's voice behind him. He spun around.
"What do you mean?" He asked genuinely confused.
"I always thought monsters were evil. They suddenly declared war on us. It wasn't even a war it was a massacre. And here you are the king's son being all nice to that human girl." Chara explained.
"Well I can see why you're confused. You raise a valid question why would I be nice to humans when the first one I met tried to kill me!?" Asriel yelled.
"That wasn't me. That was the demon inside me. Their was one thing she was honest about. I have two personalities. I'm sorry I wasn't able to warn you or stop her. Are you okay?" Chara said. He thought it was one of her tricks but then he saw her eyes. They looked undeniably concerned and guilty.
"Yeah Frisk treated my wound. I forgive you, I don't forgive her but I forgive you." He decided to trust her.
"Thank you!" She hugged him in gratitude while smiling.
"How can I tell the difference between you two?" He asked. She pulled away.
"My eyes are a pink while hers are a blood red." She responded.
     "Ok when ever I see you I'll look at your eyes." Asriel responded.
"Well you better go before Frisk starts worrying." Chara said.
"You're probably right. Bye." Asriel said.
"Bye, have a good night." Chara waved.
Asriel started heading home. When he got back he smelt cookies. Frisk was marking off a day on a calendar next to the door.
"Hey Asriel, welcome back. The cookies are cooling right now. If you eat them now you'll burn your mouth." Frisk said as she looked up. Asriel looked at the calendar and the next day had writing on it. It read "my b-day".
"Your birthdays tomorrow?" Asriel asked.
"Yeah I'm turning 16. Oh yeah, how old are you?" Frisk asked curious.
"The same age you'll be tomorrow." He said.
"Cool. Did you enjoy your walk?" She asked running out of conversation topics.
"I ran into Chara did you know she has split personality disorder?" Asriel asked.
"No, she doesn't she has two souls she told me." Frisk said, "when I asked her how that was possible she burst into tears. So I changed the subject."
"Wow. I wonder what happened to her." He asked.
"Well I can tell by her shirt she was a member of the science clan." Frisk said.
"What do you mean?" Asriel asked.
"Every clan has two colors that everyone wears. For science it's yellow and green. For physic it's purple and red. For war it's blue and orange. The royal family wears white. No one but the royal family is allowed to wear white." Frisk explained.
     "Oh" Asriel said looking at his and Frisks shirts."Are there any other clans?"
     "Well there is always the capital. Humans from any clan are welcome there. And of course there's the shadow clan. They wear all black and they believe in staying underground. The shadow clan is the one clan you can join without marrying in. They are the largest clan." Frisk explained.
     "It sound like they have given up hope." Asriel said sadly.
     "They have. The cookies should be done cooling." Frisk said and walked over to the kitchen. Asriel followed after.
     "These look and smell great!" Asriel exclaimed.
     "Well then, less talking and more stuffing your face." Frisk said as she began to eat some of them. Asriel listened to her and did the same.
     "Wow! These are the best cookies I've ever had! Thanks Frisk!" Asriel said then continued eating. When they got done they headed to their rooms and went to bed.

A/N sorry this one's a little short but I think that's a good place to end it.

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