Frisk's mom

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The land scape that lay out before us was blanketed by white snow.
"Welcome to Snowdin!" Frisk exclaimed.
"How does it snow underground?" Azzy asked.
"I don't know. C'mon guys let's go!" Frisk said before running off. Me and Azzy ran to keep up with her.
"Slow down Frisk!" I yelled after her. She immediately stoped and waited for us to catch up.
"Don't run off without us we might get separated." Azzy complained.
"You're right I won't do it again." Frisk looked sad.
"C'mon let's go!" I said trying to brighten the mood. It worked, Frisk smiled and started walking. We eventually saw a town. The path way to it was surrounded by forest. There was a group of men standing in front of the town.
The tallest had dark brown hair. He looked very muscular and had two sword sheaths on with swords in them.
     When Frisk saw them she tackled me and Asriel. We ended up in the woods. I opened my mouth to complain but Frisk pressed her finger to her mouth telling me to be quiet. She got off us and looked through a gab in the trees. She was looking right at the men.
Looking at them side by side they had the same hair color. His sheaths were orange and there was a blue emblem of some kind on his armor. I looked over at Frisk her shirt was rose red and she wore an orange vest. That must be her dad.
Someone in armor ran up to the group of men. He said something but I was too far away to hear what. Then they all rushed off in the other direction.
"Okay he's gone we can get up." Frisk said standing up.
"Who was that?" Azzy asked.
"He's the captain of the royal guard if possible I would prefer not to face him in a battle." Frisk said.
"Was he your father?" I asked.
"Yes. He is." Frisk said. She started walking towards the town.
It was an adorable little town. You could here children giggling as they played, and you could here a beautiful singing voice drifting through the air. As we walked I was able to pinpoint the source of the singing.
She was gorgeous. She had long pure white hair but, you could tell she was very young, she looked to be in her twenties. She had violent, violet eyes, just like Frisk's.
I looked over at Frisk who was tearing up. She ran to the woman. The woman stoped singing when she saw Frisk. She smiled and held her arms wide. Frisk ran into her mother's arms and they hugged.
I was happy for Frisk but...
You're jealous aren't you? You've never had a loving mother. They only time you were ever accepted that completely was by your twin and you can't even remember his name.
You're wrong. Goriel- (stop talking about him)(I ignored her and talked through her) accepted me. And now Frisk and Asriel accept me.
Oh but if they knew what you have done-
Hahahaha! You don't remember?! Frisk already know what I did. I told her last year.
Oh yeah but Asriel won't-
Trust me he will. I can already tell he's a kind and forgiving person. Besides, don't you remember how he reacted when I told him about you. He forgave me immediately.
I ignored Darkness after that and focused on the real world.
     "Mom, I'm sorry I left-" Frisk began.
     "It's all right. I know why you did it. And don't worry I won't tell your father about your friend. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Frisk's mom asked.
"Oh, yeah! Mom this is Chara and Asriel. Azzy, Chara this is my mom." Frisk gestured to each of us in turn.
"It's nice to meet you." She shook each of our hands, "You can call me Twila."
"It's nice to meet you. My name is Asriel. I fell down the hole in the ruins. Your daughter as been very kind to me." Azzy said.
"I'm Chara. Do you have any embarrassing stories about Frisk." I had to know.
"Yes I do. Do you wanna hear?" Twila smiled evilly.
"No, mom don't! Please don't." Fisk begged.
She told us a story about when Frisk was 7. She had walked into the room while Twila was mediating. Frisk had tried to get her attention and when Twila didn't respond she started crying. She ran all the way over to her father house and told him she was dead. He ran over upon seeing she was mediating he got mad. He explained the difference to Frisk and then she had to sit in time out.
"Frisk you didn't know the difference when you were seven." I said while laughing.
"Shut up." Frisk was blushing.
After we all stoped laughing someone walked over.
"Frisk?" She looked around our age. She had shoulder length blond hair. Her eyes were green and when ever she blinked you could see "Evan" written on her left eyelid.
     "Jewel!" Frisk hugged her, "Chara, Azzy, this is Jewel. Jewel the one with pink eyes is Chara, and the one with blue eyes is Asriel."
Jewel pulled away from Frisk's hug and offered me her hand. After I shook it she shook Azzy's hand.
     "It's nice to meet you two." She smiled.
     "How did you meet Frisk?" I asked.
     "She saved me from a bully." Jewel explained, "Who's your soulmate, Frisk?"
     "I actually have two." Frisk looked at the ground. It looked like she thought she'd be rejected.
     "I wonder how that'd work? But it sounds cool!" Jewel commented, "But, you didn't tell me. Who?"
     "Chara and Azzy." Frisk was smiling again. Her mom had the same smile. They both had the ability to light up a room.
     "If Vex hears your soulmate is a monster I don't know what he'll do." Twila said. The name Vex was written on Twila's left eyelid.
     "You can't tell him!" Frisk exclaimed.
     "I won't. I won't even tell him you left the ruins." Twila said.

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