Rell and memories

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*Frisk's POV*
I woke up before Chara and Azzy. I carefully left them as to not to wake them.
I left a note and ran to a nearby stream. I got out my fishing rod and began to fish.
I had so many memories of fishing with dad. One time I fell in the river because the fish was too strong. Dad dived into the river and stabbed the fish with his sword. The fish was bigger than he was.
     Enough reminiscing, focus on fishing. I ended up with only one fish. It was 8ft long. I used a lighter to make a fire. After a while Azzy crawled out of the tent.
     "What smells so good?" He asked rubbing his eyes.
     "Morning sleepyhead." I said in a singsong voice.
     "Morning Frisky." He said after a yawn.
     "Sleep well?" I asked.
     "Yeah." He was squinting his eyes.
     "Chara still asleep?" I pulled the fish out of the fire.
     "Yeah. How do you move that thing around it's bigger than you are?" His face was as confused as his voice.
     "My dad is captain of the royal guard. I'm stronger than most of the members of the royal guard. This doesn't weight that much when you have lifted up boulders." I explained.
     "You can lift up boulders!?!" Asriel screamed.
     "Quiet, Chara is asleep. Do you want to wake her up?" I said looking at the tent. Asriel opened his mouth but before he could reply.
     "Too late." Chara sounded grumpy as she said it.
     "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Asriel sounded sincere.
     "Whatever." Chara said as she crawled out of the tent.
     I had finished cut of pieces of mean for us all.
     "Who's hungry?" I asked as I held two plates out.
     "Me!" Asriel said as he took his. Chara groaned and took hers. I giggled at Chara's reaction.

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     When we were almost done eating Chara suddenly started choking. I ran over behind her and squeezed her diaphragm like mom taught me. She coughed up the bite of fish.
     "Are you ok?" I asked.
     "Yeah, I just remembered something important." Chara said.
     "What?" Azzy asked.
     "Last night when you two were asleep I had a conversation with Darkness. Apparently Darkness is actually a boy and he doesn't seem to be 100% evil. He told me to call him Rell." Chara said.
     I knew it! Darkness didn't seem like a girl or completely evil when I entered Chara's mind.
     "What!" Azzy screamed.
     "Azzy stop screaming. Do you want the guards to hear you?" I asked.
     "No." Azzy whispered meekly.
     "Chara?" I asked.
     "Hmm?" She inquired.
     "Why don't you let Rell 'drive'?" I suggested.
     "Kay." She said. Her eyes turned red.
     "I hope you don't mind me asking but, what exactly are you Rell?" Azzy asked. It was a good question.
     "I was the first monster that fell down. The science clan got a hold of my ashes and injected them into Chara." Rell said.
     "You must have been terrified finding yourself in a different body. A body that was restrained to a table no less." I thought aloud.
     "Yeah, the reason I told Chara to attack them was because of what they did. I could see Chara's memories. I was able to quickly discover that they had experimented on a one year old. I was mad at them." Rell explained. He wasn't lying but I could tell there was more to the story. I didn't want to push him though, so I let it go.
     "Well Rell, ready for sword training I challenged as I fished around my backpack.
     A confident grin spread on his face, "I was born ready!" He said.

~this time skip is brought to you by OneRavenFeather~
                              ~Rell's POV~
     "We're getting close to the end of waterfall. At the end is the town where war clan lives. So, we'll probably have to face my dad." Frisk said.
"Oh..." I didn't really know what to say.
"I'm sorry about changing the subject but, I just realized something. My brother apparently jumped down Mt. Ebott in an attempted at suicide. But he wouldn't have died. He might still be alive!" Asriel sounded excited.
"Azzy, I'm sorry but all the monsters who have fallen down have been killed." Frisk hung her head.
"Oh." Asriel seemed so sad.
"Hey guys, I'm going to give Chara control now, kay?" I asked. I pulled away from Chara's body and I felt her take control.
"Kay." Frisk said.
We walked past some echo flowers but the conversation was one I was actually interested in.
"Hey daddy?" A little girl
"What?" A grown man.
"Why did monsters attack us? Did humans do something wrong?" She sounded sad
"No, the monsters attacked us because they're cruel." He sounded disgusted.
"But grandma said that monster were nice." She was confused.
"She's old and senile, her memory is bad." He sounded annoyed.
"But grandma showed me memories of them. They were nice, and memories can't be altered, they can grow fuzzy but that's all." The girl insisted.
"Well, maybe they were nice. Maybe they just had a terrible king." He sounded annoyed. It's strange how he guessed correct.
The king and queen drove their own son to suicide. He failed at it but that's besides the point.
"Daddy, didn't you kill a monster?" The girl didn't sound happy any more.
"Who told you that!?" He demanded.
"Is it true?" She insisted.
"Who to-" he began.
"IS IT TRUE!?" She demanded.
The next three flowers were silent.
"Yes." The man whispered.
"I heard it was a kid." The girl was on the verge of tears.
"It was. But they're scum who only think of themselves." He tried to comfort her.
"It doesn't matter they're still people!" After that there were footsteps.
"I remember that don't you Frisk? I should have guessed you were the one causing my men trouble, no one else is skilled enough. But, I didn't want to believe my own daughter would protect a monster." Chara spun around, and behind us was the head of the royal guard, Frisk's dad.
A/n: sorry I didn't update last week also I can't keep up with two chapters a week so starting now it's only going to be one. Also comment what you think is going to happen next. If you guess right you'll get a shout out

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