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     When I got up both Chara and Asriel were still asleep. I slowly removed Chara's arms from me. I managed to do so with out waking her up. I slowly crawled down toward the bottom of the bed and got off. I walked down stairs. Mom wasn't up yet. Good.
     I walked over to her work shop. I started making a piece of clothing. I worked quietly and quickly. I finished before anyone got up. I put the box in the storage room with a note taped on.
I went back to the kitchen and began making bacon and toast. I have had way too many sweets lat- Ok, who am I kidding there is no such thing as too many sweets. But, I thought I'd cook something that isn't sweet today because I felt like it, no other reason.
     When I finished I set the table.
     "Smells delicious." Mom was climbing down the stairs. She was still wearing her nightgown. It went down to her ankles and was pure white.
     "I did learn from the best. Well, better go wake the sleepy heads." I said walking towards the stairs. When I got in to my room Azzy was pulling on his shirt.
     I got a good look at the wound, it had reopened.
     "Azzy, you should have told me it reopened!" I scolded, walking towards him.
     "It's no big deal." He said.
     I had gotten close enough to try to grab him. I tried to grab him he jumped to the side. I ran chased him around the room until he was in a corner. I ran forward and he dived beneath me.
"I'm fine!" He exclaimed.
"No, your not." I argued. I decided I wasn't going to get anywhere this way. I used my physic abilities to prevent him from moving.
"Let me go!" He couldn't struggle as I treated his wound.
"I'm almost done." I replied calmly. When I finished I released him. He started grumbling.
I giggled at his grumbling. "Was that so hard?" I teased.
"Yes." He was very grumpy.
"OMG! I'm sorry for treating your wound. Happy?" I said exasperated.
"No." He turned away.
Oh. My. God.
I hugged him, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize it would upset you so much."
He didn't say anything but stoped grumbling. I kissed his cheek. He turned around and faced me.
      His lips pressed against mine. I opened my mouth, in response he did the same. Our tongues intermingled.
He turned so his body faced me as our tongues played. I felt his arms wrap around me. I gently bit his tongue a few times. His hand slid down from my back to my but. My body froze. He took advantage of the moment. Using his tongue he pulled my tongue into his mouth. He once again started playing with my tongue using his.
I remembered why I came up here and pulled away.
"Breakfast is ready." I said to him.
"Right." He said blushing. I turned to Chara and started shaking her. She made a whining sound. I shook her harder.
"Five more minutes." She mumbled.
"No. Get up now." I said firmly. I heard Azzy go down stairs.
"Don't wanna." She was still mumbling.
I had an idea.
"Well then," I blew in her ear and her body flinched, " I guess I'll have to stay in bed too." I said in a low flirtatious tone.
"I'm up." She sat up as quickly as she said it.
I burst out laughing she was as red as a tomato and adorable. "Chara you're adorable!"
"No, I'm not." She crossed her arms and looked away.
"I made breakfast come down when you're dressed." I said as I walked down stairs.
Azzy and mom were looking at an album and talking. Oh my god, please tell me that isn't my baby album.
I ran over and saw the pictures. It was my baby album. I took it from them and hissed.
Mom and Azzy laughed at my reaction.
"You were adorable!" Azzy exclaimed.
"Azzy, forget what you just saw. Mom, I'm going to go burn this." I said as I walked towards the fireplace.
"Not so fast." Mom used her magic to prevent me from moving.
"Mom let me go!" I struggled in vain to break mom's magic but, she was much more powerful than me.
"No." She walked over and took the album from me. She put on the top shelf. I can't reach the top shelf. She released me.
"We can continue going through that later Asriel." She said.
"Yeah." Azzy smiled evilly. They walked over and sat at the kitchen table.
"Im starving." Chara said as she climbed down the stairs.
I sighed and put breakfast on the table. Everyone started eating.
I finished first. I went into storage and found three backpacks. I enchanted them so they could each hold an infinite amount of items.
                          *Chara's POV*
     After Frisk finished she left. When me and Azzy finished we sat on the couch and I told him a bit more about the underground. Twila came over and told us she had to go to work.
     "Kay. It was nice meeting you." I was pretty sure it would be the last time I saw her.
      "Have a good day at work." I don't think Azzy realized it.
     "It was great meeting you. Take care of my little Frisk." She said as she walked out the door.
     Azzy hugged me for no reason.
     "What's up?" I asked. He didn't answer instead he kissed me.
     He opened his mouth forcing mine open. His tongue intermingled with mine. I pulled my tongue back into my mouth so I could suck on his. His body stiffened. I stoped and my tongue re-entered his mouth.
     After a while we stopped.
     "I love you Chara." I was shocked.
     "I love you too Azzy." I responded.
     Darkness seemed upset that I kissed him.
What's your problem?
I can tell you're lying.
I'm not going to tell you!
     She exploded. I'd never, I mean never seen her that mad. There was also another, more hidden emotion: sadness. She'd nev-
Why do you assume I'm a girl!? I'm a guy!
Sorry, I didn't know.
     He'd never been sad before. Also he'd never told me he was a guy before. I wonder why he put up with it so long.

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