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     After Chara teleported away from Asriel she appeared in front of the flower garden in front of the stream. She was freaking out and the beautiful flowers always calmed her down.
     "OMG Chara what is wrong with you!? You met him two days ago! TWO DAYS!" Chara screamed to herself, "But, he didn't shove me away or anything. Maybe he likes me?"
     Chara turned so her left side was facing the stream. She pulled up her left pant leg some, revealing two names. Her soulmates were Frisk and Asriel.
"Maybe I should ask Frisk since Asriel's not around. I really want to know what Frisk's mark says." Chara thought aloud then dropped her pant leg. She decided to go to Frisk's.
When she got there she didn't see Frisk. She looked out the window. She felt a hand brush against the back of her right knee. She realized what Frisk was doing and smiled.
"Other leg. I was adopted into the science clan." Chara explained.
Side note: the science clan always had their mark right above the back of the right knee. Psychic it was on the left eyelid and war was on the inside of the right eyelid.
     "So you also have two." Frisk said. She was glad that she wasn't some freak.
     "For all you know I could've been 15." Chara said.
     "How old are you?" Frisk asked.
     "17" Chara responded.
     Suddenly Chara turned around and grabbed Frisk's shoulders. Before Frisk had time to react Chara pushed her against the wall. Frisk saw her eyes. They were red. Before Frisk had a chance to use her magic she felt something soft on her lips.
     Chara was kissing her. She looked at her eyes again, they were still red. After a few seconds Frisk gave up trying to understand and focused on the kiss.
     Chara started licking her lips signaling she wanted Frisk to open them. Frisk opened them and felt Chara's tongue enter her mouth. Frisk started licking Chara's tongue. Chara moaned after a bit. Frisk checked her eye color again, still red. Frisk pulled away and started kissing Chara's neck.
"Frisk, Char what the hell are you two doing?!" Asriel screamed. Chara immediately pulled away from Frisk. Chara's eyes were now pink. Both Chara and Frisk had very red faces. Chara turned away from Asriel and pulled up her left pant leg. Asriel saw the two names and understood why he couldn't choose between the two.
"Oh..." he said awkwardly.
"Yeah." Chara also felt awkward.
"Do you two just wanna change the subject?" Frisk asked after a period of unbearable silence.
"Yeah." Chara said.
"Isn't there a way to break the barrier?" Asriel wanted to help human kind.
"Yeah, but I'm not telling you how." Chara said, she didn't want Asriel to get hurt.
"I can already tell you're going to go reading all the books in the other houses if I don't tell you." Frisk said.
"Yeah." Asriel said.
"Monster souls are made up of magic among other things. Human souls are not made of magic. Seven magic souls can break the barrier. My father the leader of the war clan has killed six monsters. All of them were boss monsters. The main reason I left was so my parents wouldn't fight but one of the smaller reasons was because I hated how my father could take someone else's life." Frisk said slowly.
"I won't let you give up your soul so humanity can return to the surface." Chara said firmly.
     "Don't worry I'm not suicidal. I'll find a different way." Asriel said. "Please at least let me try to find a different way." He pleaded.
     "Fine, going to the royal psychic would probably be a good idea." Frisk said after a while of science.
     "No way am I letting you two die. So I'm coming." Chara said.
     "Why are you so convinced we're going to die?" Asriel asked slightly offended.
     "Asriel you really shouldn't be offended." Frisk read hi emotions perfectly, "after all the entire war clan will be after you."
     "How many people are in the war clan?" Asriel asked.
     "About three hundred." Frisk said calmly.
     "Oh." Asriel said.
     "Don't worry about it we won't run into them for a while." Frisk said.
"Let's leave tomorrow." Chara said.
"Ok. Well I'm going to go make some spaghetti." Frisk headed towards the kitchen. Chara disappeared and Asriel took a nap.
"Asriel...Asriel...ASRIEL!" Frisk's voice went from a normal volume to screaming as she tried to shake him awake.
"Five more minutes." He said drowsily.
"No." Frisk then used her magic to levitate him off the ground. She carried him over to the table and sat him down.
"Never do that to me again. My head a killing me." Asriel wined.
"You should have woken up then." Frisk said as she began to eat their lunch.
"You can be very stubborn." Asriel complained and began to eat.
"Yep!" She said through a mouthful of noodles. Asriel rolled his eyes.
After lunch Asriel watered the garden. Frisk sad down and meditated. She seemed really focused. Asriel decided to read the books on the shelf.
     They told him about human history. About the war, the first fallen monster, and disappearance of the science clan. The ones that discussed the science clan disappearing looked newer he assumed Frisk brought them.
     A few other subjects the books mentioned was the science clans history and traditions.
     "Here." Asriel jumped. He turned around to see Frisk holding a few books. He took them from her.
     "Thanks." Asriel put them next to him.
     "Those talk about the traditions of my clans." Frisk explained then skipped to the kitchen.
     Right after Asriel finished the last book Frisk gave him he heard her say dinner was ready. He ate Frisk's delicious dinner and desert.
      "Before you go to bed you should pack any thing you want to take." Frisk handed him a back pack.
     Asriel packed some of the shirts and pants from his room. He also packed some of the books he read. He then crawled into bed and went to sleep.

Welp you were warned it was pretty awkward. But as my friend would say
"Violets are blue
Roses are prickly
I have to say
That escalated quickly"
I mean it did

A human, demon, and monster (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now