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A/N: sorry for the late update
*Asriel's POV*
Frisk walked down holding three backpacks. One was purple, the same purple as Twila and Frisk's eyes. One was sunflower yellow. The last was emerald green- my favorite color!
     Frisk was wearing the purple one. She tossed me the green one, and Chara the yellow one.
     "Put all the clothes mom made you in it. Don't worry about there not being enough space, I enchanted them." Frisk said as she sat on the couch.
     I ran over to the pile of clothes and stuffed them all in. I then took the stuff I put in my first backpack into my new one.
"Thanks Frisk!" I said and ran up to hug her.
"So are we leaving?" Chara asked.
"No, I'm going to stop by mom's shop and say goodbye first. I also have to say goodbye to Jewel." Frisk said as she pulled her backpack on. She threw a black jacket with fur lining the inside at Chara.
     "Here. That should help with the cold." Frisk said.
"Thanks Frisk!" Chara then hugged Frisk.
Frisk giggled "I keep getting hugs. Really guys it's nothing." She said while smiling.
"It may seam like nothing but it's the little things that mean the most." I said.
"Yeah, when you don't grow up in a loving environment these things make all the difference." Chara said.
"Chara...Azzy" Frisk sounded very sad when she said it.
"C'mon let's go say bye to your friend!" I tried to brighten the mood.
"Yeah, OK." Frisk still sounded sad.
                            *Chara's POV*
     Jewel seemed sad to say goodbye to Frisk so soon, but didn't object.
     Twila's store was a simple shop. The walls were lined with shelfs filled with fabric.
     "Mom I love you but... you understand right?" Frisk was on the verge of tears and was biting her lip.
     "Yes. I love you, take care of yourself." Twila wasn't holding back tears. She was letting them fall.
     "Bye." Frisk ran into her mother's arms and let them fall.
     "Goodbye, my little cinnamon roll." Twila said as she stroked Frisk's back.
     Frisk pulled away and walked out the door. Me and Azzy followed after.
     "C'mon, let's go." Frisk said after she wiped her tears away.
     After a while we came to an area called water fall. It was pretty humid so I took my jacket off. I put my jacket in my backpack.
     It was very beautiful, and tranquil. I heard footsteps echoing down the cavern disrupting the quiet.
     "Over here!" Frisk whispered urgently and grabbed mine and Azzy's hand. She ran and me and Azzy could barley keep up. She stopped after running through several corridors.
     "What was that about?" I demanded once I regained my breath.
     "Shhhh!" She whisper shouted and covered my mouth.
"Hey, what was that."
"It came from over here." Too late, they heard me. Who "they" might be I have no idea.
Frisk took her hand off my mouth and threw her backpack off. She reached in and pulled out two swords in sheaths. She took the sheaths off and crouched down holding the swords in front of her, ready for a fight.
As soon as she was in position two people ran up to us.
"She thinks she stands a chance against us. That's cute." The taller one said.
"I feel like I've seen her before." He looked confused.
"Look there's a monster!" Said the tall one.
He tried to swipe at Frisk. She easily deflected it.
"At least try to give me a challenge." Frisk smiled smugly.
"Do you know who we are brat?" The short one demanded.
"Two idiots who were given swords. Then someone tried and failed to teach you how to use them." Frisk said. Her tone was plain and she said it with a strait face. It took all my will power to hold back my laughter.
"What did you say!?" The tall one spit when he spoke.
"That you're over sized baboons who can't use a sword to save your lives." Frisk said. I couldn't hold my laughter back any longer. I started to crack up. Azzy had started laughing at Frisk's first comment, now he was on the floor.
"You're going to pay for that you little brat!" The short one said.
They both charged at Frisk. One swung from above, the other swung from the left. Frisk rolled to the side and struck the short one in the chest with her foot. He recoiled back, clutching his stomach coughing.
The tall started swinging his sword in a blind rage. Above, right, below, jab towards her stomach. He was aiming to kill, but he couldn't land a single blow on Frisk.
Frisk suddenly ran forward and using the but of her sword (I don't know it's actual name) she hit his forehead. He fell over unconscious.
"Take him and leave." Frisk demanded of the short one. The short one hooked his arms below the tall one armpits and dragged him away.
"Oh my gosh. Frisk that was amazing!" I screamed.
"Yeah it really was!" Azzy was also screaming.
"It's nothing. f you want I could teach you the basics of fighting." Frisk offered.
"YES!" Me and Azzy screamed in harmony.
"Alright then, let's begin. Take off your backpacks." Frisk said.
~time skip~
At night me Azzy and frisk were all cuddling. I could hear Azzy's faint snoring and Frisk would mutter something every now and then.
Why are they nice to you? You tried to kill both of them. But they don't seem to care.
Actually that was you who tried to kill them.
But still, they don't seem to hate me. Last night when Frisk knew I was in control she was nice to me. I don't get it.
It's something called kindness. Hasn't any one ever been kind to you?
That was a long time ago. And because of me they suffered. I don't like thinking about it.
Maybe thinking about it will help.
No you wouldn't understand. Imagine everyone you've ever met hates you. Then suddenly you meet two beautiful angels. And because of you they end up suffering.
Did you love them?
Yes, but not in the way you're thinking. They were much younger than me. They were like younger siblings to me.
I'm sorry you've been through so much thanks for telling me.
No I'm sorry for yelling at you when ever you think of Goriel. It's just your relationship is a lot like the one I used to have.
It's fine I didn't realize it caused you so much pain. I'm also sorry for misgendering you.
It's fine.
Well, I know that I call you Darkness but what's your real name.
My real name brings back bad memories. So just call me Rell.

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