Rell unmasked

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Asriel's POV
Chara has been acting weird since we left the lab. She won't look me or Frisk in the eyes. She keeps mumbling under her breath. We also have to call her name several times. As if all that isn't weird enough, one of her eyes is pink and the other is red.
Yeah sorry about invading your mind.
It's fine. What's going on?
I'm worried about Chara and Rell.
I know I am too.
I'm going to talk to them mentally. I'm not sure what'll happen so be ready for anything.
She left my head after that.
I saw Chara's red eye start crying. Her pink eye looked worried.
Suddenly both eyes were red. "Just leave it Frisk, you can't fix this! Nobody can!" Chara screamed and ran off.
Me and Frisk ran after her.
"What happened?" I said in between gasps for air.
"Rell started talking about what happened with the science clan and how it was his fault. He then talked about the Prince and lost princess saying how all he brought them was pain. Finally, he said he should have never been born.
"Chara and I tried to get these ridiculous ideas out of his mind but he snapped." Frisk said not even breathing hard.
"Well we got to find him." I said.
"Yeah." She agreed.
We continued running. We ran through this weird village where everyone was wearing black. Frisk said it was the black clan.
Eventually I started hearing memories loop through my mind.
"Your brother jumped off Mt Ebott." Dad "He cried a lot easier than you do." Mom "Finally, he said he shouldn't have been born." Frisk "You shouldn't have been born. But we need a successor so you'll have to do." Mom. Mom had blue eyes like me and dad has red eyes.
It all made since. If my brother jumped off Mt Ebott he must have had a reason. If that reason was because he thought he shouldn't have been born..........
If he then befriended the prince and princess. Then he died and caused them grief..........
If he was then placed in a body that was foreign and his survival instincts took over.........
Goriel. Riel. Rell.

What if Rell was Goriel, my brother?
That would change everything. He might have attacked me cause I look like his abusive parents. He might have attacked Frisk because nobody was ever kind to him so he expected the worst.
I felt his soul. It felt like mom and dad's souls. I turned right towards it.
"Asriel where are you going?" Frisk asked.
"I know where they are." I said.
Rell's POV
Rell it's not your fault
You don't remember do you?
I remember when the science clan went mis-
No I meant you don't remember your parents or brothers, do you.
I vaguely recall my twin.
What's his name?
I don't remember.
Chara and Chester.
How do you know his name?
And their adopted brother Goriel, these three were hope of humanity.
Rell what are you talking about?
Then Goriel was positioned by human food. After that Chara took the ashes and vanished.
Chara of the royal family grew up with the science clan for a few months before they needed a lab rat. The science clan chose her.
Rell you're scaring me.
Goriel's ashes were used in the same experiment. Chara and Goriel have shared a body since.
Rell what are you saying?
You're the lost princess. I'm your older adopted brother.
Why didn't you say anything?
Looking back at who I was and who I am now makes me realize I'll never be good for anything. I just didn't want to stir up bad memories.
Goriel... I-
Now I'll tell you the story about before I fell. I was the Prince of monsters but my parents were terrible. They were abusive cruel and unforgiving.
One day I decided I'd had enough of this pointless painful life. I jumped.
But I didn't die. Instead I was found by you. You quickly got your brother to come over and you two led me to your house.
After that we lived peacefully for a few months but, all good things must come to an end.
It was the parsley. Your mom put parsley in one of the dishes. I ate it. I got sick.
Parsley is poisonous to monsters. Your mom didn't know. Eventually I died. And I woke up in your body.
Goriel you deserve a second chance. You need a fresh start a new life.
Don't you get it Chara? Why do you think I'm telling you this?
The guilt is crushing me my soul is becoming unstable soon I'll die.
No! You can't die not after I just found you again!
Chara I'm sorry for destroying your life. And I'm sorry I'm about to destroy it again.
Chara let it go. Let me go.
"NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOT NOW!!!" She screamed out loud.
"Chara I'm sorry but there isn't anyth-" she cut me off by screaming.
     "NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!"
"There's always a way you just have to find it." Our body spun around and there was Frisk and Azzy.
"Yeah that's right." Azzy panted agreement.
"No guys there is no way you don't understand. I-" I got cut off.
"We heard every word of what's going on. I linked our minds. Azzy and I just stayed quiet." Frisk explained.
"What's the plan?" Azzy asked.
"No time to explain we have to make it to the capital and fast." Frisk answered.

A/N: I have an editor now she'll be going through all my old chapters and fixing them first once she finishes those she'll start on my newer ones. Her user is SarahNewman8 go follow her please.
On other matters. What's Frisk's plan? Will they save Goriel? Comment what you think. If you get it right you'll get a shout out.

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