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Frisk had just finished eating her salad. She washed her plate and put it away. She smelt something burning and ran to the oven.
"Look at him. What a cry baby."
"I know and a wimp. He ran over here because he thought Mt. Ebbot would scare us away." The two boys started laughing. Cowering in front of them Asriel, prince of the monsters, was crying.
"Let's have some fun." Said the taller of the two boys as he summoned a knife.
"Good idea" said the other and restrained Asriel.
"No. Please, don't." Asriel begged as even more tears drenched his fur.
"Nah I'm having to much fun." Said the taller one with an evil smile as he approach Asriel. Asriel started struggling. These two always teased him and hurt him but the had never used magic before. The boy was a yard away. Asriel bit the boy restraining him. Asriel turned and ran ... right into the hole.
He used his fire magic to slow his descent. He walked into the next room. He saw a girl standing there. She was wearing a green sweater with one yellow stripe in the middle. She was also wearing brown shorts and black boots with a small heel.
"How'd you get here there haven't been monsters down here in ages. Run! I'm sorry I have two personalities the other is always saying random things." She explained smiling "My name is Chara. It's nice to meet you."
"My name is Asriel and I fell down." Asriel smiled at the kind girl.
"Do you want to hear a secret?" Chara asked.
"Sure." Asriel replied. Chara motioned for him to come closer. Chara leaned forward to whisper in his ear before saying
"You dumbass." She stabbed him in the stomach. "In this world it's kill or be killed. But you really should have listened to my other self telling you to run." Her eyes gleamed evilly. She put her knife to his neck. Suddenly a girl jumped from the side and tackled Chara who immediately vanished.
"Sorry I didn't get here sooner. My name's Frisk." The girl was wearing a blue sweater with two purple stripes. She was wearing a pair of brown shorts. She walked over to Asriel.
"My name's Ariel and thank you for saving me." He smiled.
"Well, Asriel I'm going to need you to take your shirt off." Frisk was searching through her bag.
"Wait, what?! Why!?" Asriel screamed.
"So I can treat your injury before you bleed out." Frisk said as she pulled out her first aid kit.
"Oh." Asriel said obviously relieved.
"Why'd you think I asked?" Frisk asked as she opened the first aid kit and put it on the ground.
"Oh, nothing." He said nervously.
"Come on. Take it off." Frisk commanded. He complied with his face turning tomato red.
Frisk cleaned, applied a healing mixture, and bandaged his wound. "You're done. Was that so bad?" She asked
"No. How do you know how to treat a wound anyway?" He asked while putting his shirt back on.
"It's not that hard. My mom taught me." She looked down at her watch, "No wonder, I'm so hungry it's a quarter after seven."
"What do you eat down here anyway." Asriel asked.
"Come on, I'll show you." Frisk said and walked off. Asriel followed her.
"Wow it's so empty." Asriel commented.
"Yeah the science clan used to live here but one day they all disappeared. Well, except for one little boy but he still won't talk about it." Frisk explained.
"Frisk, what clan are you a part of?" Asriel asked.
"I'm actually a double clan member. The first on actually." Frisk admitted
"Uh, what does that mean?" Asriel asked.
"Sorry, I'm being confusing. My mom is from the mystic clan and my dad is from the war clan." Frisk explained.
"That sounds cool. I mean you get power and your a good fighter." Asriel commented.
"Well, yeah. It would be but my two clans are always fighting over me. It was getting really bad when the subject turned to my future. They were on the verge of war so I had to run away. I do miss them but if I go back it'll just happen all over again." Frisk started tearing up.
"Are you ok?I didn't mean to pry I'm sorry. If you want I'll tell you about my family." Asriel rambled trying to make up for causing frisk to cry.
"I'd like that." Frisk said slipping her hand into his. He started blushing ever so slightly but didn't do anything else.
"Well my dad is always abusive towards me and mom. I know the only reason mom married him was for his money and title of queen-" Asriel was cut off by a surprised Frisk.
"Wait you're the prince of monsters!?" She asked very loudly.
"Yeah. So to continue from where I was before I was interrupted."Frisk grins sheepishly"My parents were terrible. The only time they paid me any attention was when they were either abusing me or yelling at me." Asriel started to cry.
"Ariel you don't need to-" Frisk began.
"No it feels good to tell someone. Anyway, often I would run away from home. When ever I did these two older boys would always bother me. Today it was bad. I ran up Mt. Ebbot thinking it would scare them away. It didn't. They came up and started verbally abusing me again. After a while one of them summoned a knife. The other restrained me. I bit the kid holding me when the other got really close. I turned and ran. Right into the hole." He stoped crying, "Thanks for listening it really helped me get it out of my system. I feel better now." He squeezed Frisk's hand and smiled at her.
"No problem thanks for telling me." She said as she squeezed his hand back. "We're here!" She said when she looked away from Asriel.
"It's a cute little house." He commented.
"I would thank you but it's not really mine, I just started living in it one day." Frisk laughed. Asriel almost gasped her laugh was adorable. "This will be your room." She said as she led him to the guest bedroom. "You should probably change out of that blood covered shirt. I'll go make dinner." She said as she walked away.

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