Frisk's birthday

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A/N merry Christmas here my present to you
When Asriel woke up he got dressed and left his room. He quietly walked over to Frisk's room. He opened the door a crack Frisk was still asleep. He went outside. He walked a few corridors away. Then he called out Chara's name.
     "Yeah, did you need something?" She was behind him. He spun around. Pink eyes, good.
     "I'm going to throw a birthday party for Frisk can you come?" He asked.
     "OMG! It's her birthday? I'd love to come. I'm going to go get a present. I'll go to your house in half an hour." Chara said and disappeared.
     He went over to the clearing where he fell down. There where a bunch of flowers. He made a flower crown and went back to the house. He wrapped his present. He went over to the kitchen. He saw a recipe book on the counter. It was hand written Frisk must have made it. He made cinnamon rolls based of the recipe in the book. After he was done he made a super rich chocolate cake.
     Frisk could smell something good cooking when she got up. Asriel must have made something. She went over to her closet and pulled out her favorite dress. It was light blue with red hearts on it.
     "Hey Asriel, what are you cooking?" She asked. He turned around and his mouth dropped. "Like what you see?" Frisk flirted.
     "No!" Asriel was blushing even more now.
     "Did you make these?" Frisk said as she took a bite of a cinnamon roll.
     "Yeah, do you like them." Asriel had stopped blushing.
     "Yes their good. What are you making now?" Frisk said as she ate her breakfast.
     "Cake. You do like chocolate, right?" He asked worried.
     "Who doesn't? Thank you!" She hugged him from behind. She had flirted with him a little yesterday. But today she was a lot more bold it confused Asriel.
     "So how old are you turning?" Chara asked as she walked through the door.
     "Chara what are you doing here? And I'm turning 16." Frisk asked.
     "This one invited me." Chara said while pointing to Asriel. "Anyway, who's your soulmate?"
     "How would she know that?" Asriel asked. He turned to look at Frisk who was bushing.
     "Not telling." Frisk looked away.
     "Wait how do you know?" Asriel asked confused.
     "A couple centuries ago the science clan created a serum that revealed your soulmate. It only works once you turn 16." Chara explained.
     "That's so cool." Asriel said in awe as he pulled the cake out of the oven.
     "OMG you made chocolate cake! Awesome! Well Frisk why won't you tell us? Hmm? Maybe it's Asriel or is it me?" Chara teased. Frisk snatched Chara's present for her out of her hand.
     "Asriel where's yours?" She asked.
     "On the table." He responded. She sat down at the table. Asriel and Chara followed suit.
     "Open mine first." Chara squealed. Frisk did open Chara's. it was a box of chocolates.
     "Thank you Chara." Frisk thanked and hugged the girl. She then opened Asriel's. "Its so cute. Thank you Asriel." She put it on then hugged the goat.
     "Chocolate cake!" Chara ran over and stared at the cake. Asriel rolled his eyes then cut it.
     "Chara can you get the ice cream out of the freezer?" Frisk asked Chara. Frisk then went to go get plates. They all ate Frisks home made ice cream and Asriel's home made cake. Chara stayed to talk for a while then left. It was three in the afternoon.
     "Chara wasn't wrong." Frisk said.
     "About what?" Asriel was confused.
     "Who my soulmate was." Frisk was blushing. They were both sitting on the couch. She scouted closer to him. She looked over and their eyes locked. They both started leaning in towards each other. There faces a inch apart. Then their lips met. They pulled apart after about five seconds. But to them it felt like forever. Both of them were majorly blushing. They sat in awkward silence for a while. Then Frisk turned on the TV. Asriel leaned over and kissed Frisk again. After a while Frisk pulled away.
"I need to go make dinner. Can you go feed the chickens and water the garden." She asked.
"Sure." He got up and went out side. She started dinner which was spaghetti tonight. While he was gone she had her panic attack she had wanted to have since she got up.
"OMG I can't believe my soulmates names written on the inside of my left eyelid! And how can you even have two soul mates! I'll have to ask Chara about what her mark says next time I'm alone with her. Just breath. Shit!" She had cut herself with the knife.
"Frisk are you alright I heard you scream." Asriel ran into the room the watering can was still in his hand.
"I just accidentally cut myself with the knife." Frisk held up her finger. It was a shallow cut, it just needed some time to heal.
"Ok I'll go back outside." Asriel turned and left. She wrapped her finger in a bandage. She continued cooking like everything was fine. Even though it wasn't she had to soulmates. What did this mean?
"Wow it looks great!" Asriel said as he sat down.
"Thanks." Frisk had calmed herself down.
"Did you treat your finger?" He asked concerned.
"Yes, I did." Frisk held up her finger.
"Good try not to be careless ok?" Asriel asked.
"Try not to baby me ok?" I asked him.
"I'm serious!" He was getting upset.
"Okay I won't be careless. But I'm 16 I'm old enough to take care of my self so don't baby me." Frisk said.
"I'll try not to but no promises." Asriel said. "What is it you need to break the barrier again?"
"No, Asriel the other humans will try to kill you." Frisk said firmly.
"But-" Asriel began.
"No buts! I really don't want to argue with you right now so can we discuss this later!?" Frisk snapped.
"Okay." Asriel said very sadly.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell. It's just lately I've felt really home sick. Also, I've been really lonely so I've been under a lot of stress. I'm really sorry. But can we not discuss this right now?" Frisk apologized.
"It's fine. Let's just drop it." Asriel said in his usual voice.
     After dinner they went to bed.

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