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     "Anyway, are you staying?" Twila asked.
     "No, if we do they'll come after Azzy." Chara said.
     "At least stay for the night. I'll cook your favorite Frisk." Twila said.
     "Lasagna?" Frisk asked.
     "Yep!" Twila said.
     I wish my parents were like that with me. But instead it was always "you're not good enough". I'm happy Frisk's parents aren't trash.
     "Asriel, Chara?" Twila asked.
     "Yes?" I responded at the same time Chara did.
     "Yeah?" Chara asked.
     "I don't really have an extra room. Do you mind sharing with Frisk?" Twila asked.
     "N-no." I was blushing. Chara's face went pure red.
     "I guess?" Chara was adorable while blushing.
     "C'mon guys I'll show you my room!" Frisk grabbed my and Chara's hands and ran towards one of the houses. Frisk's room was cute it was purple with splashes of red.
The wall paper was purple and so was the carpet. Her bed was a queen with a red bed sheet, it had purple pillows. Her dresser was red. Her desk was made of wood. Her bookshelf was mostly empty. She had a red love seat.
"Do you like my room?" Frisk asked.
"Yes!" Chara exclaimed.
"I like it. It's cute." I said.
     "So, what do you do for fun around here?" Chara asked.
     "Let's go to the hangout." Frisk said.
     "The what?" I asked.
"It's an abandoned house that all the kids hang out in." Frisk explained as we walked onto the street. The hangout had a broken window and peeling paint.
"What's the password?" A boy that looked about 7 demanded.
"Snowflakes shine." Frisk whispered.
     "You may enter." He said and stepped to the side. There was a pool table, TV, and a ping pong table. There were a several couches scattered throughout the huge room.
"Wow. It's really cool in here." I said shocked.
"This is where all the kids go to hang out. Apparently my mom used to go here too." Frisk said.
There were several groups of kids. Frisk walked over and sat on a vacant couch.
"If you said all the kids hangout here how come we're allowed to?" Chara said. What does she mean? We're kids too, older kids but still kids.
"What do you mean, we're kids too?" I voiced my curiosity.
"What do you mean? When you turn 16 you're officially an adult." Frisk and Chara looked confused.
"Monsters become adults when we turn 18." I explain, realizing it's a culture difference.
"Oh, well I guess that's why you were confused." Chara said.
"To answer your earlier question Chara, once you become 17 you're banned." Frisk explained.
"Oh." Chara said, "C'mon let's play some ping pong!" She ran to the ping pong table.
Frisk and Chara played round after round. It's not that they wouldn't let me it's that I didn't want to. I simply watched them. I sat on a chair that was next to Frisk's side of the table.
After a while I noticed a guy was staring at Frisk. He looked about our age.
"Hey Frisk, who's he?" I asked pointing at him. They had just finished a round. When, I pointed at him he started to walk towards us. Frisk looked over at him and groaned.
"What is it?" I stood up and walked over towards Frisk some.
He had dirty blond hair, it was a mess. His clothes were patched in several places and his eyes were a dull, muddy brown.
"Hey Frisk, I missed you. Did you miss me?" He asked. Is he flirting with her?! If he is he'll be sorry.
"No. Jake leave me alone. Just because you don't know who you're soulmate is doesn't mean you just guess who it is." Frisk was very annoyed. So he must be younger than us.
"Let me guess who your soulmate is.(Frisk sighed) Does his name start with a J and end with a E?" I already hated Jake.
I looked over at Chara who was being unusually quiet. Her eyes were changed back and forth between pink and red. She must be having a hard time keeping her other soul under control.
"Look Jake, I've told you several times I'm not interested." Frisk crossed her arms annoyed.
"You don't choose your soulmate, it's destiny." I wanted to hurt Jake.
"Leave her alone." I commanded through gritted teeth.
"What are you? Her pet?" Jake looked at me, disgusted.
"No he's not. He's my soulmate." Frisk was furious.
"You're just saying that to deny the truth." He was still flirting. Frisk grabbed the collar of my shirt and kissed me. It didn't last long, it was just to prove a point.
"You'll pay!" He jabbed his finger at me and walked off.
"Hey Chara, you ok? I'm worried about you too, Frisk." I needed to make sure.
"Yeah, I got her under control." Chara said, her eyes were pink.
"I'm just annoyed." Frisk said. I sighed a sigh of relief. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me from behind.
"My turn." Chara said. I spun around. I was about to ask what she meant when she kissed me. It was like Frisk's, short.
"You too Frisk." She ran over and kissed her.
"What?" I asked I was very confused.
"It's only fair. If you two get to kiss each other, I should get to kiss the two of you." Chara said like it was the most normal thing in the world. While it did make sense it was far from normal.
"Who was that guy?" Chara asked.
"That was Jake. He's had a crush on me for as long as I can remember. He's a year younger than us." Frisk said.
"I hope he's a no mark." Chara said.
"No mark?" I frowned at the new term.
"Someone without a soulmate." Frisk explained.
"Oh." I said.
     "Let's continue!" I could tell Frisk was trying to brighten the mood. And, with her award winning smile she succeeded greatly.

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